There will be a 10% Bidders commission added to the hammer price.
BIDDING INTERVALS:$1-$20 by $1, $20-$40 by $2, $40-$150 by $5, $150-$300 by $10, $300-$750 by $25, $750-$2000 by $50
Opening Bid is one increment above the second highest bid.
This List was last updated at 7:26:54 AM on 2025-02-10
Welcome to Auction #65
Sale #65 contains a wide selection of postal history and worldwide stamps. Many areas of BNA philately also are included; stampless covers, cancels, revenues, precancels. Many small worldwide lots are included in this sale. This sale at 2356 lots is being split into three sessions:
Saturday Feb 15 (Lots 1 to 800)
Sunday Feb 16 (Lots 801 to 1540)
Monday Feb 17 (Lots 1541 to 2356)
On all days the auction starting time is 2 PM Pacific time. The deadline for submission of bids is 12 noon Pacific Standard Time ( if submitted via email directly to If submitted through Stamp Auction Network the deadline is 3 PM Eastern Standard Time.
The "Live Bidder" program will be available during the sale for online use during the auction.
You may learn how to use the "Live Bidder" Program by reading our webpage at:
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Lot# 2: FIVE BC COVERS 4 are franked with Victorian issues, 1, with Edward: Grand Forks, Chilliwack, Enderby, Revelstoke, Cranbrook........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #3378
Lot# 3: SIX VANCOUVER ISLAND POSTCARDS All are unused (Circa 1910?) Three from Qualicum Beach, One Bowen Island, Sproat Lake, Victoria........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4279
Lot# 4: 13 GEORGE V STAMPS Includes 3 RF "D" BC cancels: Forestdale, Copper River, Mount Olie........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 5: TWENTY WESTERN CANADA POSTCARDS All are unused Circa 1910 (?)........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 6: TWELVE WESTERN CANADA POSTCARDS One is used 11 are unused. (Circa 1910?)........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4279
Lot# 7: ADVICE OF MONEY ORDER + LETTER BILL Both dated 1890. Van Winkle, Spence's Bridge and Ashcroft station cancels........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #5014
Lot# 8: ALEXANDRIA MINE LETTER Dated 1898. Written by James Dunsmuir........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #3209
Lot# 9: FOUR LETTER BILLS + ONE ADVICE OF MONEY ORDER SLIP All dated between 1886 and 1892. Various cancels: Ashcroft Station, 150 Mil House, Cache Creek, Quesnelle, Ashcroft. All are shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 10: CANCEL COLLECTIOIN Group of 70 different stamp/cancel examples including several obscure locations. See scan for list. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 11: AUSTRALIA - BUNDLEWARE About 16,600 stamps between #67 and #204 all in old time bundles of 50, owner says not checked for cancels. Only a few sample bundles shown in scans.........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #4369
Lot# 12: BARKERVILLE BC Advice of Money Order form dated 1888. Also Ashcroft Station cds........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #5014
Lot# 13: BEAUMONT BC + NEW BRIGHTON BC One on postcard, one on cover. Plus one cover with New Brighton receiver on back stamp missing. Plus two unused postcards: Chinatown Victoria and Barkerville........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #601
Lot# 14: BELLA COOLA BC Real photo postcard showing the Cannery at Bella Coola. Gowan Sutton Co Ltd........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 15: BIG LAKE RANCH - CARIBOO BC Order for goods from Bailey & Co at Ashcroft BC........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1397
Lot# 16: BRECKIN BC Very light and partial strike dated 1912. Only the BR....N is legible . Scarce RF "E"........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #2761
Lot# 17: REAL PHOTO - CPR WHARF, BURRARD INLET Dated 1887. J.A. Brock photo (Devine Studio). Photo affixed to cardboard backing with Major Matthews notes on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1408
Lot# 18: CAMPBELL RIVER POSTCARD Showing the hospital which was built in 1914. Postcard is not used.........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #2761
Lot# 19: BRITISH COLUMBIA CATTLE COMPANY Share certificate circa 1900, unused........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 20: CENTRAL PARK BC Partial strike on front of post card, dated 1909. RF "D"........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #945
Lot# 21: ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES - POSTCARD Mailed from Oxford to Chemainus BC and dated 1904. Receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 22: BELL & NEWLAND PROVISIONS - INVOICE Dated 1876 at Clinton BC........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #4616
Lot# 23: GEORGE MITCHELL INVOICE Dealer in Harness, saddles, whips, Robes etc. Dated 1895 at Clinton BC........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1408
Lot# 24: F. W. FOSTER - IMPORTER INVOICE Issued at Clinton BC and dated 1876. Elaborate letter head.........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #4616
Lot# 25: COGHLAN (COUGHLAN) CANCEL Post Card with an early view of Kitsilano Beach dated August 3, 1921 with a split ring Coghlan cancel. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 26: SIX COMOX BC POSTCARDS All are unused, circa 1910........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4279
Lot# 27: DOMINION HOTEL POSTCARD with Cowicham Bay BC receiver on front. Dated 1912 and franked with 1 cent Admiral........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 28: CANADIAN PACIFIC TELEGRAM Cover franked with perfinned #231 (CPR). Receiver on back: Yorkton MPO 1205 /Sask........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 29: DOMINION HOTEL COVER Nice commercial return address. 3 cent Admiral tied by Victoria cancel dated 1920. Dealer priced at $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 30: EMPRESS OF JAPAN on postcard franked with 1 cent Admiral and dated........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3900
Lot# 31: Empress of Asia - ESQUIMALT BC Real photo post card of Canadian Pacific's Empress of Asia arriving at Victoria on Jan. 24, 1919 with
troops returning to Canada following World War One........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1408
Lot# 32: ESQUIMALT & NANAIMO RAILWAY CO Two documents dated 1893........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 39: FORT STEELE BC Nice strike of split ring dated 1889 on cover to England. Pair of 3 cent small queens tied by grid.........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3209
Lot# 40: FRENCH CREEK BC on pair of 1 cent small queen, no year shown in cancel but the post office was open 1891 - 1911. RF "D"........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 41: GREENWOOD BC 23 covers to and from Greenwood BC, dated 1899 to modern, all are shown in scans. Condition varies. Several post cards with Bird's eye views of the town.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3636
Lot# 42: SIX OLD PHOTOGRAPHS Five of Greenwood and one of Phoenix, mostly town views. One is a postcard. Condition is VG........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #3636
Lot# 43: H. M. C. DOCKYARD COVER Franked with single 7 cent Admiral. Dated 1928. Mailed to England. Several crease at left side. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1397
Lot# 44: LETTER TO PETER O'REILLY From Louis Agassiz at Harrison Hot Springs. Letter head: St Alice Hotel & Bath Hotel. Dated 1897........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3000
Lot# 45: COVER ADDRESSED to Dr John HELMCKEN Early pioneer in Colonial BC history. Mailed from Germany and dated 1884........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3378
Lot# 46: HMCS NADEN BC Two nice strikes on OHMS cover. RF "D"........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 47: C.P.S.S. EMPRESS OF INDIA Hibben postcard on Wellburn page. Cancelled at Chemainus 1904 and franked with 1 cent Edward.........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 48: EMPRESS OF INDIA POSTCARD Shown at dock in Vancouver BC. Postcard written on back but never mailed. 1 cent Edward on front not cancelled.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 49: KAMLOOPS BC On cut down large envelope. Unusual use of the 10 cent Edward to pay 6 times domestic rate. Dated 1911. Est $50........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #819
Lot# 50: KEREMEOS CENTRE BC Excellent strike on front of post card dated 1909. Franked with 1 cent Edward tied by partial cds cancel. RF "E"........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2517
Lot# 51: FIVE WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION BOARD Postal stationery cards all addressed to the Kettle Valley Railway Co. All are Admiral era, two are badly damaged.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 52: BRITISH UNION PACKING CO LETTER Written at Ladner's Landing BC and dated 1882........Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #2761
Lot# 53: LANGFORD STATION BC Excellent strike of cds dated 1946. Grid ties 4 cent War issue.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 54: LETTER BILL Dated 1889. Van Winkle and Ashcroft station cancels. Bottom part of sheet is almost separated and folded under........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #5014
Lot# 55: B. REBAGLIATI INVOICE General Merchandise & Farm Produce. Written at Lytton BC and dated 1899........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #761
Lot# 56: MAPLE BAY BC Unused postcard, Real photo, circa 1920........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 57: MASSETT BC Split ring dated 1929 on metered cover. "Not called For" + "Returned to" handstamps........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 58: REAL PHOTO - NANAIMO BC Circa 1870s, showing Nanaimo Harbour, ships and HBC Bastion........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 59: LETTER TO ATTORNEY GENERAL CREASE Mailed from England from Sargent McKenney of the Royal Engineers and dated 1867. With contents of Interesting 3 page letter.........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3000
Lot# 60: REAL PHOTO - BRITISH COLUMBIA EXHIBITION at New Westminster BC. Circa 1920........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #761
Lot# 61: NEW WESTMINSTER BC cds dated 1898 ties 1 cent leaf to "New Westminster and Burrard Inlet Telephone company" commercial cover. Rough opening at left side.........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #819
Lot# 62: MINTO CUP POSTCARD Real photo postcard dated 1909, when Minto Cup was held at New Westminster........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 63: NEW WESTMINSTER BC split ring dated 1876. 3 cent small queen tied by fancy cork cancel. Mailed to Oregon.........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #819
Lot# 64: NEW WESTMINSTER BC Mourning cover. Reverse "N" ties 3 cent small queen. Dated 1881........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #761
Lot# 65: NICOLA LAKE BC Light cds cancel on postal stationery card dated 1897. RF "D". Mailed to France........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #819
Lot# 66: KEREMEOS CENTRE BC Excellent strike on front of post card which show the S.S. Okanagan Paddlewheeler. Dated 1909........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2062
Lot# 67: MORRIN, THOMPSON & CO Invoice written at Phoenix BC and dated 1915........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3636
Lot# 68: QUESNELLE FORKS BC Split ring dated 1896 ties 3 cent small queen to clean cover to Vancouver........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #5014
Lot# 69: QUESNEL BC A large cut down envelope. Registered . cds ties 1 cent and 10 cent Edwards dated 1908 paying the triple registered rate. Scarce usage. Est $50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #601
Lot# 70: ROCKY POINT BC Decent strike dated 1901 on Registered cover to New York. Franked with 2 cent + 5 cent numerals........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #761
Lot# 71: ROSSLAND ROLLER CANCEL on a 3 cent small queen. Bold roller #1.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 72: S TO Y TOWN CANCELS Collection of 98 different location and cancel types. See scan for list and examples. Ex Piercey. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4823
Lot# 73: SILVER CITY LODGE - SANDON BC on postal stationery postcard with 1 cent Green Admiral. Unused........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 74: SANDWICK CANCEL Tucks Romance Post Card dated April 25, 1910 with a Sandwick split ring cancel. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 75: SAVONA BC Light cancel ties 3 cent small queen to cover to Victoria. Date unclear (?7)........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 76: THREE JOHN JANE COVERS dated 1891 and mailed from Victoria to Savona. tie 3 cent small queen.........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4296
Lot# 77: SAYWARD ALBERNI BC Strip of three 3 cent small queens cancelled with target cancel. cds dated 1883 to Victoria. RF "E". Corner of cover clipped.........Image
...Opening Bid $160...High Bidder #4184
Lot# 78: SHAWNIGAN LAKE BC Excellent strike of split ring dated 1905 on postcard to Victoria. Grid ties 1 cent Edward. Card shows Shawnigan Lake Hotel on back.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4279
Lot# 79: SHAWNIGAN LAKE CANCEL Hibben Post Card showing the Upper Columbia River with an August 21, 1911 CDS cancel. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 80: SHEEP CREEK BC Certificate of Post Office Registration. Four sections each with Box cancel dated 1943........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #185
Lot# 81: SLOCAN BC cds dated 1899 on cover to Toronto. Grid ties 2 cent numeral........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 82: SODA CREEK BC Split ring dated 1892 on "Advise of Money Order" form. Also Ashcroft Station BC cds........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #819
Lot# 83: SODA CREEK BC Split ring dated 1892 on Acknowledgement of Registration form........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #5014
Lot# 84: SOUTH SALT SPRING BC Excellent strike of split ring dated 1903 on cover to Victoria. Grid ties 2 cent numeral........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3378
Lot# 85: SOUTH HILL BC Decent strike dated 1910 on postcard. 1 cent Edward tied by grid. RF "D"........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #945
Lot# 86: SPENCES BRIDGE BC postal stationery card to Ashcroft dated 1899........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 87: SPENCERS BRIDGE BC cds, date unclear (may be 1877) ties 3 cent small queen to badly soiled cover (mainly on back) to Victoria.........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 88: STEVESTON BC Two nice strikes of split ring dated 1896 tie 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #819
Lot# 89: THOBURN BC Excellent strike dated 1910. RF "D". grid ties 1 cent Edward. Front shows street scene of Victoriaville Que.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2517
Lot# 90: TRAIL BC cds dated 1901 on postal stationery card. Mailed to Victoria.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2708
Lot# 91: TRAIL CREEK BC Partial but legible strike of split ring dated 1896. Ties 3 cent small queen to cover to Oregon. RF "E"........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 92: TROUT LAKE BC Nice strike of split ring dated 1900 on cover to Washington state USA. Two 1 cent numerals tied by grid. Rough opening at right side. Includes enclosure.........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 93: UNION BAY BC Split ring dated 1902 on postal stationery card to Germany........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 94: UPPER SUMAS BC Light strikes of split ring tie pair of 1 cent numerals to cover to Ladner BC, dated 1901. RF "D"........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #819
Lot# 95: TWO REGISTERED COVERS Posted at Victoria, dated 1911 and 1937. Mixed colour frankings........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 96: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY - VALUE LABEL COVER Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway envelope with label tied by receiving cancel. Not dated. Very scarce........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #819
Lot# 97: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY - VALUE LABEL COVER On CPR commercial envelope, Dated 1947. Label tied by CPR box cancel in red. Very scarce........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 98: FOUR VANCOUVER HOTEL COVERS Dated between 1901 and 1944, all with commercial return addresses: Hotel Dominion, Hotel Pennsylvania, The Castle Hotel, and Hotel Barron........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #819
Lot# 99: VANCOUVER ISLAND BROCHURE Has a fold out section of 10 picture post cards inside........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 100: VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE POST CARD Unused Real photo postcard showing Court House and Vancouver Hotel.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #185
Lot# 101: VAN WINKLE BC cds dated 1891 on Registered letter Bill........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 102: 10 ILLUSTRATED VANCOUVER INVOICES All circa 1910. Grocers, Plumbers, Horse shoers, Hardware Merchants, Newspapers, Towel supply, Printers & Book Binders. See scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #108
Lot# 104: UPU LETTER RATE TO SWEDEN Posted on board Canadian Packet, dated 1929 and posted on arrival to Tokyo Japan. Franked with 8 cent scroll issue........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #819
Lot# 105: VAN WINKLE BC split ring dated 1890 on Registered Letter Bill........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 106: VERNON BC Squared circle ties 3 cent small queen. Dated 1897........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #819
Lot# 107: VERNON BC duplex ties 1 cent Admiral dated 1912. Has Victoria General Delivery Boxed handstamp........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 108: NINE VICTORIA COVERS All are Victorian era and all franked with small queens.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #4612
Lot# 109: VICTORIA BC three cds cancels on Special Delivery cover dated 1922. Franked with two copies of #E1 and 3 cent Admiral........Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #2933
Lot# 110: FOUR POSTAL STATIONERY CARDS All are post marked Victoria and all in the Victorian era.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 111: VICTORIA BC 1/2 cent numeral on unused post card showing Victoria Parliament buildings, tied by cds dated 1905 (late philatelic use?) No message written........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 112: THE COLONIST PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. - INVOICE Dated 1911. Elaborate letter head and coloured too.........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 113: PRINCE OF WALES - POSTCARD Real photo postcard showing the Prince of Wales (Later King Edward VIII) inspecting troops at Victoria BC. Postcard unused........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 114: AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO Cover franked with 2 cent Admiral and dated 1927........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 115: O'REILLY COVER Mailed from England to Point Ellice, Victoria shortly after WW1 (1919)........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3000
Lot# 116: BAYNES SOUND COLLIERY COMPANY - SHARE CERTIFICATE Issued at Victoria to Donald A. Smith (Lord Strathcona), Co-founder of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #3209
Lot# 117: VICTORIA BRIT COL Cover dated 1883 to Scotland. Two 3 cent small queens tied by target cancels........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #819
Lot# 118: VICTORIA SUB OFFICE 5 as receiver dated 1914 on cover from California. Very scarce Sub Office.........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 119: VICTORIA BC cds dated 1891 as receiver on back of cover from England........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 120: VICTORIA BC on postal stationery card. Dated 1905. Advertising on back.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 121: VICTORIA SUB OFFICE 18 Registered cover To Sidney. Grid ties 2 cent Admiral + #155. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 122: YING CHONG LUNG CO LTD Chinese General Merchandise commercial letter dated 1931, with 4 pages of letter written in Mandarin script. 3 cent Arch issue tied by Victoria slogan cancel. Additional 2 similar pages of letter not scanned........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 123: FOUR VICTORIA COMMERCIAL COVERS "The Victoria & Island Publicity Bureau" . Dated 1931 - 1951........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 124: TEN VICTORIA SQUARED CIRCLE CANCELS All on Victorian era covers, several different hammers?........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #4612
Lot# 125: TWELVE VICTORIA COVERS One Victorian, 3 Edwardian and 8 Admiral era, see scans. Plus 13 misc Elizabethan items........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2708
Lot# 126: WHITE LAKE BC Four poor strikes of cda dated 1899 on William Rennie cover franked with 5 cent leaf and Map stamp.........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 127: WILDHORSE BC Decent strike of split ring on 1 cent small queen dated 1897. Very scarce. RF "E"........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 128: WYCLIFFE BC Decent strike of split ring on postal stationery water card dated 1914........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4255
Lot# 129: YALE BC - O'REILLY COVER With contents. Yale cds dated 1882. Three cent small queen tied by cork cancel........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3000
Lot# 130: THE COLONIST Advertising cover from Victoria to Yale, with faint partial Yale receiver on back. 2 cent numeral tied by Victoria squared circle cancel.........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #819
Lot# 131: YALE BC cover dated 1881 to San Francisco. 3 cent small queen tied by cork. Dealer price on front written in pencil: $250.00. Very early........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #1408
Lot# 132: YALE BC Very light strike dated 1874. Cork ties 3 cent small queen. New Westminster transit and Victoria receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3000
Lot# 133: YALE BRIT COL Light split ring dated 1897 as receiver on back of postal stationery card from England........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 134: YALE BRIT COL on part of front only. Split ring dated 1877. Indistinct cork ties 3 cent small queen.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 135: YALE BRIT COL cds dated 1910 on postcard to Arrowhead. 1 cent Edward tied by grid........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2708
Lot# 136: COVER ACCUMULATION Residual cover group of over 200 items from various Provinces starting with B.C. and through to Newfoundland. See scan for a few examples. Ex Piercey. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 138: FOUR ALBERTA STREET SCENE POSTCARDS Two are used: Wainwright and Cardston, and two are used: Brooks and Olds. Circa 1900 - 1920 (?)........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #819
Lot# 142: SEVEN WESTERN CANADA POSTCARDS Six are unused, one used Circa 1910........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4279
Lot# 143: 19 ALTA COVERS All franked with Admirals, all different and all towns are different than previous lots in this sale, two of which are postcards.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4867
Lot# 144: 26 GEORGE V ALTA COVERS All different and all different from other lots in this sale. One is a postcard, all franked with George V stamps (non Admirals)........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #4867
Lot# 146: 24 ELIZABETHAN ALTA COVERS All different and no duplication in the previous lots in this sale........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4029
Lot# 147: CANCEL COLLECTION Collection of 26 different stamp/location items with many SON examples. See scan for list. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 148: EDMONTON - REUSED ENVELOPE Dominion Laboratory of Plant pathology reused a Department of Agriculture envelope. Sticker franked with 4 cent War issue dated 1948........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 149: FIRST FLIGHT COMMEMORATIVE COVER Illustrated cover dated March 27, 1971 from Fort Vermilion to Hay River celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the first flight to the NWT. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 150: SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION COVER Cover dated August 20, 1947 from the Girls Orphanage in Calgary. Includes the Orphan's update letter. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 151: STONY PLAIN CANCEL Cover dated April 15, 1919 to London and redirected. Cover has a Stony Plain split ring cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 153: FOUR SASK VIEW POSTCARDS All are unused: Moose Jaw, Gravelbourg, Govan and Kenton Man. Circa 1910........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #819
Lot# 154: BIG RIVER TO BEAUVAL FIRST FLIGHT COVER Illustrated cover dated March 16, 1933 commemorating the start of Air Mail service on this route. The cover is signed by the Post Master. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 155: CANCEL SELECTION Group of 14 different stamp/location items including Morse, Quill Lake, and Unity. See scan for list. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 156: SASKATOON TO REGINA FFC First Flight cover dated March 3, 1930 commemorating the first air service between the two cities. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 158: ADELPHA MAN Excellent strike on cover to England dated 1885. Target cancel ties 5 cent small queen........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 159: ARCHIBALD MAN VERY light strike almost not readable on cover dated 1888. 3 cent small queen tied by grid. Clinton receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 160: ARDEN STATION MAN Excellent strike of cds dated 1896 on Rennie cover. 3 cent small queen tied by second very light strike. Toronto receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 161: ARNAUD MAN CANADA Excellent strike on cover dated 1881. 3 cent small queen tied by grid.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 162: ARROW RIVER MAN Excellent strike on cover dated 1898. Two more strikes tie 3 cent small queen. Elkhorn squared circle and transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 163: BATES MAN Excellent strike on cover to USA dated 1896. 3 and 5 cent small queens tied by second strike, transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 164: BEAUSEJOUR MAN Two nice strikes tie 3 cent and 5 cent small queens to Registered cover dated 1890. Transits and RPO on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 165: BELMONT MAN Two mediocre strikes, one of which ties 3 cent small queen dated 1897. Ottawa receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1730
Lot# 166: BERTHA MAN Several decent strikes on illustrated cover dated 1891........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 167: BEULAH MAN Two mediocre strike on stained cover dated 1897. Elkhorn squared circle transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 168: BEVERLEY MAN Four excellent strikes on Registered Rennie cover dated 1896........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 169: CDS CANCELS Group of 14 different stamp/location items including several SON examples. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 170: BOISSEVAIN MAN cds dated 1896 ties 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover, Toronto receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 171: CAMILLE MAN Two nice strikes tie a 2 cent and a 3 cent small queen to cover dated 1896. Treherne transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 172: CHURCHILL CANCEL Post Card with the large red "Churchill Manitoba Polar Bear Capital of the World" CDS cancel. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4395
Lot# 173: CLEAR SPRINGS MAN light but legible strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1897. Ste Anne Des Chenes Man transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 174: DOUGLAS STATION MAN Excellent strike of cds dated 1898 ties 3 cent small queen. Toronto receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 175: DRUMCONNOR MAN Decent strike dated 1895 on cover to USA. 3 cent small queen cancelled by second partial strike that does not tie stamp. USA receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 176: DUNDEE MAN CANADA Decent strike on Illustrated commercial cover dated 1891. 3 cent small queen cancelled with cork cancel, not tied........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 177: ELM VALLEY MAN Light but legible strike on Illustrated cover dated 1891........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 178: EMERSON MAN Excellent strike of cds dated 1893 ties 3 cent small queen. Receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #4395
Lot# 179: FAIRFORD MAN Two decent strikes tie pair of 3 cent and 2 cent small queens to Registered cover dated 1898. Four different transit cancels and RPO on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 180: FLORENTA MAN Bold strike on Registered cover dated 1896. 3 cent and 5 cent each tied by poor additional strikes........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 181: FORT ALEXANDER MAN excellent strike dated 1891 on cover to Ontario. Fancy cancel ties 3 cent small queen........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #567
Lot# 182: FORT ELLICE MAN Excellent strike dated 1885. 3 cent small queen tied by grid. Clinton Ont receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #567
Lot# 183: FORT GARRY MANITOBA Excellent strike dated 1874. Fancy cancels tie pair of 3 cent small queens to cover to Scotland........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $120...High Bidder #4395
Lot# 184: GILBERT PLAINS MAN Excellent strike on cover dated 1892. A second nice strike ties 3 cent and 5 cent small queens........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #819
Lot# 185: GLENBORO MAN Excellent strike dated 1891 on Illustrated advertising cover. 3 cent small queen tied by grid........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 186: GLENLYON MAN Excellent strike ties 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover. Lake Dauphin transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 187: GLENSMITH MAN Decent strike dated 1896 ties 8 cent small queen to Registered Rennie cover. Several more strikes and transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 188: KILLARNEY MAN Two excellent strikes on Registered cover dated 1896. Two additional strikes on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 189: KOLA MAN Decent strike on Illustrated advertising cover dated 1891........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 190: LANGVALE MAN Four nice strike on cover dated 1896, three of which tie three 1 cent small queens. Ninga transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 191: LETELLIER MAN Excellent strike on Registered cover dated 1892. Cork cancel on 3 cent small queen and 5 cent RLS (#F2). Two additional strikes on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #819
Lot# 192: LINTRATHEN MAN three excellent strikes on registered cover dated 1896, two strikes of which tie a pair of 3 cent and a 2 cent small queen. Three additional strikes on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #819
Lot# 193: MANDA MAN Very light but still legible cancel dated 1891 on Illustrated advertising cover........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 194: MARRINGHURST MAN Excellent strike dated 1887. franked with 3 cent small queen. Pilot Mount transit and two Ont cancels on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 195: MEADOW LEA MAN Two decent strikes on Registered cover dated 1896. Fancy cancels tie 3 cent and 5 cent small queens........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 196: MEKIWIN MAN Decent strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1896. Two more strikes on back also RPO and Gladstone transit. Cut down very slightly at left side.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 197: MINNEDOSA MAN Excellent strike dated 1883 on cover whose address has been faded and over written in pencil. 3 cent small queen tied by target cancel........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 198: MINNEWAKAN MAN Decent strike ties 2 cent and 3 cent small queens to cover dated 1896. Mailed to England. Transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 199: MOUNTAIN MAN Excellent strike dated 1890. 3 cent small queen tied by additional cancel and transit and receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 200: NELSON MAN Several mediocre strikes tie 3 cent and 5 cent small queens to Registered cover dated 1896. Squared circle RPO and transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3473
Lot# 201: NELSONVILLE MAN Decent strike on cover dated 1881. Target cancel ties 3 cent small queen........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 202: NEWDALE MAN Excellent strike of cds ties 3 cent small queen dated 1898. Toronto receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 203: OAKNOOK MAN decent strike on registered cover dated 1896. 8 cent small queen tied by second poor strike. Several more strikes, transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 204: ORANGE RIDGE MAN Excellent strike on cover dated 1891, second strike ties 3 cent small queen. Neepawa transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 205: PENDENNIS MAN Excellent strike on cover to England dated 1891. 2 and 3 cent small queens tied by heavy cork cancels.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 206: PIERSON MAN Excellent strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover to USA. RPO and transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 207: PILOT MOUND MAN Two excellent strikes, one of which ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1895. Several more cancels on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 208: PLUMAS MAN Excellent strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1896........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #819
Lot# 209: POLAR POINT MAN Mediocre strike on Registered cover dated 1884. Franked with 3 cent small queen and #F2 RLS. RPO on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #819
Lot# 210: PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE MAN Excellent strike on cover dated 1881. Mailed to the USA. 3 cent small queen tied by fancy cancel........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #4395
Lot# 211: PRESTON MAN CANADA Excellent strike dated 1880 on cover franked with 3 cent small queen tied by a fancy cancel........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 212: RALPHTOWN MAN Two light strikes tie 2 cent and 3 cent small queens to Registered cover to USA. RPO and 3 different transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 213: ROLAND MAN Three strikes tie 3 cent and 2 cent small queen to Registered cover to the USA dated 1896. One stamp hangs off edge of cover. Extra cancel, RPO and transit on back.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 214: ROSSBURN MAN Excellent strike ties 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover dated 1898. Transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 215: ROUNTHWAITE MAN cds dated 1898 ties 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover. Brandon squared circle and Toronto receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 216: SEWELL MAN Light and partial strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover to USA. Another poor strike and transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 217: SHADELAND MAN An excellent strike on cover dated 1886 to REGINA NWT. 3 cent small queen heavily cancelled and just barely tied. Thornhill Man transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 218: SHEPPARDVILLE MAN Decent strike dated 1883 on cover franked with 3 cent small queen, heavily cancelled but not tied. Lyn transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 219: SOURIS MAN Excellent strike of cds dated 1896 ties 3 cent small queen to Rennie cover. Toronto receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 220: ST. CHARLES MAN Excellent strike on cover dated 1890. Franked with 3 cent small queen, not tied. Winnipeg transit and Ottawa receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 221: ST. NORBERT MAN Two nice strike in blue ink, one of which ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1896........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #819
Lot# 222: ST. NORBERT MAN Decent strike ties 5 cent small queen to cover to France dated 1896. Winnipeg squared circle transit and receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #819
Lot# 223: STEINBACH MAN Excellent strike dated 1897, 3 cent small queen tied by grid. Winnipeg transit on back........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 224: STOCKTON STATION MAN Decent strike on Registered Rennie cover dated 1896. 8 cent small queen tied by very faint second strike. Several more strikes on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #819
Lot# 225: STONEWALL MAN Three decent strikes of cds dated 1896, one of which ties 8 cent small queen to Registered Rennie cover........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2788
Lot# 226: STRATHCLAIR STATION MAN Two excellent strikes tie a strip of three 1 cent small queens on cover dated 1897. USA RPO on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1040
Lot# 227: TODDBURN MAN Three decent strikes on cover dated 1896, two of which tie strip of three 1 cent small queens. Portage La Prairie transit on back........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #5008
Lot# 228: TOTOGON MAN Decent strike dated 1878, 3 cent small queen tied by grid, no transit or receiver markings........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #819
Lot# 229: WAKOPA MAN Four decent strikes on Registered Rennie cover dated 1896, three strike of which tie pair of 2 cent, 3 cent and 1 cent small queens (overpaid?). Additional strikes, transit and receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3473
Lot# 230: WHITEMOUTH MAN Four decent strikes on Registered Rennie cover dated 1896, Franked with 4 small queens. Three additional strikes, RPO and receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #819
Lot# 231: WINNIPEG TO PEMBINA FFC First Flight cover dated Feb. 2, 1931 commemorating the first air service between the two cities. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 233: NWT COMMEMORATIVE COVERS Collection of 15 different covers with various location cancels, illustrations, events, autographs, etc. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 234: BALGONIE ASSA Excellent strike ties 8 cent Small Queen to Registered cover dated 1897........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #819
Lot# 235: BLACKWOOD ASSA three small queen tied to Registered Rennie cover dated 1896........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #819
Lot# 236: GLEN ADELAIDE ASSA Excellent strike ties 8 cent small queen to Rennie Registered cover dated 1898........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #819
Lot# 237: INDIAN HEAD NWT Excellent strike on cover dated 1886, franked with 3 cent small queen and 2 cent Registration stamp #F1........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 238: KAMSACK ASSA Decent strike on illustrated cover dated 1891. 3 cent small queen tied by grid. Saltcoats and Wallace transits on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 239: KENLIS ASSA Two excellent strikes, one of which ties 8 cent Small queen to cover dated 1896. Indian Head and RPO on back.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #819
Lot# 240: LANGENBURG ASSA Excellent strike dated 1891. 3 cent Small queen tied by cork. No cancels on back.........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 241: LONGLAKETON ASSA Decent strike on Registered illustrated cover dated 1891. 6 small queen stamps tied by smudge cancels........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #819
Lot# 242: MARLBOROUGH ASSA Decent strike ties 8 cent small queen to Registered cover dated 1902. RPO and additional cancels on back.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 243: MEDICINE HAT ASSA cds dated 1900 cancels postal stationery card to Fort Steele, Golden BC transit........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 244: MEDICINE HAT ASSA Two decent strikes tie 3 cent small queen to cover dated 1885. NS receiver on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 245: MOOSE JAW ASSA Two nice strikes tie 3 cent small queen to cover dated 1890........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 246: OHLEN ASSA Excellent strike on cover to Toronto dated 1896. Grid cancels 3 cent small queen but is not tied........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 247: OXBOW ASSA Three nice strikes tie 3 Small queen stamps to Registered cover dated 1897........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 248: PENSE ASSA Decent strike of cover to France dated 1886. 5 cent small queen tied by indistinct cancels.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 249: QU'APPELLE ASSA Excellent strike on cover dated 1896. Cork ties 3 cent small queen........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 250: REGINA ASSA Registered letter franked with #F2 and 3 cent small queen. Dated 1893. Rough opening at right side. #10 size large envelope.........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 251: SWIFT CURRENT ASSA Five 1 cent small queens pay rate to England on cover dated 1886. Winchester receiver on back........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 252: THEODORE ASSA Three strikes tie 3 small queens on Registered cover dated 1896........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #819
Lot# 253: WISHART ASSA 6 strikes on Registered cover. Pair of 3 cent small queens and pair of 1 cent tied by split ring dated 1896. RPO and transit on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 255: 10 NWT COVERS All from the George V and George VI eras, all different........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4819
Lot# 256: FOUR ANGLICAN CHURCH COVERS + Plus 6 Postmaster signed covers Yukon + NWT postmarks All postmarked in the North ( NT or NWT cancels), dated 1989. Spence Bay, Rankin Inlet, Hay River. Three are signed by the Priest in that town.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 257: BRITISH YUKON NAVIGATION CO Trip Pass from West Taku Arm to Carcross Y.T. Dated 1947........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1397
Lot# 258: #CL42, TIED TO YUKON AIRWAYS #8 CVR AT WHITEHORSE Originating "KENO HILL YUKON AP 7 28" split ring to New Jersey USA. Rough opening at top, CL42 F/VF, 2c Admiral flty. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 259: POLAR BRIDGE EXPEDITION COVER Illustrated cover dated Dec. 22, 1988 commemorating the joint Soviet-Canadian Ski Trek from Siberia to Canada. Cover is autographed by Team Member Laurie Dexter. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 260: ICEFIELD RANGES RESEARCH PROJECT Post Card dated Sept. 2, 1962 from Silvercreek Lodge to Germany. The card is autographed by 8 members of the Project Team. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 261: 15 FAR NORTH COVERS NWT and Yukon cancels, see scans. Plus 5 duplicates........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4819
Lot# 262: OLD CROW COMMEMORATIVE COVER Illustrated cover dated April 10, 1963 celebrating the "First Road Crossing" of the Arctic Circle via the Dempster Highway. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 263: WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE Trip pass from Bennett BC to Skagway AAA. Dated 1946........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 265: CANCEL COLLECTION Grouping of 106 different stamp/cancel items with many SON examples. See scan for list of locations. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4156
Lot# 266: #18 COVER Bentinck CW cds ties 12.5 cent Victoria to cover to Ireland, dated 1861. Front only........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #4864
Lot# 267: STAMPLESS COVER Toronto to Brampton, dated 1863........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 268: FANCY EMBOSSED LADY'S STAMPLESS COVER From Bronte to Toronto, dated 1856........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #5007
Lot# 269: CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY COMPANY Corner card on postal stationery. Ottawa straight line cancel dated 1902........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 271: #22 COVER 1 cent brown Large Queen tied by Drummondville UC, year unclear. Drop letter. Rough opening at left side........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #609
Lot# 272: #15 REGISTERED COVER Franked with 5 cent Beaver, 2 cent Registration paid in cash. Stamp tied by Registered straight line cancel. "Too Late" handstamp........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 273: #15 REGISTERED COVER Pair of 5 cent Beavers with manuscript cancels, not tied. Mailed from Fullarton. 2 cent Registry fee paid in cash.........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #658
Lot# 274: GILMOUR CDS CANCEL Three cent QV Jubilee (#53) with two March 22, 1898 CDS cancels. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 275: MONEY LETTER - STAMPLESS COVER Glengarry CW to Raleigh UC. Dated 1844........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 276: GODERICH CW CREASE COVER OHMS manuscript with strip of 5 10 cent Prince Albert #17, the last stamp missing corner. Dated 1864. B & LHR EAST RPO........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 277: GREENPEACE CONSERVATION STAMPS Set of 6 stamps issued by the Toronto based organization. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 278: #4 COVER From Hamilton to Montreal, franked with 3 pence beaver, dated 1853, Cover crease through stamp, which is not tied by target cancel. Stamp has 4 large margins........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 279: HAMILTON COVER Duplex ties 3 cent small queen. Dated 1883. Mailed to Fonthill Ont........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #609
Lot# 280: #15 COVER Pair of the 5 cent Beaver tied by Hamilton duplex dated 1862. Mailed to New York. Embossed commercial return address.........Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 281: #17 COVER Hamilton duplex ties 10 cent Albert, dated 1862. Mail to Penn USA........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 282: STAMPLESS COVER Kingston to New York, dated 1854........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 283: PRINTED CIRCULAR RATE #14 tied by 7 ring target cancel. Dated 1860. Mailed at Kingston........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 285: STAMPLESS COVER From London UC to Arcade NY, dated 1851........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 286: #15 COVER Mailed from Ottawa to Riviere-du-loop en bas. Dated 1867. Stamp tied by Ottawa duplex.........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #4400
Lot# 287: OTTAWA REGISTERED COVER Franked with strip of 4 and single of the 3 cent brown Admiral, dated 1930. Dealer priced at $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 288: OTTAWA STAMPLESS COVER Split ring dated 1866. Handstamp "10" in upper right corner, rate to Ohio.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2517
Lot# 289: STAMPLESS COVER Ottawa to Kingston, "FREE". Dated 1900. This cancel only used 1900-1901........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4041
Lot# 290: OTTAWA COVER TO SWITZERLAND Dated 1929 and franked with block of 4 of the 2 cent scroll issue paying 8 cent UPU letter rate. Forwarded........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #601
Lot# 291: PARRY SOUND ONT Split circle dated 1881 on cover to USA. Two 3 cent small queens tied by fancy cancels.........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2062
Lot# 292: STAMPLESS COVER Prescott to Brockville, dated 1832. Paid 3 in red circle........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 293: PRINTED CIRCULAR RATE #14 tied by Prescott double split ring dated 1865. Mailed to Picton........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #609
Lot# 294: SIR SANFORD FLEMMING LETTER Dated 1897. Written at Ottawa. See scan for details.........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4820
Lot# 295: STAMPLESS COVER From Sharon CW to Quebec, dated 1863........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 296: #15 COVER Mailed from Sombra UC to Buffalo. Franked with two stamps which are both cancelled with 7 ring target cancels but not tied. Dated 1866........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 297: #11 COVER Franked with perforate 3 pence Beaver which was separated with scissors and trimmed close or into on all sides. Mailed from St Mary's Blanchard UC to Stratford, dated 1859........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #658
Lot# 298: DOMINION SAW WORKS Cover dated 1896. Toronto split ring and grid ties 1 cent and 2 cent small queens to cover to Collingwood Ont. Cut down slightly at right side to open........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 299: #4 COVER Mailed from Toronto to Chatham. Dated 1857. Stamp has 4 large margins........Image
...Opening Bid $85...High Bidder #3473
Lot# 300: #15 COVER TO USA Pair of 5 cent Beavers tied by Toronto split ring, dated 1867. Mailed to Alfred, Maine........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #609
Lot# 301: #15 COVER Mailed from Toronto to Manilla UC, dated 1865. Stamp cancelled but not tied.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 302: WALKERVILLE CDS CANCEL Risque (for then) Mason's Post Card dated Sept. 15, 1911 with a Walkerville CDS cancel. Also SWEABURG, open 1862-1919. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 303: STAMPLESS COVER From Whitby to Port Perry, dated 1856........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #5019
Lot# 304: FORWARDED STAMPLESS COVER From Woodstock to Clinton, dated 1855........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 306: QUEBEC CANCELS, A-D, 1970S ON PIECE - ALL DIFFERENT Includes a FIRST Day for "AKULIVIK 7 III 1978" (44 different towns). Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 309: 27 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "D". Dated between 1933 - 1940. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2977
Lot# 310: 17 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "E" and "F". Dated between 1912 - 1967. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3060
Lot# 311: 31 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "G". Dated between 1932 - 1969. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2762
Lot# 312: 33 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "H-K". Dated between 1933 - 1939. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2977
Lot# 315: 17 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "N"". Dated between 1923 - 1967. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2977
Lot# 319: 16 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "T". Dated between 1933 - 1945. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3060
Lot# 320: 33 QUEBEC COVERS Towns starting with the letter "V-Y". Dated between 1890 - 1970. See scan for list of towns........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2762
Lot# 321: CDS CANCEL COLLECTION Grouping of 35 different stamp/cancel items including many SON examples. See scan for list. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 323: LACOLLE PQ Strip of 4 of the 2 cent scroll issue on cover dated 1928 to France. 3 French Postage Due stamps for deficiency (over weight?)........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #108
Lot# 324: MCGILL UNIVERSITY REPLY CARD Dinner Invitation Reply Card for a McGill Grads Dinner circa 1933. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 325: STEAMBOAT LETTER Montreal to Quebec, dated 1848. "Steamboat cancel" very light but legible.........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 326: MONTREAL PRINTED MATTER RATE Franked with 1 cent #14 and tied by Montreal duplex dated 1860........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #609
Lot# 327: PRINTED CIRCULAR RATE #14 tied by 7 ring cancel. Dated 1864........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 328: #15 COVER 5 cent Beaver tied by Montreal duplex, dated 1969........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 329: #17 COVER TO USA Montreal duplex ties 10 cent Albert dated 1861. Mailed to Ohio........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 330: STAMPLESS OHMS COVER Mailed from Montreal to Quebec and dated 1832. Has Red Montreal cds........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 331: MONTREAL ADVERTISING COVER Kiball's Palace Horse Exchange. Stamp cancelled by Montreal Flag dated 1899.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #601
Lot# 332: MONTREAL STAMPLESS COVER Double split ring cancel dated 1847. Faded on right side and serious deterioration of the internal letter........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #185
Lot# 333: STEAMBOAT LETTER Montreal to Quebec. Dated 1850........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 334: STEAMBOAT LETTER - QUEBEC Montreal to Quebec, dated 1851........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #609
Lot# 335: STEAMBOAT LETTER Stampless, Montreal to Quebec, dated 1846........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 336: STAMPLESS COVER Montreal to New York, dated 1853........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 337: STEAMBOAT LETTER - QUEBEC From Quebec to New York via Montreal. Dated 1853........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 339: #15 COVER Mailed from Stanstead LC to Sherbrooke LC, dated 1861........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #609
Lot# 340: #17 FRONT ONLY Mailed from St Eustache CE to New York. Dated 1866. Stamp tied by target cancel........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 341: STAMPLESS COVER From St Johns (Quebec) to Quebec, dated 1786. Has VF strike of Montreal straight line cancel. St Johns Quebec is now known as St Jean, 27 miles SE of Montreal........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 342: TRING LC STAMPLESS COVER Double split ring dated 1862 (in Manuscript). Sent to Quebec. "Paid" handstamp........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3060
Lot# 344: 17 MINT NG The 2 pence rose issue from 1861. The bottom margin is just clear of the design and the stamp has a small UR corner crease. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 345: 18 VFLH The 1861 four pence rose issue. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4868
Lot# 346: 21 MINT HINGED The 6 and a half pence rose issue with clear but tight margins. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4868
Lot# 347: 22 VFLH The 8 pence rose issue of 1861. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 348: 24/C19 MINT COLLECTION Collection covering the years 1870 to 1947 with some duplication included. Condition ranges from NG to a few NH.. Est $60........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 349: 28 VFHR The 12 cents red brown QV issue of 1870. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 350: 28/C19 USED Collection of 135 different stamps. Many better catalogue values included. Est $55........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 351: 32TCiii ON PAPER One cent Prince of Wales in a purple red shade. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #556
Lot# 352: NFLD ON STOCK CARD, AS REC'D - USED #35//#85 (qty 24) Generally Fine. See #35@$25; #72@$35; #73@$40. Cat Value $197........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 353: 44/51 MINT Selection of 5 NG/LH stamps from the 1890-1896 issues. The #45 imprint pair has a gum crease. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 354: 45/J2 USED Collection of about 80 different used stamps. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 355: 49/270 MINT AND USED Selection of around 45 stamps from the years 1896 to 1947. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 356: NFLD #69 VF MINT VLH. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 357: 69 VFLH The 12 cent Ptarmigan issue in a block of 4. Cat Value $160........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 358: NFLD #71 VF MINT H . Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 359: 76 ON A PROBABLY UNIQUE COVER Strip of 3 well centered Type B QV surcharge stamps on a cover dated Nov. 11, 1897 with a Hall's Bay R. TPO No. 2 CDS cancel. This location was only in use for 10 years and had a population of 42. A very rare combination of stamps and location. Est $300........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #874
Lot# 360: 76i FLH The Type B QV surcharge issue with the 2 mm spacing variety. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 361: 78/85 MINT HINGED Five values from the 1897 Royal Family issue. Cat Value $145........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 362: 82 ON COVER Cover from the City Club in St. Johns to Nova Scotia dated July 10, 1906. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 363: 104/C19 USED Collection of about 40 stamps with minimal duplication. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 364: NFLD #113 VF Mint, hinge remnant. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 365: 167 ON COVER Lovely G.P.O. embossed Corner Card cover dated June 14, 1929 and cancelled with the "First Air Mail" slogan cancel. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 366: FIRST DAY COVERS/EVENT COVERS Group of 12 covers between 170 and 257 including a few duplicates. See scan for examples. Est $50....
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 367: 191d IMPERF BLOCK of 4 Die 1, VF NH. Cat Value $360........Image
...Opening Bid $110...High Bidder #3900
Lot# 368: 230/231 ON COVERS The 1937 one cent and two cent Coronation issues on a pair of covers to the Newfoundland Butter Co.. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 369: #233 - 243 PLATE PROOFS Ten pairs, plus 1 cent with scroll work in margin. Bileski priced at $1000........Image
...Opening Bid $250...High Bidder #1410
Lot# 370: 233-243 MINT LH The Long Coronation issue in a set of 11 plus the extra Die 2 variety of the 3 cent. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 371: 233i VFNH Horizontal pair of the one cent Codfish issue of 1937 with the right stamp showing the "Fishhook" variety. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 372: #246a IMPERF BLOCKS of 4 Three blocks with different size security punch holes. Cat Value $1200........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #2340
Lot# 373: 249/C19 FIRST DAY COVERS Group of 5 different FDC's from the 1939/1947 period. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 374: 253/254 ON COVER T. McMurdo and Co. corner card cover dated March 24, 1949. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 375: DEALER'S STOCK of NewFoundland , 144 stamps all are VF NH. Heavily duplicated. Cat Value $814........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 376: 257 ON REDIRECTED COVER Cover dated Dec. 4, 1948 to London via Air Mail and redirected to St. Johns on Dec. 8th. The cover has a St. Johns Air Mail Service CDS cancel. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #4809
Lot# 377: 269 MINT NH BLOCK The 1947 Princess Elizabeth issue in a block of 40. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 378: C13-C17 VFLH Set of the 1933 Labrador Air Mail issue. Cat Value $260........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 379: FFC50-GANDER TO BRUSSELS First Flight cover dated June 15, 1946 and forwarded to Berlin. The cover has the proper Brussels June 16, 1946 CDS backstamp. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 380: TOWN CANCELS ON COVERS Selection of 6 covers with CDS cancels from various locations including Millertown, Lethbridge, Botwood, etc. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 381: EPHEMERA-NATIONAL WHOLESALERS LTD Complete Pricelist mailout from the year 1940 with signature. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 382: NEWFOUNDLAND #51 TO #270 Starter collection of 225 from 1887 to 1947. mostly used with heavy duplication of several issues. Unchecked for perf variations.. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 383: AUSTRIAN LOTTERY PACKAGE-1929 Cover from Vienna to St. John's containing Lottery Tickets and Prize sheet. Cover has a Registration Label on front and Registration Department CDS cancel on reverse. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 384: CONFEDERATION FIRST DAY COVERS Three FDC's commemorating the joining of Newfoundland with Canada. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #3408
Lot# 385: WW II SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Two different WW II Savings Certificates. They feature different Commissioner signatures, background patterns, and reverse wording designs. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 387: #2 MINT Hinge remnant, 4 large margins. VF. Cat Value $1600........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #3027
Lot# 388: #2 USED ON SMALL PIECE 4 good margins but close on right side. Fine. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #711
Lot# 389: CANCEL COLLECTION Group of 15 different stamp/location items with several SON examples. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 390: HALIFAX MORRIS STREET CDS CANCEL Two cent purple QV numeral issue with a SON Feb. 13, 1899 CDS cancel. Hard to find a better strike than this one. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2472
Lot# 392: NEW BRUNSWICK #8 COVER stamp not tied but belongs. Dated 1862. Mailed from St John to Woodstock........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #761
Lot# 393: CHATHAM CDS CANCEL The deep blue shade of the 1898 Map stamp (#86b) with a Feb. 7, 1899 CDS cancel. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3161
Lot# 394: PLASTER ROCK CANCEL The one cent Cartier and Champlain issue with a Plaster Rock split ring cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 396: 8 ON COVER Cover dated April 21, 1863 to England with a faulty 9 pence violet QV. Cover has a PEI CDS cancel and a Wellington receiving cancel. Cat Value $900........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #4915
Lot# 397: 13 ON COVER-NORTH TRYON CANCEL Cover dated Feb. 3, 1873 to Muddy Creek with a unique North Tryon CDS cancel and a perfect SON 4 ring target cancel. (8 recorded) Accompanied by a VG Greene Certificate. Est $200........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $190...High Bidder #3340
Lot# 398: MONTAGUE POSTAGE DUE COVER Cover dated Dec. 4, 1933 from Georgetown to Montague. The cover was assessed 4 cents due and paid with a pair of J7. Est $35........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4915
Lot# 399: NEW GLASGOW QV COVER Cover dated Christmas Day 1900 to St. Eleanors from New Glasgow via Hunters River with cancels from all 3 locations. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #479
Lot# 400: RICHMOND AND SOURIS CDS CANCELS Two 1950's CDS cancels with well struck examples of Richmond and Souris East cancels. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 402: 2 ON COVER Folded letter dated Feb. 11, 1853 from Montreal to New York franked with a VF 6 pence Prince Albert and 7 ring cancel. Cover also has a red Montreal CDS cancel and Canada/Paid indicia. Name is cut out and accompanied by BPA Certificate. Cat Value $3000........Image
...Opening Bid $325...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 403: #4d USED Large top margin, thin paper variety, orange red shade. VF. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #3087
Lot# 404: 4i ON COVER Cover dated Jan 26, 1857 from Toronto to Scarboro. Envelope has a single deep red Beaver with grid cancel and a Toronto C.W. CDS. Cat Value $350........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 405: 12i ON COVER Brown red Beaver perf 11.80, pays the letter rate on cover dated Feb 7, 1859 to Barrie-UC, very early use within a few weeks of issue. The Toronto Postal Clerk was still using scissors to separate the stamps and clipped a few perfs UR, a rare cover. Cat Value $2000........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #120
Lot# 406: 14 ON COVER Cover franked by 1859 1cent rose possibly not tied by partial four ring cancel addressed "Owen Sound" Ont. - flap never sealed. Otherwise F-VF. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #4045
Lot# 407: 14-15 USED The one cent QV and 5 cent Beaver issues of 1859. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 408: 18i ON COVER VF 12 1/2 cents Olive Green QV tied by 4 ring "18" (applied at Kingston enroute) to cover from Demorestville, C.W. (where the stamp was pen cancelled), Feb 10, 1862 to England with backstamp. Cat Value $250........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #3473
Lot# 409: 23 USED The one cent yellow orange Large Queen with clear margins all around. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $20...High Bidder #3889
Lot# 410: 25 USED Three cent red Large Queen with a May 26, 1869 Quebec City CDS cancel. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2991
Lot# 411: 27 USED The 6 cent dark brown Large Queen. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #120
Lot# 412: 29/29b USED The 15 cent Large Queen in the gray violet and red lilac shades. The #29 has a partial RPO cancel. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 413: 34/E7 MINT Grouping of earlier issues with a mix of H/NH. Est $35........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 414: 34/J1 MINT AND USED Small selection of issues from the years 1873 to 1950. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3996
Lot# 415: 34-47 USED Set of the Small Queens plus the blue gray 8 cent shade. (44a) Catalogue value is for Fine only. Cat Value $231........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 416: SMALL QUEENS USED Group of 33 stamps from the half cent to the 10 cents. Est $35........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 417: 35/F2 USED Collection of over 140 QV era stamps with various issues, shades, cancels, etc. Includes a Fine #84. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #556
Lot# 418: USED QV ISSUES Small group of 25 stamps from the various issues. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 419: #37 Lot of 7 1870-89 Queen Victoria Small Queen issue, Montreal printing perf 11/1/2 x 12, variety of cancels and colour shades, used VF/F. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #769
Lot# 420: #37 Collection of 64 1870-89 QV Small Queen issue, 3c orange red with variety of colour shades and cancels, used. Scott CV US$96. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 421: 37 USED NUMERAL CANCEL Three cent Small Queen with a SON "5" numeral cancel. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 422: 39b USED The 6 cent yellow brown Small Queen perf 11.5 x 12. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 423: 40/40c USED The 10 cent dull rose lilac Small Queen with a Fine perf 12 x 12 example and a VF perf 11.5 x 12 copy. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 424: 40 USED SHADE VARIETY Ten cent Small Queen in a light lilac rose shade. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 425: #41 Extensive collection of 386 used Queen Victoria Small Queen 3c orange red in a small 28 page coil-spring booklet. Many colour and cancel varieties Scott CV US$580. Four sample scans shown. Cat Value $782........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #2991
Lot# 426: #41 Lot of 17 covers with 1888-1897 3c vermilion (and shades), 5 are damaged and not counted in the valuation.. Cat Value $96........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2058
Lot# 427: 45 USED NUMERAL CANCEL The 10 cent Small Queen with a SON "1" numeral grid cancel. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 428: 46 USED Well centered copy of the 20 cent vermilion Small Queen with a perf clip at UL. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 429: 47 USED The 50 cent Small Queen with a well centered Toronto "1" box cancel. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 430: #50, THE 1/2c BLK MINT NH centered low.. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 431: #50-52 MINT sound, off center. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 432: 50-54 MINT HH/NH Selection of 8 Jubilees from the half cent to the 5 cents. Est $60........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 433: #51, MINT NH VF. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #720
Lot# 434: 51-54 USED VG/F PLUS EXTRA 3 CENT VF . Cat Value $36.50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 435: #51 Pair of 1c orange 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee issue, used with SON cancels. Scott CV US$16. Cat Value $22........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 436: 51 MINT NH The one cent orange Jubilee. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 437: 51/364 MINT Collection of issues from the years 1897 to 1956. A few NG to be found but most are H/NH. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #120
Lot# 438: 51/O30 MINT BLOCKS AND PLATE BLOCKS Eclectic group of 35 mostly NH items including 4 matching corner sets. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 439: #53, MINT NH lower right corner small light bend, and a few very tiny gum spots due to printing when sheets contacted each other (?), otherwise Superb. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 440: #53 Lot of 10 Queen Victoria Jubilee issue, 3c bright rose, VF/F used with a variety of cancels. Scott CV US$25. Cat Value $34........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 441: #55, MINT NH See back showing natural inclusion under gum at top right, not seen at front. Also has sign of laying on another stamp with very light perceptible perf indents only. Fine Mint NH. top left corner perf bend.. Cat Value $450........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 442: 56 MINT HR The 8 cent dark violet Jubilee issue. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4365
Lot# 443: #57 MINT NH SUPERB CENTERING, tiny natural inclusion under gum, seen only at rear, o/w VF,. Cat Value $750........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #720
Lot# 444: #57 10c JUBILEE UNUSED NO GUM VF centering, Two light creases. Priced as Fine.. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 445: 57 USED Fine centered copy of the 10 cent brown violet Jubilee issue. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 446: #58 MINT LH Tiny 1/8" paper adherence at rear, F/VF. Cat Value $300........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 447: #59 MINT F/VF LH. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 448: COLLECTION OF LEAF AND NUMERAL ISSUES 21 stamps, Used (#66 / #88).. Cat Value $92........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2963
Lot# 449: 66/CE1 USED Group of earlier issues from QV to KG VI. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 450: #71 MINT Fine, hinge remnant. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #720
Lot# 454: 89-95 USED Set of the KE definitives with Fine to VF centering. Est $55........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 455: #90 Huge collection of KE VII 2c carmine, there are over 17,500 used stamps here most in F/VF condition. Scott CV US$7000. Cat Value $9500........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #2058
Lot# 456: #90 Cancel collection of 32 1903-08 KE VIII issue, 2c carmine, includes 2 booklet stamps, used. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 457: #90 Lot of 45 1903-08 KE VII issue, 2c carmine, variety of cancels and includes 2 booklet stamps.. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 458: #90bs Reconstruction of two 1903 KE VII 2c carmine booklet panes, 12 booklet stamps in VF/F condition, used.. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 459: #90ii Lot of 4, 2 singles one pair 1903 KE VII issue, 2c carmine, showing "hairlines", VF/F condition, used. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 460: #93 BLK 4 USED some slight perf separation, F/VF. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 461: 94i MINT Fine, light hinge. Cat Value $450........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 462: #96 - 99 MINT Tercentenary lower values. VF light hinge. Cat Value $285........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #1405
Lot# 463: #96 MINT Three strips of 3, two are Fine NH, one is off center.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #108
Lot# 464: #96 TO #102 Lot of 6 1908 Quebec Tercentenary issue, 1/2c black brown (unused), 1c blue green (mint), 2c carmine (used and mint with partial phantom image on rear), 5c dark blue (used) and 15c red orange (mint. Scott CV US$373. Cat Value $504........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #769
Lot# 465: 96-103 USED VF centered set of the 1908 Quebec Tercentennary issues. Cat Value $1021........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #556
Lot# 466: #100 MINT 7 cent Tercentenary. F/VF, Light hinge. Has tiny corner crease. Cat Value $140........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #945
Lot# 467: 101 MINT 10 cent Tercentenary. Slightly faded, Fine, Heavy hinges. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2517
Lot# 469: SMALL DEALER'S STOCK OF 148 MINT CANADA All are pre Elizabethan. 118 stamps are hinged and priced as Fine and 30 stamps are Fine NH. All are shown in scans. Cat Value $1737........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #431
Lot# 470: FIVE UNUSUAL INSUFFICIENT MAIL NOTICES Dated between 1966 - 1975........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 471: ABOUT 200 CANADA STAMPS All are pre Elizabethan a few are mint, see scans.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #407
Lot# 472: 46 UNUSED ADMIRALS AND EDWARDS All No Gum........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 473: #104 TO #132 Collection of 17 1911-25 KG V Admirals issue, 1c green to $1 orange plus 4 coil stamps, used with VF/F condition. Scott CV US$66.90. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 474: 104/MR7 USED ADMIRALS Accumulation of over 400 stamps with a good variety of shades, denominations, coils, etc. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 475: 104b VFNH The blue green 1 cent Admiral issue. Cat Value $180........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 476: 119c VFNH PAIR A wet print pair of the 20 cent Admiral in the dark olive shade. Cat Value $1200........Image
...Opening Bid $130...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 477: 124 USED The perf 8 horizontal Admiral coil stamp with partial slogan cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 478: COIL COLLECTION USED Collection of used singles between 124 and 299. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 479: #128 + 129 PASTE UP SINGLES VF Used with light cds cancels. Catalogue $55 as pairs. Cat Value $27........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 480: DEALER'S STOCK OF ADMIRAL COILS #132: five used singles. #133 1 used, two unused No Gum singles and unused pair No Gum. All sound and fine. This lot has revenue cancels as they were apparently soaked off old cheques, sold as is as I cannot guarantee genuineness.. Cat Value $331........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 481: 135 ON COVER Cover dated Jan. 11, 1918 from Stony Plain to Toronto and then redirected. The cover has a split ring Stony Plain cancel and a "Help the Toronto Free Hospital for Consumptives" slogan cancel. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4819
Lot# 482: #136 TO #208 Lot of 8 Commemoratives, Fathers of Confederation 3c brown, 60th Anniversary of Confederation (3), Historical (2), Royal William and Jacques Cartier issues, used. Scott CV US$26.15. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 483: #149 TO #201 Collection of 18 of Scroll, Arch/Leaf and Medallion issues, regular and coil, mostly used. Scott CV US$75.60. Cat Value $102........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2058
Lot# 485: 150 FNH BLOCK The 2 cent green KG V Scroll issue in a block of 20 from the top of the sheet. Cat Value $44........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 486: #158 USED F/VF, Montreal roller cancel. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 487: #158 SON LIGHT MONTREAL CDS "FE 27 39" F/VF. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #720
Lot# 488: #158b IMPER PAIR This pair has been cut the wrong way. Catalogue value is $1500 if cut the RIGHT way. VF NH........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 489: #159 MINT $1 Parliament. F/VF light hinge. Cat Value $350........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #710
Lot# 490: THREE HIGH VALUE MINT STAMPS Includes: #159 VF NH (gum looks like it was unevenly applied in small area), #302 VF light hinge. #261 VF NH. Cat Value $1020........Image
...Opening Bid $190...High Bidder #108
Lot# 491: #159 $1 PARLIAMENT MONTREAL CDS "OC 5 41" F/VF. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 492: ARCH ISSUE - MINT Includes: #162 - 177, 178, 179, 191. Catalogued as Fine hinged.. Cat Value $425........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #1008
Lot# 493: 51 USED STAMPS GEORGE V + VI All are Socked on the Nose cancels from western provinces: Alberta, Sask, Manitoba........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 494: #171 BLK OF 4 MINT NH F/VF. Cat Value $168........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 495: #174 1930-31 KG V Arch/Leaf issue, 12c gray black, MNH. Scott CV US$60. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 496: #175 20c HARVESTING MINT VF NH. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 497: #177 UNUSED NO GUM VF. Cat Value $........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #720
Lot# 498: 190 VFNH The 10 cent green Cartier issue from 1931. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 499: 191 USED STUDY GROUP Accumulation of about 85 copies of the 1932 KG V surcharge issue. See scan for a few examples. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3237
Lot# 500: 193 VFNH Block of the 5 cent blue Prince of Wales issue from 1932. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 501: CANADA #196b 1932 KGV "Medallion" issue, 2c black brown booklet pane of 6 (minus left margin strip), MNH and valued as single stamps. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 502: 196/929 USED BLOCKS Collection of 82 different blocks in 102 cards. Lot also includes a padded Lighthouse block album. See scan for examples. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 503: #203 MINT VF NH. This stamp was returned in a previous auction by a buyer who stated that it has disturbed gum. I disagree, the gum may have been unevenly applied but in my opinion it is NH,. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #108
Lot# 504: 203i USED Broken X variety, Fine with light smudge cancel. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4768
Lot# 505: ACCUMULATION OF COILS duplicated lot of 64 George V + VI coils, plus 6 booklet singles........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 506: #211 MINT PLATE INSCRIPTION STRIP OF 5 VF NH. Cat Value $22........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 507: #217 - 227 PLUS COILS MINT set, all VF light hinge. Cat Value $217........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #1405
Lot# 508: #217 - 227 MINT SET VF NH. Cat Value $262........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #2963
Lot# 509: #217 - 219 Mint blocks of 4 Five stamps are NH, the balance have heavy hinge remnants. Cat Value $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1495
Lot# 510: #227 CHAMPLAIN $1 BLUE UR CORNER OF SHEET VF, mint, NH. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 511: 227 VFNH The $1 Champlain issue from 1935. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 512: #E3 1927 Special Delivery issue, 20c orange, MNH. Scott CV US$70. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 515: 191/362 MINT MULTIPLES Collection of mostly KG VI issues including pairs, strips, booklet panes, blocks, and Plate blocks. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3996
Lot# 516: #231 - 236, 241 - 245 MINT all are VF light hinge. Cat Value $233........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #710
Lot# 517: 241a-245 FIRST DAY CANCELS The 1938 Pictorial issue with June 15th and Nov. 15th Day of Issue CDS cancels. Est $75........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 518: 246/1325a MINT MULTIPLES Mostly NH group of blocks, strips, Souvenir Sheets, etc. Cat Value $173........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 519: FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION Eclectic group of FDC's between 248 and 778. Includes various issuers including some Schering. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $63........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #431
Lot# 520: THE WAR ISSUE MINT #249 - 262, 263 - 267 pairs, 278-281 Pairs. All are VF NH except #278 and 279 light hinge.. Cat Value $447........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #1008
Lot# 521: 249-267 VFNH Full set of the War issue including the 1942 perf 8 coil stamps. Cat Value $293........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 522: 263-265 STRIPS VFNH The KG VI War issue coil stamps from the one cent to three cent denominations. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 523: PEACE ISSUE MINT #268 -273 + C9 all VF NH except the 50 cent has a very small hinge mark.. Cat Value $128........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1405
Lot# 524: 278/281 MINT NH PAIRS Three values from the 1948 KG VI perf 9.5 coil stamps. Cat Value $138........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 525: #281 ACCUMULATION of 30 copies, used. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 526: 312 PLATE BLOCKS MINT NH Group of 7 Plate 1 and Plate 2 blocks from various sheet corners. Cat Value $90........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 527: #E8, 20C SPECIAL DEL MINT NH VF. Cat Value $87.50........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 529: MINT BLOCKS Collection of 71 mostly VFNH Plate Blocks and blocks of 4 with denominations from one cent to 86 cents. Face value is $61.56. See scan for examples. Est $55........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #687
Lot# 530: #301 TO #2903 Indigenous Peoples of Canada Themed collection of 48 stamps and 4 souvenir sheets, MNH.. Cat Value $67........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #687
Lot# 531: #321 TO #1602 Lot of 11 Indigenous Peoples of Canada Themed First Day Covers (FDC) from 1953 to 1996.. Cat Value $104........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 532: 17 FIRST DAY COVERS From the 1950s to 1970s. Includes: #324, 328, 334, 341, 343, 336, 351, 362, 363, 368a, 371/372, 582, 582p, 511a, 523a, 601, 650-653. All are shown in scans. Cat Value $137........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 533: 331/730 MINT Selection of QE definitives with mostly coils. Includes singles, pairs, and strips. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 534: #387A FORGERY COVER Produced a few months after the stamp was first issued in 1959. Tied to cover. Has VG Greene cert stating forgery.........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4200
Lot# 535: 453/465B FIRST DAY COVERS Collection of the 1967 Centennial Year FDC's. There are 20 in all including varieties. See scan for examples. Cat Value $69........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 536: 25 DIFFERENT CENTENNIAL MATCHED SETS Between #454 / 465 + 544. All are VF NH, see scan for list. Cat Value $505........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #710
Lot# 538: 458pii SHEETVFNH Full sheet of 100 of the 5 cent blue QE HB issue with WCB tagging and DEX gum. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3889
Lot# 539: 1970-1979-FIRST DAY COVERS Collection of 66 different FDC's from the 1970's. Includes several different issuers. See scan for a few examples. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3200
Lot# 540: #465Aiii MATCHED SET Plate #2 LF, PVA gum. VF NH. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #1008
Lot# 541: TWO CENTENNIAL COIL ODDITIES #466 with ink smear. #468 Jump strip. Both are VF NH. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 542: 482 FIRST DAY COVERS Dealer's Lot of 15 copies of the FDC commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Voyage of the Nonsuch. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 543: COLLECTION OF MATCHED SET Between #486 / 585a. (The years 1968 - 1972). All are VF NH except Xmas set. Cat Value $482........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #3889
Lot# 544: 492 MINT NH PLATE BLOCKS Group of 5 Plate Blocks from 3 different positions. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 545: 508-511 USED Dealer's Lot of 6 sets of the 1970 Expo issue. See scan for examples. Cat Value $72........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 546: #537ii FIRST DAY COVER Hi Brite paper, Ottawa First day of issue. UNLISTED as such. (The mint single catalogues at $20)........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2963
Lot# 547: 538 VFNH SHEET The 7 cent Winter Leaf issue in a pane of 50. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #687
Lot# 548: #544 ONE BAR TAG at left side, 10 copies, used........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 549: 558 SHEET VFNH Full pane of 50 of the 1971 Pierre Laporte issue. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #687
Lot# 550: 582a-582b VFNH The 1972 Earth Sciences issue in a set of untagged and tagged blocks. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 551: 587iv/1292a MATCHING PLATE BLOCK SETS Group of 6 different Plate Block sets. Face value is $27. Cat Value $81........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #687
Lot# 553: USED DOLLAR DENOMINATIONS Accumulation of about 260 stamps between 599 and 1694. Denominations range from $1 to $8. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #431
Lot# 554: JOSEPH HOWE FESTIVAL COVER Signed by designer, stamp #616........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #431
Lot# 555: 650 SHEET VFNH The 1974 6 cent Christmas issue in a full pane of 50. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #556
Lot# 556: 656 MINI PANE VFNH The 1975 Olympic issue in a pane of 8. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 557: #657 TO #2540 Collection of 12 used Souvenir sheets and high value blocks of 8 & 6 from 1972 to 2012. Cat Value $120........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #431
Lot# 558: 705 / 720 MATCHED SETS 26 different matched sets VF NH, see scan for list. Cat Value $181........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #710
Lot# 559: SEVEN MATCHED SETS Between #723 and 725, all VF NH, see scan for list.. Cat Value $221........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #1008
Lot# 560: 781 SHEET VFNH The one cent Bottle Gentia issue produced by BABN in a full sheet of 100. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4150
Lot# 561: #806iii USED Six copies with "Dot at High Noon" variety. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 562: #837i FIRST DAY COVER The Red stitch variety in a plate block in UR corner. The RED stitch variety is in the lower left corner stamp. The catalogue value for the Plate Block alone is $7.50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2963
Lot# 563: 1070 USED Study group of 100 copies of the 1985 Santa Parade stamp. See scan for example. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 564: 1140a VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Matching set of 4 corner Plate Blocks of the 1987 Steamships issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 565: 1170-1180c USED Good selection of the Mammals issues including many of the perf varieties. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4400
Lot# 566: 1172Ag VFNH UL Corner block of the perf 14.4 x 13.8 Wolverine issue. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 567: 1173 MATCHING PLATE BLOCKS VFNH The 57 cent Killer Whale on the Rolland paper variety. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 568: TWELVE WAR ISSUE BLOCKS / PLATE BLOCKS Between #1263a /1544ai. Face value $20. Mint NH. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3889
Lot# 569: 1283a - 1285a, 1286b Mini panes. Mint NH. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 570: FRUIT TREE SERIES Between #1363 / 1374. Plate blocks. Face $45.78. Cat Value $149........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #687
Lot# 571: 1378/1694 FIRST DAY COVERS Group of 62 different FDC's from the years 1996 to 1997. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $209........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3200
Lot# 572: COLLECTION OF MODERN COIL STAMPS Between #1394 +1395, all NH. Face: $21. Cat Value $76........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #687
Lot# 573: #1442v CANADA IN SPACE - BLACK HOLE VARIETY Complete sheet, The top two se-tenant pairs have the variety........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 574: 1534ii + 1535ii MINT SINGLES The two revalued then withdrawn stamps (52 cent + 90 cent). VF NH. Cat Value $800........Image
...Opening Bid $325...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 575: #1600 + #1601 ACCUMULATION All are used with various center stickers. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4768
Lot# 577: #1778 Complete sheet of 16 of Raven and First Man and MOA issue with pictures of Museum items in the selvedge, MNH. CV as four PBs. Cat Value $18........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #687
Lot# 578: 1783a SIGNED FIRST DAY COVER FDC franked with a se-tenant Plate Block of the Scenic Highways issue and signed by Stamp Designer Lou Cable. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 579: COMPLETE MILLENIUM SET USED Generally F/VF. Cat Value $102........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #2905
Lot# 580: 1818/1834 MINT NH Group of 14 different Millennium mini-panes. See scan for examples. Cat Value $126........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #687
Lot# 581: COMPLETE MILLENIUM SET USED IN PANES OF 4 A few perf separations, few with small creases. Overall most are F/VF. Unitrade cv as blks. Cat Value $153........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4156
Lot# 582: 1842a/3133 FIRST DAY COVERS Selection of 34 different FDC's from the years 2000-2018. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $157........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #3200
Lot# 583: 1873 SHEET VFNH Full pane of 50 of the 46 cent Christmas issue from the Year 2000. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 584: SEVERAL HUNDRED PLATE BLOCKS Between #502 - #2699. Face value: $543. Cat Value $1503........Image
...Opening Bid $200...High Bidder #687
Lot# 585: PNC2 FIRST DAY COVER Royal Wedding with coin. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 586: #2479 - 2482 MINT SHEETS OF 16 Four complete sheets NH. All are "P" stamps. Face value: $63.36. Cat Value $300........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 587: 2540 VFNH PANE The QE 60th Anniversary issue in a pane of 8. Cat Value $32........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #687
Lot# 588: 2813i CANADA POST FIRST DAY COVER PACK Canada Post Compliments Folder with a FDC featuring the 2015 Pansy issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #817
Lot# 589: #3161 FIRST DAY COVERS Two covers each signed by Artist. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 590: AC18-CANADA POST 1975 ANNUAL COLLECTION The 1975 Canada Post Annual Collection Book in the original envelope. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #687
Lot# 591: AC20-AC22-CANADA POST ANNUAL COLLECTIONS FOR 1977-1979 Set of 3 Canada Post Albums with the accompanying mint stamps. See scan for example. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #687
Lot# 592: AC25-CANADA POST 1982 ANNUAL COLLECTION The 1982 Canada Post Annual Collection Book in original retail box. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #687
Lot# 593: AC30-CANADA POST 1987 ANNUAL COLLECTION Soft Cover Album with the mint stamp issues from the year 1987. Face value exceeds $17. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #687
Lot# 594: AC34-CANADA POST 1991 ANNUAL COLLECTION Hard cover album with all stamps as issued by Canada Post. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #687
Lot# 595: AC41-CANADA POST 1998 ANNUAL COLLECTION Hard cover album with all stamps as issued by Canada Post. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #687
Lot# 596: TC11-INDIANS OF CANADA THEMATIC COLLECTION Canada Post Book with illustrated wrapper. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4819
Lot# 597: TC101e-DENIS POTVIN The NHL Thematic Collection Stamp Card featuring Denis Potvin. Cat Value $23........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 598: TC107-TRUDEAU MEMORIAL COMMEMORATIVE The Trudeau Thematic Collection issue from 2001. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #687
Lot# 599: TC167-ROYAL WEDDING KEEPSAKE KIT The William and Kate Wedding Thematic Collection from 2001. Cat Value $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 600: ABOUT 150 LUNG ASSOCIATION AND EASTER SEAL PANES In their original envelopes. Owner has noted some printing varieties. Only 2 different........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 601: COLLECTION OF NATIONAL CHRISTMAS SEALS 3 partial and 50 Full Sheets. Starts with 1943, 1944 and 1945 in large part sheets, from then to 1986 in full sheets with both English and French for most. Only a few sample sheets shown in scans. Catalogued by Unitrade. Cat Value $1090........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #3983
Lot# 603: #399ii VARIETY HB VF Mint light hinge, along with normal for comparison.........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 604: 465Bii USED BLOCK The $1 Oil Field HB issue from 1971. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 605: 479ii/479iii used A block and a single of each of the HB and Dull "Red over Blue" varieties. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 606: 525i VFNH The 6 cent Christmas issue of 1970 in a center block of 4. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4868
Lot# 607: 601ii USED The $2 Quebec issue with the "Airplane in the Sky" variety. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4768
Lot# 608: #790 BLK 4, MINT NH VARIETY 1 BAR TAG well in from edge. VF. Cat Value $........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 609: 1172d VFNH The 45 cent Pronghorn issue perf 13.1. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3091
Lot# 610: 1764asi USED The 1998 Christmas issue with the "missing sunbeam" variety and a normal copy for comparison. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4768
Lot# 612: QV CROWN CANCEL A 3 cent Small Queen on piece with a black Crown in Circle cancel. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 613: #C8 1942-43 Air Post war issue 7c deep blue on cover with private Perfin and blackout 27th Dec 1943 cancel.. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 614: KINGSTON COVER Fancy cork cancels tie two 3 cent small queens, dated 1873. Double weight letter to NB........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #3473
Lot# 615: FANCY CANCEL ties 3 cent small queen on cover, "N" cork cancel.........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 616: SLOGAN CANCELS Group of 9 mostly earlier slogan cancels. See scan for examples. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 617: 73 SQUARED CIRCLE CANCELS All on Victorian issues, nice selection, some duplication........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #431
Lot# 619: 52 INKING VARIETY MINT NH Block of 4 with the bottom right stamp showing a major inking variety in the right margin. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #431
Lot# 620: FORGERIES ON COVER 12 Early Canada Victorian and Edwards, Imperf between and singles, these are all computer generated forgeries. Most unusual, perforated and skillfully done.........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 621: MINT ADMIRAL STAMPS Missing ALL Printing. VF NH. Also Bileski write up on this.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2340
Lot# 622: 387 VARIETY Shifted Red text on the Seaway. (Minor variety). OHMS cover (Dept of National Defence). No cancels on cover, stamp not tied.........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 624: 650 SHADES Color study of the 1974 Christmas issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 625: 668 ONE BAR TAG VFNH The 1975 Women's Year issue with a major tag shift resulting in a large one bar tag at the left side. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3889
Lot# 626: #707a PRINTED on GUM SIDE Single, VF. Cat Value $1200........Image
...Opening Bid $350...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 627: #730a IMPERF PAIR Used on small piece, unpriced as used.. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #711
Lot# 628: #929 MISSING COLOUR Mint NH with copy of normal to compare. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 629: 934iv COLOR ERROR The $1 Glacier Park issue on Harrison Paper without any brown coloring. The Lot has a normal for comparison and a VG Greene letter explaining that they are unable to give an opinion. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 630: 947a TAGGING ERROR Booklet Pane of 6 Parliament issues in cover showing a major shift to the center on the bottom pair of stamps. See scan for Dealer's previous write-up. Est $100........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 631: 1122 TAGGING ERROR The 1987 Toronto Post Office issue with tagging shifted downwards resulting in 2 normal vertical bars and one large horizontal bar at the top. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 632: #1165c ERROR, PRINTED ON THE GUM SIDE VF, mint. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 633: #1167d IMPERF HORIZ PAIR MNH 1990 39c Queen, stamp at left F/VF, right has crease. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 634: 1259B IMPERF PAIR Only 15 pair known. VF NH. Cat Value $3000........Image
...Opening Bid $725...High Bidder #1410
Lot# 635: 1358b IMPERF SINGLE with huge part of adjacent stamp at bottom and large margins on other 3 sides. VF NH. Cat Value $600........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #2340
Lot# 636: 1370a MINT SINGLE Perf 14.4 X 13.8. VF NH. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 637: 1489c IMPERF STRIP of 10 Heritage rivers Imperf strip of 10. Only 2 reported. NH. Too large to fit in scanner.. Cat Value $8000........Image
...Opening Bid $1600...High Bidder #3200
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #2829
Lot# 639: IMPERF PAIR #1698B from Booklet BK215A. Die cut omitted. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #3027
Lot# 640: 1764b MINT SINGLE Perf 13.1 X 13.6. VF NH. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #1028
Lot# 641: #2155 with BLACK OMITTED Imperf with normal to compare. This is NOT priced in catalogue. VF NH. Est $700........Image
...Opening Bid $125...High Bidder #711
Lot# 642: #2299fi SOUVENIR SHEET With GOLD overprint, very scarce. Cat Value $2000........Image
...Opening Bid $450...High Bidder #2049
Lot# 643: #B15a CHARITY BKLT PANE OF 2009 - IMPERF ERROR. BLK OF 6 AND PAIR FROM ABOVE. BACKS SOUND & F/VF Recently found, UNREPORTED until now. Vincent Green certificates. See scans. Found on a package mailing with the pair separated from the six. One of a kind Scarcity puts it in a class of its own - meant only for the finest variety collection.. Est $5000........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $3100...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 644: GUELPH DOUBLE CIRCLE Fancy cork ties MIS-PERFED 3 cent small queen to cover to Montreal dated 1870........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #2512
Lot# 646: CL48 COVER Semi Official airmail stamp on back of postal stationery envelope. First Flight to Athabasca, dated 1931. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2517
Lot# 647: B1/ST2 USED Non-duplicated but extensive collection of Back of the Book issues with almost all categories included. About 180 stamps in total. Est $60........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 648: C1 TO C9 AIRMAIL SET Plus Special delivery Airmails. All are hinged. Plus 5 blocks, 3 of which are NH. Cat Value $200........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 649: C1-CE4 MINT LH Complete set of Canada's Air Mail and Air Special Delivery stamps. Cat Value $202........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #556
Lot# 650: CE1 USED Study group of singles, pairs, and blocks of the 1942 Air Mail Special Delivery issue. Cat Value $237........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 651: #CO1 1946 Air Mail issue, 7c Canada Goose, lower left (LL) plate block of 4, plate #1, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #4268
Lot# 653: E2 + #197 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Dated 1934. Mailed to USA. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 654: E5 + #219 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Dated 1936. Mailed to Quebec. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 655: E6 + C5 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Mailed from Winnipeg to New York dated 1936. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 656: E6 VFNH Nice position 50 example of the 1935 Special delivery issue. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 657: E7 + C6 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Mailed to USA. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 658: E9-E11 VFNH Set of the final 3 Special Delivery stamps of Canada. Cat Value $38........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 659: E11 + C9 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Dated 1949, mailed from Vancouver to Toronto. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 660: E11 + #254 SPECIAL DELIVERY COVER Mailed from London to New York, dated 1948. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 661: E11 POSTAGE DUE COVER Franked with Special Delivery stamp #E11, tied by Ottawa cds cancel dated 1946. With two USA Postage due stamps paying 8 cent deficiency........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 662: #EO1 1950 Air Mail Special Delivery issue, 10c green, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 663: #EO1 1950 Special Delivery issue, 10c green, upper left (UL) plate block, plate #1, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 664: #EO1 1950 Special Delivery issue, 10c green, upper right (UR) plate block, plate #1, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 665: #EO1 1950 Special Delivery issue, 10c green, lower right (LR) plate block, plate #1, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 667: 17 POSTAGE DUE PLATE BLOCKS All different, All NH except the 2 cent which has a small hinge in selvedge. All have PVA gum........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 668: J1/J40 MINT Collection of Postage Dues with most issues included. The majority of the stamps are hinged. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 669: ACCUMULATION OF J7 POSTAGE DUES 13 copies, all with cds cancels, plus strip of 3 of J20. Cat Value $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 670: J15/J35a MINT Group of 8 different Postage Due blocks. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 671: J17/J37ii MINT NH BLOCKS Group of blocks and Plate Blocks including two matching corner block sets (J34/J37i-ii), and a PB of J36a. Cat Value $50........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 672: J28a/J40 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Group of 8 different matching corner Plate Block sets from the 1977 final Postage Due issues. Includes J28a/J31a/J32/J34a/J35a/J38-J40. All are in the original Canada Post packs. Cat Value $75........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 673: J28i TO J37i 1973-74 Postage Due third issue, single 1c top left Plate Block (PB) then 8 complete sets of 4 PBs for values 2c to 16c.. Cat Value $74........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 674: J37 USED BLOCK OF 20 Full original gum NH. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #108
Lot# 676: SMALL STOCK OF PERF OHMS STAMPS 212 stamps in total, with a few mint hinged as shown........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 677: 15 OFFICIAL COVERS Franked with overprint OHMS or G, all are shown in scans. All are on official government envelopes. All except 1 on #10 size envelopes.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3029
Lot# 678: FIVE PERF OHMS COVERS All on large #10 size envelopes with government return addresses, all in the George VI era........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #301
Lot# 679: 50 OFFICIAL COVERS All were mailed to the RCAF at Mont Apica PQ, some have meter impressions, all have meter impressions. Only a few samples shown in scans.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 680: 75 OFFICIAL COVERS Misc government departments, only a few samples shown in scans. Almost all have "Postage Paid" or meter frankings.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2752
Lot# 681: COLLECTION OF 32 CANADA POST COVERS Not all shown in scans. "Postage Paid" franking or "On Her Majesty's Service" or "On Postal Service"........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3029
Lot# 682: SIX PERF OHMS COVERS All are on large #10 size envelopes, with Government department return addresses. Circa 1940s and 1950s........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 683: TEN OHMS COVERS All are #8 size and franked with "G" stamps, except one franked with "OHMS" stamp. Mainly early Elizabethan........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 684: FOUR HOLE OHMS ISSUES Three covers franked with 09-254/10-252. Covers have post WW II dates. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 685: O8-118 USED VF, position 1. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #817
Lot# 686: 08-165 USED VF. Die 1, position 3. Missing pin in S variety. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 687: 08-176 USED Position 7, Fine. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 688: 08-190 USED Fine, position 1.. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #301
Lot# 689: 08-223 USED Heavy horizontal crease. Position 1.. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 690: SEVEN UNLISTED PERF OHMS All are 5 hole: 213 (3 copies), 244, 152, 245. All are position 1. Plus 08-155 damaged. Position 1........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #4156
Lot# 691: 5 MINT OFFICIAL STAMPS Includes: OC9, O258, O260, O245, O8. All are light hinge. #O245 has heavy horizontal crease. Cat Value $508........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 692: 18 DIFFERENT AIRMAIL AND SPECIAL DELIVERY PERF OHMS All are used. 8 have both positions 1 and 3. All are VF except #C1. Cat Value $254........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 693: COLLECTION OF OFFICIAL STAMPS All different, 51 stamps, plus 3 blocks of 4. All are VF USED.. Cat Value $226........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #601
Lot# 694: O1/O39 USED Dealer's residual stock of around 200 Official stamps with the OHMS or G overprints. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 695: O1/CO1 USED Dealer's stock of OHMS overprints including O1/O3-O4/O7/CO1. About 125 stamps in all. A good group of different O/P positions. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 696: O8-118 USED VF, with light purple parcel cancel. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 697: O8-120 USED The 50 cent black brown Admiral 5 hole OHMS perfin with a straight edge at the left side. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4901
Lot# 698: 30 DIFFERENT MUFTI ERA PERF OHMS All are used. The set of Mufti issues at top are 5 hole, balance are 4 hole. The 50 cent Victoria BC has paper wrinkles. Some with two different positions as shown. Cat Value $360........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #301
Lot# 699: 86 OFFICIAL OVERPRINTED STAMPS All are used, circa the 1950's and 1960's. Heavily duplicated........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 700: COVERS #O9-231 TO #O9-C7 Lot of 9 Canadian covers with "4-hole OHMS" perforated stamps, war issues Estimate $35 (OHMS perforated covers not listed in Unitrade). Cat Value $35........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 701: #O9-231 TO #O9-261 Lot of 17 multiples (40 stamps) of the 4-hole O.H.M.S issue, from 1937 to 1943, used.. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 702: #O9-231 TO #O9-257 Lot of 13 multiples (44 stamps) of the 4-hole O.H.M.S issue, from 1937 to 1943, used.. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 703: #O9-231 TO #09C9 Collection of 42 4-hole O.H.M.S. issue from 1937 to 1946, includes two configurations for many and 4 Air Mail.. Cat Value $166........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 704: O9-231 TO #O9-C8 Collection of 34 4-hole O.H.M.S. issue from 1937 to 1946, includes two configurations for many issues and 3 Air Mail.. Cat Value $86........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 705: #O9-231 TO #O9-CE2 Collection of 39 4-hole O.H.M.S. issue from 1937 to 1946, includes two configurations for many issues and 4 Air Mail and one Air Mail Special Delivery, 8c brown MNH, rest used.. Cat Value $183........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #777
Lot# 706: O9-231 TO #O36 Collection of 46 Officials 4-hole OHMS, O.H.M.S. and G overprints, couple of vertical strips of 3 and 3 pairs, used.. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 707: #O9-241 TO #09-C8 Collection of 76 of the 4-hole O.H.M.S issue from 1937 to 1946, includes 5 Air Mail, used with interesting cancels.. Cat Value $84........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 708: #O9-241 TO #O9-CE2 Collection of 36 4-hole O.H.M.S. issue from 1937 to 1946, includes two configurations for many and 3 Air Mail and one Air Mail Special delivery.. Cat Value $108........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 709: #O9-249 TO #09-262 Lot of 22 1942-43 War issue, 4-hole O.H.M.S with 2 orientations for most, used.. Cat Value $62........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 710: #O9-249 TO #O9-C7 Collection of 18 multiples of 4-hole O.H.M.S officials, pairs, strips of 3 and blocks of 4, 40 stamps total,. Cat Value $36........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 711: PEACE ISSUE - PERF OHMS 13 different. O10-268 to O10-286. The $1 Ferry is type O9 position 3, The 50 cent Lumbering in position 3 is type O9, the rest are type O10. Cat Value $158........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 712: 09-C1 AND 09-C6 ON AIRMAIL COVER Stamps tied by very light Ottawa cds. Royal Oak BC received on back dated 194?........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 713: #O9-C6 TO #O9-CE2 Lot of 6 Air Mail and one Air Mail Special Delivery, with 4-hole O.H.M.S, used.. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 715: NINE OFFICIAL COVERS On large size #10 envelopes, most having government return addresses. All shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 717: #O10-272 1946 Peace issue, 50c logging, mint hinged.. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 718: #O11 Pair of 1950 50c oil wells with O.H.M.S overprint, VF/MNH and VF used.. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 719: #012i 1950 KG VI issue, 1c green blank corner block of 6, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 720: COVERS #015 TO #O44 Lot of 6 Canadian covers with O.H.M.S (2) and "G" (4) overprint stamps.. Cat Value $82........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 721: #O15 1950 KG VI issue 4c dark carmine, upper left plate block of 6 (VF/mint) and lower left (LL) plate block of 4, plate #6, VF/MNH showing cracked plate.. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #777
Lot# 722: COVERS #O18 TO #O44 Lot of 5 Canadian covers with "G" overprint stamps.. Cat Value $51........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 723: COVERS #O18 TO #O45 Lot of 9 Canadian covers with "G" overprint stamps, included a registered and "return to sender".. Cat Value $88........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 724: #O21 TO #O49 Lot of 5 block of 4 with "G" overprint, Peace issue 14c olive and 14c brown, used, and Cameo issue 1c deep brown, 4c carmine and 5c violet blue, MNH.. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 725: #O21 1950-51 Peace issue, 10c Great Bear Lake, lower right (LR) plate block of 4 plus block of 4, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 726: O21-O25 VFLH The 1950 Peace issue Officials. Cat Value $132........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 727: COVERS #O30 TO #O43 Lot of 5 Canadian covers with "G" overprint stamps.(O44 5c bright blue not counted in CV). Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 730: O32 VFNH BLOCK Block of 4 of the one dollar Totem issue with the "G" overprint. Cat Value $72........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3996
Lot# 731: #38 Complete set of 1953-55 issue, 50c textile industry, 4 plate blocks VF/MNH, plate #2.. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #777
Lot# 732: #O38 Complete set of 1953-55 issue, 50c textile industry, 4 plate blocks VF/MNH, plate #1.. Cat Value $240........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #777
Lot# 733: THREE FLYING G MINT BLOCKS All are VF NH in blocks of 4. O38a, O39a and O45a. Cat Value $94........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #301
Lot# 734: #O39 Complete set of 4 plate blocks of 1955-56 issue, 10c Inuk & Kayak plate #4, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $72........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 735: #O39 Complete set of 4 plate blocks of 1955-56 issue, 10c Inuk & Kayak plate #1, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 736: #O40 1955-56 QEII Wilding 1c violet brown, complete set of 4 plate blocks, VF/MNH, small cut in upper left block selvedge,. Cat Value $21........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 737: #O40 1955-56 QEII Wilding 1c violet brown, plate 8 complete set of 4 plate blocks, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 738: O40ii USED Two copies of the one cent QE "G" Officials with the overprint shifted to the Queen's mouth. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #431
Lot# 739: #O41 Complete set of 1963 QEII Wilding issue, 2c green, 4 plate blocks VF/MNH, plate #2.. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 740: #O41 Complete set of 1963 QEII Wilding issue, 2c green, 2 plate blocks, LL and LR VF/MNH, 2 plate blocks, UR and UR MNH with sun damage, plate #5.. Cat Value $18........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 741: #O41 Complete set of 1963 QEII Wilding issue, 2c green, 4 plate blocks, VF/MNH, plate #6.. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3900
Lot# 742: #O41 Complete set of 1963 QEII Wilding issue, 2c green, 4 plate blocks, F/MNH, plate #7.. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 743: OFFICIAL #O43 AND #O44 Four covers of 1955-56 QEII "G" overprint Official, 4c violet(2, one unused) and 5c bright blue(2), supplied to workers to claim Unemployment Insurance Benefit.. Cat Value $22........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #817
Lot# 746: #O44 Complete set of 1963 QEII Wilding issue, 5c bright blue, 3 plate blocks VF/MNH, 1 blocks F/MNH (LR) with perf separation, plate #11.. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 747: #O45a 1955-56 issue, 20c paper industry, upper left (UL) plate block, plate #2n, VF NH with tear in upper left selvedge.. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #777
Lot# 748: #O45a - FLYING G 1955-56 issue, 20c paper industry, upper right (UR) plate block, plate #2n, VF NH.. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #777
Lot# 749: #O45a 1955-56 issue, 20c paper industry, lower right (LR) plate block, plate #2n, VF NH.. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #3900
Lot# 750: #O46 Complete set of 1963 QEII Cameo issue, 1c deep brown, 4 plate blocks VF/MNH.. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 751: #O47i Complete set of 1963 QEII Cameo issue, 2c green, 4 plate blocks VF/MNH. LL block has blunt "G".. Cat Value $87........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 752: #O48 Lot of 3 1963 QEII Cameo issue, 4c carmine plate blocks UL, UR and LR, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 753: #O49 Lot of 3 1963 QEII Cameo issue, 5c violet blue plate blocks UL, UR and LR, VF/MNH.. Cat Value $21........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 754: SELECTION OF PERF OHMS STAMPS 178 singles plus 13 blocks of 4. Heavily duplicated, some position differences. Cat Value $344........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 755: 36 DIFFERENT USED OFFICAL STAMPS Between #O1 / O49. All stamps are VF with G and OHMS overprints. Cat Value $64........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 756: REUSED COVER O232 on reused cover from Dept of Public works, Victoria dated 1942 (during war). Resealed with OHMS "Save paper" Tag........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #431
Lot# 757: FOUR HOLE OHMS COLLECTION Grouping of 68 used stamps between O244 and O257. Includes many perfin error varieties. The stamps have not been sorted by the new Unitrade Perfin Types. Est $90........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 758: O8-155 USED Two copies in positions 1 and 5. Fine. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 759: O8-175 USED Three different positions: 1, 5, 7. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 760: 08-176 USED Fine, position 5, straight edge at right side. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #301
Lot# 761: O8-244 USED F/VF, position 1. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #4156
Lot# 762: EIGHT MUFTI ISSUE STAMPS - PERF OHMS F or VF with normal and each with a "Missing Pin" variety. Cat Value $46........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 763: 79 PERF 5 HOLE OHMS stamps, 16 with the "Missing pin" variety, some faults. Cat Value $264........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 764: 6 OHMS COVERS All are franked with 4 hole perf OHMS stamps, mostly commercial covers, all are #10 size envelopes........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 765: THREE SCARCE PERF OHMS STAMPS Includes: O9-223, O9-226, O9-C1. The first two are VF, C1 is badly off center. Cat Value $230........Image
...Opening Bid $85...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 766: O9-255 4 Hole perf OHMS on RE-USED COVER (Previously O-255). Reused slip partially missing. 5 cent war issue perf OHMS tied by Summerland BC cds dated 1947. Very scarce........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 767: O9-259 ON REGISTERED COVER Dated 1944 and stamp tied by East Angus P.Q. cds cancel. Envelope opened on 3 sides, tear at left........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #301
Lot# 768: THREE VERY LARGE GOVERNMENT ENVELOPES All with either perf OHMS stamps affixed or OHMS overprint. Airmail, Registered. See scans. One cover too large to fit in scanner. One cover with a missing stamp........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 772: BLACKWATER RPO CANCEL Valentines Post Card dated August 24, 1909 with a Blackwater Junction & Midland RPO CDS cancel. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 773: S. C. & V. RPO POSTAL CARD CANCEL Early Rockies Post Card featuring Takakkaw Falls dated April 14, 1917 with a pair of Calgary & Vancouver RPO cancels. Also has a Sandwick B.C. CDS cancel. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 774: CANADIAN DRUG CO LTD Postcard dated 1899. 1 cent numeral tied by RPO cancel. Fancy Commercial heading.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #185
Lot# 775: CPR M.C. RPO dated 1893 ties 1 cent and 3 cent small queen to cover to Germany........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2854
Lot# 776: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Rate change memo dated 1925........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2708
Lot# 777: C & V RPO CANCEL ties 2 cent numeral to cover to Seattle, dated 1900. Envelope is Canadian Pacific Railway Company stationery.........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 778: THREE ESQUIMALT & NANAIMO RAILWAY ITEMS An invoice, a Waybill dated 1898 and a Timetable dated 1949........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 779: ESQUIMALT & NANAIMO RAILWAY Trip pass from Victoria to Oyster Bay, dated 1898........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 780: HARRISBURG & SOUTHAMPTON RPO four strikes ties block of 6 1/2 cent small queens to cover to Guelph, dated 1897........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3004
Lot# 781: ST. JOHN'S AND PORT AUX BASQUES RPO Cover dated Nov. 7, 1961 with a CDS cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 782: SASK. HARD. & ED. RPO Pair of 1950's CDS cancels. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 783: TORONTO AND FORT WILLIAM RPO Registered cover from New Zealand with a New Years Eve RPO cancel from 1939 and a Cochrane CDS cancel from New Years Day 1940. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2792
Lot# 784: WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON RPO Post Card to Gilt Edge Alberta dated Sept. 18, 1909 with a CDS cancel. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 785: WT-492.55, NEL. & MID. R.P.O. / H. F. WINDLE , Tr. 12, JAN 8, 1930 This is a new discovery and is not yet listed in the manual. On facing slip........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3209
Lot# 787: AUST UNIT POSTAL STATION / 496 Forces Mail. Perhaps mailed from the Australian Contingent during the Korean War (?). Mailed to England. Franked with 3 cent Excise stamp ( Not legal) and appears to be dated 1951. Unusual item. No marking on back of cover........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3009
Lot# 788: CFB BORDEN COVERS Four philatelic Camp Borden covers with Large circular cancels: "Office of Base Chaplain" (2 copies), "Base Hospital", "Base Orderly Room". All are dated 1972........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 789: CANADIAN FORESTRY CORPS BASE WW I POST CARD Post Card dated May 28, 1917 with a blue Orderly Room cancel and sent via the Vancouver Post Office. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #567
Lot# 790: FPO311 COVER Cover dated April 19, 1942 with an FPO311 split ring cancel and a Seaforth Highlanders handstamp. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 791: FPO483 Cover dated Oct. 27, 1941 from the Canadian Forestry Corps Depot with Base Depot and Orderly Room cancels. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 792: CAMP UTOPIA COVER Cover dated Feb. 19, 1943 from Camp Utopia in St. George NB to the U.S. Army Camp Pickett in Virginia. The letter is still enclosed. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 794: WW I PETAWAWA FIELD POST OFFICE CANCELS Group of 32 Admirals cancelled at the Ontario Base. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 795: R.C.A.F. COVERS A pair of covers from 1943 to the U.S. from the #3 Depot in Edmonton and the #15 Depot in Claresholm. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 796: H.M. SHIPS CENSORED COVER Undated cover sent to Malta with a 2 ring "His Majesty's Ships" cancel and an Examiner 934 Censor's seal. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 797: TANK AND BIG GUN ON POSTCARD Military encampment and artillery. unused postcard, circa WW1........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #431
Lot# 799: 5 HOTEL COVERS All are franked with a single 3 cent Medallion and have commercial Hotel return address. One is an illustrated cover. 4 from Ontario, one from Quebec. All have folds........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 800: BRITISH COLUMBIA PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY Advertising cover. Franked with 2 cent Edward tied by grid, dated 1907. Illustration on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 802: SECOND BILL STAMP SERIES PROOFS 19 different proofs from 1 cent to 50 cent in different colours. All are on India paper. F/VF. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 803: SECOND BILL STAMP SERIES PROOFS 16 proofs in colour of issue, on India paper on card. VF. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 804: SECOND BILL STAMP SERIES PROOFS 17 proofs in colour of issue, on India paper. VF. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 805: SECOND ISSUE BILL STAMP PROOFS 28 pairs on India paper on Card. All different colours / shades. 1 cent to 50 cent denominations. Est $600........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 806: MINT FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL STAMPS Selection of 87 stamps with a good variety of purposes and denominations. Condition ranges from NG to NH with lots of better catalogue value items. Est $85........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 807: FB32 USED The 50 cent blue QV Bill stamp perf 13.5. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 808: FB33 USED Nice dated cancel (1866). Tiny pinhole in stamp. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 809: FB33 PROOF $1 orange Pair on India paper, missing center design. Small stain on one stamp........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #687
Lot# 810: THIRD BILL STAMP SERIES PROOFS 7 different from $1 - $3. (FB34 - FB36) All are on India paper on card. VF. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 811: OLD CHEQUE Dated 1881 with Bill stamps on back........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #687
Lot# 812: SECOND BILL STAMP SERIES PROOFS 11 different from $1 - $3. (FB34 - FB36) All are on India paper on card. Includes 2 pairs. VF. Est $350........Image
...Opening Bid $160...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 813: FB36 PROOFS in Block of 4, on India paper. $3 Blue / Orange center........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #687
Lot# 814: FB40c STRIP of 4 Mint, hinge remnants on all stamps. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #687
Lot# 815: FB52a BLOCK of 4 Unused No gum, Crease between upper and lower pairs. Cat Value $270........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 816: FE9 PLATE PROOF 25 cent Electric light in green. On India on card........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #687
Lot# 817: FE10 PLATE PROOF 50 cent Electric light in green. On India on card........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #687
Lot# 818: 30 USED ELECTRICITY AND GAS INSPECTION STAMPS Between FEG1 and FEG11, some duplication, all are Fine, includes 4 multiples. Some shades. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 819: FLS10 + FLS10a Single and booklet pane of 2. VF. Cat Value $750........Image
...Opening Bid $200...High Bidder #687
Lot# 820: FLS10 SINGLE No control numbers. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $85...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 821: FPC1a MINT COIL PAIR One stamp hinged, 1 NH. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 822: FPL10 + FPL11 PETROLEUM LABELS Both are imperforate and have small Handstamp "Cancelled". Cat Value $700........Image
...Opening Bid $240...High Bidder #687
Lot# 823: FPL11 PETROLEUM LABEL Imperforate, with heavy horizontal crease down length of label. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #687
Lot# 824: FPL12 + FPL4 PETROLEUM LABELS One is imperf, the other has perforations at bottom.. Cat Value $700........Image
...Opening Bid $240...High Bidder #687
Lot# 825: FSC1 MINT VF, hinged, paper adhesions. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 826: YOUNG QUEEN SUPREME COURT STAMPS FSC1, FSC2, FSC4, FSC6 ( 2 copies). All have perf varieties as shown on the scan description. All are used and sound condition.. Cat Value $620........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 827: FSC1 TRIAL COLOUR DIE PROOF 10 cent, in green on India paper. Light Horizontal crease.. Est $500........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 828: FSC1 USED Some blunted perfs at top and dead perfs at left side and bottom. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $20...High Bidder #3645
Lot# 829: YOUNG QUEEN SUPREME COURT SPECIMEN STAMPS The complete set all are specimen varieties overprinted "cancelled". 4 have Original gum, hinged, two have No Gum........Image
...Opening Bid $125...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 830: FSC1 - FSC5 USED SET The Young queen supreme court law stamps. The 10 cent and the 50 cent have creases and the $1 has blunted perfs. Cat Value $830........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 831: FSC2 MINT Fine, hinged and uneven applied gum. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #431
Lot# 832: FSC2 ON DOCUMENT Affixed to the back of attachment to a document. Catalogue value for stamp only.. Cat Value $95........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #687
Lot# 833: FSC3 MINT Multiple hinge, Off center. o/w Fine. Cat Value $375........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #687
Lot# 834: FSC3 TRIAL COLOUR DIE PROOF 25 cent, in green on India paper. Light Horizontal crease.. Est $500........Image
...Opening Bid $160...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 835: FSC4 MINT Fine, hinge remnant. Some gum on front of stamp.. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 836: FSC4 DIE PROOF on India paper, in green. Fine. Est $300........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #687
Lot# 837: FSC4 ON DOCUMENT Cancelled with dated 1871. Catalogue value for stamp only. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #687
Lot# 838: FSC5 USED Several heavy creases. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 839: FSC5 TRIAL COLOUR DIE PROOF $1, in green on India paper. Fine. Est $500........Image
...Opening Bid $145...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 840: FSC6 USED Fine, punch cancels. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 841: FSC6 USED VF, with dated 1891 cancel. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #687
Lot# 842: FSC6 USED Multiple creases and small tear at margin. Dated cancel 1880. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 843: FSC6 TRIAL COLOR DIE PROOF $5 in green on India paper. Est $400........Image
...Opening Bid $210...High Bidder #108
Lot# 844: FSC6 TRIAL COLOR DIE PROOF $5 in Brown Red shade on India paper. Est $400........Image
...Opening Bid $210...High Bidder #601
Lot# 845: FSC7 USED Small thin on lower perf tips. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 846: FSC8 USED Heavy crease. A few perf tips thinned or blunted. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3645
Lot# 847: FSC8 PROOF No control number and "cancelled" purple overprint. F/VF. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #687
Lot# 848: FSC9 USED F/VF. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 849: FSC10 USED Horizontal crease, small punch cancel. Cat Value $1200........Image
...Opening Bid $130...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 850: FSC12 USED VF. Cat Value $475........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 851: FSC14 UNUSED No Gum, VF. Blue Control Number. Cat Value $600........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 852: FSC15 USED Punch cancel, F/VF. Cat Value $325........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 853: FSC16 USED VF, punch cancel. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 854: FSC17a USED VF, punch cancel.. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3645
Lot# 855: FSC18 USED F/VF punch cancels. Cat Value $9........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #687
Lot# 856: FSC18 VFNH The $1 blue KG V Law stamp with both the thin and thick numerals. Cat Value $99........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #431
Lot# 858: FSC29 USED In Prize over print at top somewhat blurry. Horizontal crease at top. ink Cancel rather than punch cancel. Cat Value $950........Image
...Opening Bid $210...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 859: FU2 LARGE DIE PROOF Sunk on large card 6" X 9". Est $300........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #687
Lot# 861: FU74/FU86 VFNH The 1960 UI issues with Specimen overprints complete other than the $1.72 value (FU81). Cat Value $213........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 862: FU89/FU95 VFNH SPECIMEN ISSUES Five values from the 1960 Fisherman issue with Specimen overprints. Cat Value $219........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 863: FWM12 USED Strip of 5, with consecutive Control numbers, manuscript cancels dated 1881. Cat Value $67........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #687
Lot# 864: FWM20 MINT Two blocks, one with Bank Note inscription and the second with Fifty Cents Inscription. Both are heavily hinged and disturbed gum. Cat Value $420........Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #687
Lot# 865: NINE WEIGHTS & MEASURES STAMPS without Control numbers, 2 are duplicates. FWM22 / FWM32........Image
...Opening Bid $95...High Bidder #431
Lot# 866: FWM33 One used, and Unlisted as such, and one Mint hinge remnants, The No Value in the value tablet. Fine. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 867: FWM33 MINT LH The 1880 red Crown issue without the Value Tablet entry. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 868: FWM34 USED The 5 cent black QV issue of 1897 with a very light cancel. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 869: WEIGHTS & MEASURES (FWM 53 - FWM56) Edward VII, 7 singles and a block of 4, some are unused No Gum. All priced as used. Cat Value $328........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #3645
Lot# 870: FWM69 LARGE DIE PROOF sunk on 6" X 9" card. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #687
Lot# 871: #FWT #7-13 WAR TAX F/VF, mint horizontal pairs. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #431
Lot# 872: FWT14/FWT16 Two KG V War Tax stamps including FWT14 used and FWT16 mint no gum. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3996
Lot# 873: FOUR WINE STRIP PAIRS FWT20, 21, 22, 23. Includes: 10 cent, 13 cent, 25 cent and 50 cent denominations. All are unused, No Gum. Cat Value $1180........Image
...Opening Bid $125...High Bidder #687
Lot# 874: FX2 FULL SHEET Missing top selvedge and in two pieces. Has 10 copies at left side with lathework type D.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #687
Lot# 875: FX20 USED The $100 green KG V issue with a "1320" numeral cancel. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 876: FX27g MINT HINGED The 14 cent on 7 cent surcharge issue with the surcharge moved to the top of the stamp. The stamp has a light hinge thin visible when held to the light. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 877: FX33 USED Very lightly cancelled example of the 2 and a quarter cent surcharge issue. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 878: #FX64 Collection of 44 cancelled cheques of the Canadian Bank of Commerce dated 1946 to 1952, 35 with 3c blue revenue stamp. CV of stamps $9, 2 sample scans. Cat Value $9........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 879: FX64a MINT The 3 cent blue three Leaf issue in a Booklet Pane of 4. The top 2 stamps are NH and the bottom ones are DG. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 880: FX95a-FX96a MINT The 2 cent and 3 cent three Leaf coil pairs. FX95a is NH and FX96a is LH. Cat Value $69........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 881: THREE LARGE BLOCKS OF EXCISE TX STAMPS Includes: FX99a, FX101a, FX137a. All in mint blocks of 20. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #687
Lot# 882: FX125 MINT NH The one dollar on four dollar overprint in red issue. Cat Value $34........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 883: FX129 MINT NO GUM Two examples of the 20 cent on 15 cent red surcharge stamps. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 884: FX140 UNUSED VF, has red adhesions on back (may be able to soak off). Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 885: ABOUT 1000 EXCISE TAX STAMPS Only 2 cent to 4 cent ( Mostly 3 different stamps)........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #185
Lot# 886: POSTAL NOTE AND SCRIP STAMPS 45 stamps, mostly mint, tiny bit of duplication. First issue is almost complete, second issue complete and third issue only 2 stamps. Cat Value $285........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #479
Lot# 887: SIX BC LAW DOCUMENTS All are shown in scans, Legal size are too big to fit in scanner. All concern legal actions pertaining to CPR legal issues.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #479
Lot# 888: FOUR BC LAW DOCUMENTS From small town registries: Alberni, Nanaimo, Fort Steele, Prince Rupert. Are on legal size documents and too big to fit in scanner. All are scanned.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 889: BCL1/BCL12a USED Group consisting of 3 each of BCL1/BCL2/BCL5/BCL12a. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 890: BCL5a USED PAIR One stamp watermarked, VF. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 891: BCL5b Perf 11 X 5 1/2 in a strip of 3. Used. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 892: BCL5d USED Watermark and perf 5 1/2 on right side, scarce. Fine. May be a double perf down right side (?). Cat Value $550........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 893: BCL8 USED The dark black 10 cent B.C. Law stamp issue of 1888. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 894: BCL11c Perf 11 X 5 1/2 on part document, dated 1898. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 895: BCL40a MINT Horizontal Pair Imperf between, hinge and thinned spot. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #431
Lot# 896: BCL40b IMPERF HORIZONTALLY in strip of 3. top and bottom stamps have light hinge.. Cat Value $262........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 897: BC LAW STAMPS, CENTENNIAL ISSUE BCL46 - BCL50. Cat Value $155........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 898: BCL51 VFNH PAIR Horizontal pair of the 10 cent gray Law stamp from the 11th Series. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2348
Lot# 899: BCL57 VFNH PAIR Horizontal pair of the $10 red Law stamp issue of 1958. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #120
Lot# 900: BCL58 MINT PAIR NH, with Inscription selvedge at top.. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 901: BCL58 VFNH The $20 blue Law stamp issue from 1958 with perfs on all sides. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 902: BCL60 VFNH PAIR The 1971 two dollar magenta Law stamp in a horizontal pair with huge bottom margins. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 903: BCL63 VFNH The one dollar blue Law stamp from the 1981 issue. Cat Value $313........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 904: ML80-ML81 USED The 50 cent and $1 values of the 1886 Manitoba Law stamps. Cat Value $106........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 905: MW1b - EXTRA ROW OF PERFORATIONS. In half sheet of 50 stamps, 10 with the double perforations. NH. Cat Value $1010........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #610
Lot# 906: NFR8 MINT Disturbed gum and heavy crease. Cat Value $700........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 907: NFR20/NFR42 USED Group of KG V and VI issues with various perfs and shades. Cat Value $147........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 908: NFR36/NFR42 ON DOCUMENTS Selection of 6 Court documents franked with various 1942 Caribou stamps between the 5 cent and 5 dollar values. Catalogue value is for the stamps only. See scan for examples. Cat Value $126........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 909: NFR36/NFR48 USED Selection of the 1942 Caribou issue in singles, pairs, and blocks. Lot also has a single of NFR47 and NFR48. Cat Value $450........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #431
Lot# 910: NSB1 TO NSB15 USED The third issue Bill stamps with NS overprint. A few small faults. Missing NSB2 (the rare one). Cat Value $355........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 911: ONTARIO LAW DIE PROOF Missing center Vignette, hole in stamp........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #687
Lot# 912: ONTARIO LAW PROOF Pair on India, on card, with Bank Note Inscription at top........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #687
Lot# 913: OL12 ESSAY Purple border with Black center, Fine on India Paper........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #687
Lot# 914: OL33 PLATE PROOF on card, with Inscription in upper margin........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #687
Lot# 915: OL46 - OL49 + OL51 - OL59 Ontario law stamp SPECIMENS perforated "CANCELLED". All in Mint lower right corner pairs. Hinge remnants, the odd crease.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 917: OL48a USED - IMPERF horizontally Strip of 3. Manuscript cancels and. Cat Value $685........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 918: OL59 PROOF ON CARD Pen obliteration and large tear at bottom right........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #687
Lot# 919: OL61 - OL65 Ontario law stamp SPECIMENS perforated "CANCELLED". All in Mint lower right corner pairs. Hinge remnants, the odd crease.........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 920: THREE ONTARIO LAW DOCUMENTS Franked with OL73 & OL79. The second document is franked by single OL79. The third doc is franked with 2 copies of OL79. Too large to fit in scanner........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #479
Lot# 921: QCP7 - QCP10 With English text. Unused or disturbed gum. Cat Value $320........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 922: QL15 / QL54 36 stamps, 25 different. Includes several better items: QL44, QL48, QL54. Cat Value $151........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 923: HONORAIRES / FEES OVERPRINT QL73 - QL81. Mint light hinge. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 925: QL92 + QL96 Both are VF NH. Cat Value $507........Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #687
Lot# 926: QR16-QR26 USED Partial set of the 1912 Registration issue to the $20 value as well as a copy of the $2 reissue (QR29). Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 927: STOCK TRANSFER TAX STAMPS #QST9 - QST18. Complete set, three are used, the mint are NH. Cat Value $220........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1307
Lot# 928: QU2, QU3 + QU2 FORGERY the 10 cent is mint NH,, 15 cent is unused No Gum a few blunt perfs and the forgery has missing and blunt perfs at right side.. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #687
Lot# 929: QV15 MINT VF NH. Cat Value $350........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 930: SE2 ON SMALL PIECE 50 cent blue City of Saskatoon Electrical Dept. Damaged, spacefiller (Hard to see, looks Fine). Cat Value $1600........Image
...Opening Bid $95...High Bidder #431
Lot# 931: SE12 VFNH Horizontal pair of the one cent yellow Electrical License stamps. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 932: SE28a UNUSED No Gum. It looks like this is the one up, one down variety, but is hard to tell but it definitely has two overprints, one quite light. Cat Value $1000........Image
...Opening Bid $105...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 933: SL1 TO SL5 USED 5 cent to 50 cent of the first Saskatchewan Law stamp issue. Cat Value $122........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 934: 36 SASK LAW STAMPS The 1908 issue From SL33 to SL44, the complete set plus shades, all are used. Cat Value $105........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #301
Lot# 935: SL34/SL52 USED PAIRS Selection of 9 pairs from the 1908 and 1938 issues. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 936: SL72 SPECIMEN Full gum with cancellation punch hole........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 937: 10 SASKATCHEWAN LAW STAMP DOCUMENTS Each with a different franking and various uses. See scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #479
Lot# 938: YL1 - YL6 SPECIMEN SET Three have No gum, 3 are mint hinged. All have "CANCELLED" overprints. A scarce set which catalogues as used at $1185.00........Image
...Opening Bid $85...High Bidder #2046
Lot# 939: YL1 - YL6 SPECIMENS All are overprinted with "Specimen" handstamps. most have No gum, two are original gum hinged. Est $200........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #1010
Lot# 940: YL18 USED VF, one punch cancel. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #687
Lot# 941: RATION BOOK From World War 2, Three panes of coupons still in book.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 942: 8 FEDERAL WILDLIFE CONSERVATION STAMPS Four are on part of document and 3 of them are soiled as they were used, see scan. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 943: FWH1 + FWH2 FIRST DAY COVERS As new. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 944: 6 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOOKLETS FWH3, FWH4 ( 2copies), FWH7, FWH8 on First Day cover (Unlisted as such), FWH8 on Museum Document (Unlisted as such) and 1987 Photo print. Cat Value $140........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 945: FWH10a/FWH12a The 1994 and 1996 Wildlife issues affixed to Hunting Licenses. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 946: FWH16 MINT NH The Sandhill Crane issue from the Year 2000 in a Booklet cover. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2143
Lot# 947: NBW3/NBW3a VFNH The 1996 Wildlife issue in Booklet Panes of one and four with covers. Cat Value $82........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 948: NSW4/NSW4b VFNH The 1995 Wildlife issue in Booklet Panes of one and four with covers. Cat Value $92........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #556
Lot# 949: QW6a VFNH The 1993 Peregrine Falcon issue in a Booklet Pane of 4 with cover. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1318
Lot# 950: TBT1 MINT NH, may have slightly blemished gum (?) or may have been applied that way (?) trivial.. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $95...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 958: W-165 off center, pulled perf at lower left. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1026
Lot# 959: X-326 TO Y-710 Lot of 17 multiples, includes 10 blocks of 4, 2 blocks of 6, one block of 8, one block of 9 and 3 vertical strips of 4. Cat Value $21........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 961: BRIDGEBURG 1-104-E 1911-31 KG V Admirals issue, 1c green "Bribdgeburg" error, well centred, used.. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #4911
Lot# 962: EDMONTON 1-109 Creased per tips at top, otherwise Fine. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2879
Lot# 997: PARIS 1-104-I F/VF. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4911
Lot# 998: PARIS 1-107 VF. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #4911
Lot# 999: PARIS 1-108-I F/VF. Mint hinged. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4911
Lot# 1000: PARIS 1-217 VF. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1001: PARIS 2-217 VF. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1002: QUEBEC #2-89 1903-08 KE VII, style 2 "Third Class Matter" overprint, used with image offset to upper left. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1053: WESTON 1-163 Die 2, off center to bottom. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #4911
Lot# 1054: WINDSOR #1-106-I 1911-31 KG V Admirals issue, 2c carmine with inverted surcharge and image offset to lower right. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3630
Lot# 1059: WINNIPEG 3-104-ID Fine, straight edge at left, the second overprint is partial. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2879
Lot# 1097: COLLECTION OF BAR TYPES 75 different, Types R, S, T, U, V, W, X. Many of the stamps have faults........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1098: BRANDON #1-105 TO WINNIPEG #5-112a Collection of 94 1911-31 "Admirals" issue, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $467........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1099: BRANDON #195 TO YORKTON #2-195 CV $10 to $20 collection of 55 covering the towns from Brandon to Yorkton, one double, used with some perf faults and several with offset images and overprints.. Cat Value $572........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1100: BRANDON #3-195 TO YORKTON #195 CV $10 to $20 collection of 55 covering the towns from Brandon to Yorkton, used with some perf faults, couple of straight edges and several with offset images and overprints.. Cat Value $572........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1101: BRANDON #3-195 TO YORKTON #2-231 Collection of 245 MOON (Money Order Office Numbers) Town precancels from Brandon to Yorkton, all different, used, one with cut left side. 2020 Uni-Safe 8th edition CV $467. Cat Value $467........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1102: BRANTFORD #1-104 TO KITCHENER 1-104-I Lot of 64 of town issues B to K, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1103: BRANTFORD #1-104 TO VANCOUVER #3-166 Lot of 10 precancels of piece, 3 Brantford, 3 Toronto and 4 Vancouver from the period 1918 to 1932. Cat Value $46........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1104: BRANTFORD #1-105 TO WINNIPEG #6-196 Collection of 125 precancel multiples including vertical and horizontal pairs, triples, block of 4 and a strip of 5, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint.. Cat Value $210........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1105: BRANTFORD #1-163 TO BROCKVILLE 4-231 Collection of 69 town precancels for Brantford, Bridgeburg and Brockville, two copies of most issue with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issue, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $174........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1106: BRANTFORD #1-163 TO WINNIPEG #6-166 Collection of 90 town precancels of the 1930-32 Leaf issue, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V issue, 10 pairs, 2 triples, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $444........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1107: BRANTFORD #1-149 TO WINNIPEG #5-149 Collection of 41 town precancels of the 1928-29 Scroll issue, two copies of some issues with colour shades of this KG V issue, 2 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $161........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1108: BRANTFORD #3-195 TO PETERBORO' #2-217 Collection of 64 of "Scroll", "Leaf", "Medallion" and "Pictorial" issues, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $390........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1109: BRIDGEBURG #1-89 TO WINNIPEG #5-114 Lot of 32 damaged stamps, good for spacefillers, CV $188 if not damaged........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1110: CALGARY #1-104-I TO FREDERICTON #1-107 Collection of 54 town precancels for Calgary, Cobourg, Edmonton and Fredericton, two copies of most issue with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issue, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1111: GALT #105 TO HALIFAX #4-284 Collection of 59 town precancels for Galt, Guelph and Halifax, two copies of most issue with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issue, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $315........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1112: HAMILTON #1-89 TO #7-285 Collection of 60 town precancels for Hamilton, two copies of most issue with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issue, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $257........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1113: HAMILTON #1-89 TO #7-85 Single Town collection of 24 precancels, normal and inverted, including one pair, used with some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $84........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1114: HAMILTON #7-231 TO WINNIPEG 8-231 Collection of several 1000s of MOON precancels from 24 towns/cities, all KG VI, most 1c green, few 2c brown. Heavily duplicated........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1004
Lot# 1115: KINGSTON #1-89-I TO KITCHENER #2-249 Collection of 64 town precancels for Kingston and Kitchener, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 2 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $369........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1116: LENNOXVILL #1-271 TO LONDON #5-305 Collection of 64 town precancels for Lennoxville, Lindsay and London, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issue, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $331........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1117: LINSAY #1-195 TO REGINA #4-232 Lot of 64 of town issues L to R, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $298........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1118: LONDON #1-104 TO #5-305 Single Town collection of 27 precancels, normal and inverted, including one pair, used with some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $66........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1119: MONCTON #1-104 TO #5-249 Collection of 80 town precancels for Moncton, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, one pair, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $415........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1120: MONCTON #1-106 TO #5-231 Single Town collection of 25 precancels, normal and inverted, used with two with straight edge, some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1121: MONCTON #5-231 TO WINNIPEG #3-112 Lot of 8 blocks of 4, two 5c violet blocks of 6 and 10, and a Quebec 1c yellow block of 8, mix of MNH/mint and used. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1122: MONTREAL #2-89 TO #10-284 Single Town collection of 99 precancels, normal and inverted, includes 1 pair, strip of 5, vert strip of 4, used, 8 with straight edge, some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $201........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1123: MONTREAL #2-89 TO #10-329 Collection of 192 town precancels for Montreal, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 5 pairs, 1 triple, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $693........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1124: MONTREAL #8-163b-I 1930-32 KG V Leaf issue, 1c green, die I, inverted. 2020 Uni-Safe CV $20. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1125: MONTREAL #8-195-D TO YORKTON 1-195 Collection of 111 town precancels of the 1932-33 Medallion issue, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V issue, 7 pairs, 1 triple, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $317........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1126: MOOSE JAW #1-105 TO NIAGARA FALLS #5-284 Collection of 57 town precancels for Moose Jaw and Niagara Falls, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, 4 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $193........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1127: OSHAWA #2-215 TO WOODSTOCK #1.105 Collection of 56 town precancels for Oshawa, Windsor and Woodstock, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 2 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $96........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1128: OTTAWA #1-89 TO #5-232 Collection of 64 town precancels for Ottawa, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 2 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $340........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1129: OTTAWA #1-92 TO #5-305 Single Town collection of 30 precancels, normal and inverted, including three pairs, used with some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $117........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1130: PETERBORO' #1-104 TO WOODSTOCK #2-195 Collection of 48 town precancels for Peterboro', Oshawa, Vancouver and Woodstock, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, 1 pair, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $151........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1131: QUEBEC #1-89 TO #5-329 Single Town collection of 32 precancels, normal and inverted, including one left side margin, used with some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1132: QUEBEC #1-89 TO #5-329 Collection of 63 town precancels for Quebec, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 1 pair, 1 triple, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $103........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1133: QUEBEC #3-164 TO YORKTON #2-217 Collection of 51 of "Scroll", "Leaf", "Medallion" and "Pictorial" issues, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $296........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1134: REGINA #1-104 TO #4-285 Collection of 64 town precancels for Regina, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, 2 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $206........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1135: ROCK ISLAND #1-195 TO SHERBROOKE #2-217 Collection of 50 town precancels for Rock Island, Sackville, St. Hyacinthe, St. John, St. Thomas, Saskatoon and Sherbrooke, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $198........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1136: ROCK ISLAND #1-195 TO WINNIPEG 2-195 Lot of 64 of town issues R to W, some perf faults, straight edges and offset image/overprint. Cat Value $284........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1137: ROCK ISLAND #1-218 Lot of 1935 KGV issue, 2c brown, excellent centrering. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1138: TORONTO #3-289 TO #15-329 Single Town collection of 164 precancels, normal and inverted, used, 5 with straight edge, some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $368........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1139: VANCOUVER #2-104 TO WESTON #1-105 Collection of 59 town precancels for Vancouver, Walkerville and Weston, , two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KG V and KG VI issues, 2 pairs several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $144........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1140: VANCOUVER #2-104 TO #6-285 Single Town collection of 23 precancels, normal and inverted, used with some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $62........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1141: WALKERVILLE #1-104 TO YORKTON #2-217 Lot of 10 from Walkerville (4), Weston (1), Woodstock (3) and Yorkton (2), used with a couple of offset images. Cat Value $72........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4743
Lot# 1142: WINNIPEG #1-89 TO #8-252 Single Town collection of 64 precancels, normal and inverted, used, 5 with straight edge, some perf faults and offset images and overprints. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2045
Lot# 1143: WINNIPEG #1-89 TO #8-305 Collection of 173 town precancels for Winnipeg, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 8 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $500........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #1041
Lot# 1144: WINNIPEG #1-89 TO #5-305 Collection of 159 town precancels for Winnipeg, two copies of most issues many with colour shades of KE VII, KG V and KG VI issues, 8 pairs, several offset images and perf faults. Cat Value $445........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #1240
Lot# 1153: MINT CANADA ENVELOPES Two preprinted Canada Post envelopes and one from CN Telegraph Service from the 1950/1960 period. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1154: VC1-VC15 MINT Full set of the 1971 Canadian National Exhibition Post Office Scenic Cards. See scan for examples. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2792
Lot# 1157: TWO METER COVERS Dated 1939 and 1948. mailed by Victoria government offices to Vanderhoof........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1158: CANADA LETTER CARD Used with Toronto Exposition Flag cancel, dated 1901........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #185
Lot# 1159: METER 4006 Earlier meter stamp on an illustrated B.C. Gov't Travel Bureau envelope. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4059
Lot# 1161: BOOKLET #BK41c 1949-1951 KGVI issue, booklet with 1 pane of 6 of 4c carmine, stitched, English. Excellent condition with VF pane, CV +50%. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1162: BOOKLETS #BK45 TO #BK98 Collection of 22 booklets covering the period from 1953, Karsh issue, to 1985, Parliament Buildings issue. Covers in excellent condition and many panes are VF. Cat Value $200........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #4851
Lot# 1163: BK63a MINT Wholesale Lot of 6 of the 1970 QE Centennial Booklet. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1164: #BK71 TO #BK257 Collection of 14 used booklets, four attached to cover, from the period 1972 to 2002 (most cancelled after issue date).. Cat Value $185........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1165: BK193a MINT Sealed Booklet of the 1996 Literacy semi-postal issue. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1166: SEVEN WAR ISSUE BOOKLET PANES Includes: 249c, 252a (3 copies), 252b, 251a, 254b. All are VF NH. Cat Value $31........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #945
Lot# 1168: CARCROSS YUKON - PADDLEWHEELER Duplex ties #340 to post card dated 1963. The front shows S.S. Tutshi paddlewheeler, on the White Pass and Yukon Route........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 1170: TEN DIFFERENT OHMS STAMPLESS COVERS All are dated 1867 to 1909.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2752
Lot# 1171: 1 USED A one penny black QV with wide margins on hard paper and slightly larger than normal. Possibly a proof or Cut Square. Est $??........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #431
Lot# 1172: OHMS MAIL TO NEW ZEALAND 1 penny stamp tied by London cds dated 1903. Forwarded.. Est $500........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3029
Lot# 1173: SIX "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" covers and cards dated `1940s to 1966. all are shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1174: #3 1841 QV issue, 1p red brown on bluish paper, "9" in Maltese Cross cancel, used with 3 margins (cut into at bottom left). Scott Specialized CV US$185. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 1175: #3 Lot of 3 1841 QV issue, 1p red brown on bluish paper, "6" in Maltese Cross cancel, used with 2-3 margins. Scott Specialized CV US$495. Cat Value $500........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 1176: #3 Lot of 2 1841 QV issue, 1p red brown on bluish paper, rare "10" in Maltese Cross cancel, used with 2 margins. Scott Specialized CV US$650. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $20...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1177: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (M-L) with "14" cancel, 4 margins. Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #769
Lot# 1178: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (C-E)) with "4" in diamond cancel, 4 margins (close at bottom). Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 1179: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (E-E)) with "12" in diamond cancel, 4 margins (close at bottom). Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 1180: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (R-L)) with "11" in diamond cancel, 4 margins (close at bottom/left). Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2058
Lot# 1181: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (R-K) with "17" in diamond cancel, 4 margins (close on left side). Scott CV US$50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #769
Lot# 1182: #4 1841 QV issue, 2c blue (L-J) with #387 1944 type cancel, 3 margins (cut at top left).. Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1183: 16/20 USED The 1 penny red brown QV on bluish and white papers. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1184: #33 1864 QV 1p rose red on cover likely dated Dec 7, 1877, several tears and writing on the envelop front and rear. Scott Specialized CV US$9. Cat Value $12........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1185: #34, THE 4D (G-E) ORG USED Sound, Heavy cancel thus VG/F Scott cv US$150. Cat Value $210........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1186: #42 1 SHILLING GRN PL 1, (M-A) USED Heavy cancel, sound, Scott cv $350. Cat Value $490........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1187: #43, THE 1865 4D ORG - ALL EIGHT (8) PLATES (INCLUDING BOTH SHADES). A few with small flts, 2024 Scott cv US687.50. Cat Value $950........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1188: #44, 3d ROSE, VERY LIGHTLY USED, PL 4 Fine Scott cv $275 US$. Cat Value $390........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1189: #61 THE 1873 3d ROSE, USED (K-J), PLATE #16 Fine. Scott cv US$92.50. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1190: #61 3d ROSE PLATE GROUP, PL 16 & 20 SOUND (AT TOP OF SCAN), PL 11 & 15 WITH FAULTS Scott cv US$542.50. Cat Value $760........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1191: #67 2 1/2d CLARET (G-A) PL #11 - WITH PERFIN 'CURRIE' USED Scott cv US $100, sound, slight staining thus VG. For perfin. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 1192: 67 USED The 1875 two and a half pence claret QV issue from Plate 11. The stamp has a "1" numeral grid cancel. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 1193: #80 TO #MH95 Collection of 90 private Perfins spanning the period from 1880 to 1995, used with minor duplication and a few damaged not counted in value. Valued as non-perfin Scott CV US$137.50. Cat Value $188........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 1194: 80 USED PERFIN The one and a half pence red brown QV issue of 1880 with an "H B & C" perfin. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 1195: 81 USED The 2 pence lilac rose QV issue with a Mark Lane July 10, 1885 square circle cancel. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1196: #82 2 1/2d ULTRA, USED (B-F) PL 21 Scott cv $52.50. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1197: 82 USED The 2 and a half pence ultra QV issue from 1881. The stamp is from Plate 23 and is tied to a piece by a "59" diamond grid cancel and a Feb. 22, 1883 Bandon cancel. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1198: #85, 1881 5d INDIGO FULL PERFS, APPEARS FINE but has a small thin covered by postmark bleed to back. Scott cv US$200. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1199: 88 USED The 1 penny lilac QV issue of 1881 on piece with a full Sept. 6, 1881 Chelmsford square circle cancel. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1200: #102 THE 1884 3d (L-B) WITH "WHITBY" CANCEL Full perfs, Fine, Scott cv US$115. Cat Value $160........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1201: #103 THE 4d WITH NEWSPAPER BRANCH CANCEL Stamp sound. Scott cv US$245. Cat Value $340........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1202: #105 6d GRN USED(F-M) Nice colour, usual heavy cancel, Fine Scott cv US$280. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1203: #106 1883 9D GRN SON CDS "AU 4 83" (BO) partial BURY St. Edwards?, centered to UR, pp at LR corner & stain behind one perf, otherwise nice colour, Scott US$550. Cat Value $760........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1204: GB #108 USED Heavy cancel, tiny pin hole, small corner crease. Scott catalogue value: $250 US$. Cat Value $345........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #119
Lot# 1205: #108 THE 1884 QV 5 SH CAR ROSE (IE) CDS, VF appearance, expertly repaired, Scott cv US$290. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1206: #111-122, THE 1887-92 USED SET The 1/ is faded, otherwise a Generally Fine set. Scott cv U$349.15. Cat Value $510........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1207: 111/122 USED Partial set of 9 values from the 1887 QV issue. Cat Value $205........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1208: #118a UNUSED No Gum, type 1. Catalogue value for used is $125 and for mint is $825 US$. Cat Value $1145........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #2340
Lot# 1209: 125 USED Accumulation of 74 copies of the half pence blue green QV issue of 1900. The Lot has a large variety of shades and cancels. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4711
Lot# 1210: 126 USED The one shilling carmine rose and green QV final issue with an April 12, 1902 Lowestoft CDS cancel. Cat Value $135........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1211: 127/150 KE USED PERFINS Collection of 59 stamps from the half penny to the six pence denominations. Catalogue value for the used stamps is over $1000. Est $100........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1212: 129-130 USED The one and a half pence and two pence values of the 1902 KE issues with clean cancels. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1213: 133-134 USED The 4 pence and 5 pence values from the 1902 KE issues. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1214: 138 USED The one shilling KE issue of 1902 with an Oct 6, 1910 CDS cancel. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1215: 138a USED The one shilling KE issue of 1911 in the scarlet and dark green shade. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1216: #139, THE 1902 2/6 USED Well centered with obliterating cancel otherwise sound, Scott cv US$150. Cat Value $210........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1217: #140 THE 1902 5SH USED Cancel hiding one of perfs - full perfs. F/VF Scott cv US$220. Cat Value $310........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1218: 166/171 USED Group of 10 stamps from the 1912 KG V issues with extra shades. The 9 pence is damaged and not counted in catalogue value. Cat Value $99........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1219: #179-180 SEAHORSES 1913 2/6 & 5/ Fine Used, Scott 2024 cv US$500. Cat Value $690........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1220: 179 USED The 2/6 shilling olive brown Seahorse issue of 1919 with a short perf at LL. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1221: #181, 10/ SEAHORSE USED, SON CDS, VF CENTERING A stamp often with short perfs. repaired perf at right, otherwise sound. 2024 cv US$180. Cat Value $250........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1222: 183 USED The KG V nine pence olive green issue from 1922. The stamp has 4 even margins. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1223: INVERTED WATERMARKS Group of 5 different issues with inverted WM's between 187 and 294. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1224: #249-252A PLUS #275 THE POUND SET USED Fine, Scott cv US$69.80. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1225: QE USED Collection of over 350 stamps with duplication of some issues. A few earlier issues but the majority are from the decimal period. See scan for examples. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1226: 357d/357dp VFNH The 2 and a half pence QE issue of 1959 with black graphite lines on reverse and with and without tagging on front. Cat Value $32........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1227: 360a/360ap VFNH The 1959 QE four and a half pence issues with black graphite lines on reverse and and with and without phosphor tags on the front. Cat Value $43........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1229: #1971 THE SCARCE 1ST CLASS SUBMARINE, DIFFICULT TO FIND PERF, USED VF Scott cv US$35. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $14...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1230: LUTON STAMPLESS FOLDED LETTER Addressed to Switzerland and dated 1845........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2062
Lot# 1232: #034 GOVT PARCELS OVPT ON 6d VIOLET ROSE USED Fine Scott cv US$85. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1233: #035 GOVT PARCELS OVPT ON 9d BLUE & LILAC USED Bit lite purple writing at rear. Fine Scott cv US$135. Cat Value $185........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1234: O58 MINT NG The 1901 six pence violet QV issue with the Army Official overprint. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1235: #035 GOVT PARCELS OVPT ON 1 SH GRN, USED, bit faded, Fine Scott cv US$310. Cat Value $430........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1236: #056 ARMY OFFICIAL OVPT ON 2 1/2d VIOLET BLUE, USED, Fine, Scott cv US$39. Cat Value $55........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1237: 450 BRITISH PERFINS Mostly Victorian and Edwardian, unchecked for rarer perfin types, all are shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #945
Lot# 1238: USED REVENUES Group of 21 different Revenue stamps from QV to KG V. Est $35........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1239: SCARCER SCOTTISH MACHINS #SM 55 & 62, THE 28p & 39p USED F/VF Scott cv US$30. Cat Value $42........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1240: CALF OF MAN BLOCKS Interesting group including 4 mixed denomination VFNH blocks of 12 and 2 mixed denomination Souvenir Sheets with First Day Cancels. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1241: DAVAAR ISLAND LOCAL POST Selection of mint and used issues from this Scottish Island Local Post Service. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1242: GUERNSEY-24/122 FIRST DAY COVERS Good selection of 21 different illustrated FDC's from the years 1969 to 1975. See scan for examples. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1243: GUGH ISLAND LOCAL POST Selection of 20 mint singles and 8 FDC's from this Cornwall Island Local Post Service. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1245: JERSEY 854-857 USED Selection of 17 stamps from the "Days Gone By" issue with various dates between 1999 and 2001. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1246: LUNDY-ATLANTIC COAST AIR SERVICES STAMPS Set of 3 values from the 1935 issue. The stamps are all mint hinged. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #658
Lot# 1247: PABAY ISLAND LOCAL POST Selection of mint and used issues from this Scottish Island Local Post Service. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1248: EVENT COVERS Group of 28 different Event covers with many being illustrated. See scan for examples. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1249: QV JUBILEE LABELS MINT H/NG The 1897 Diamond Jubilee labels featuring the future King Edward and Queen Alexandra. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1250: SIR ISAAC PITMAN COMMEMORATIVE MINT NH The 1913 Centennary Year issue in green. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1252: BAHAMAS #14, THE 1863-5 6d VIOLET USED one pulled perf at bottom, otherwise VF. Scott cv US$85. Cat Value $110........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1253: BERMUDA #133-34, SILVER WEDDING POUND SET VF, Light hinge. Scott cv $47.75. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1254: ADEN-16/23 MINT NH Group of 8 values from the 1939 Scenic issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1255: AITUTAKI-271-275 VFNH The 1982 Christmas issue in a set of illustrated mini-panes of 5 as well as the accompanying Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1256: ANGUILLA-MINT Collection of LH/NH issues between 17 and 354. Most are in complete sets. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1257: ANTIGUA COLLECTION Consists of 104 stamps, mixed mint and used. Includes: #2, 4, 5 and #7 (tiny nick at top). Scott catalogue value: $278 US$. Cat Value $386........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1258: ANTIGUA-94 VFLH The 10 shilling red violet KG VI issue of 1948 with partial Plate inscription. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1259: ANTIGUA-129-132 VFNH The 1962 Royal Mail Steam Packet issue in LR Plate Blocks of 6. Cat Value $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1260: ANTIGUA-262-266 VFNH The 1970 first Military Uniforms issue in a set of LL Corner Plate Blocks. Cat Value $36........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1261: ANTIGUA-266a/333a VFNH Full set of the 5 Military Uniform issue Souvenir Sheets. Cat Value $38........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 1262: ANTIGUA-FIRST DAY COVERS Two earlier illustrated FDC's from 1976-1977 including 444-447 and 459-463. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1263: ASCENSION ACCUMULATION Heavily duplicated lot of 52 stamps, mostly mint, all are shown in scan. Scott catalogue value: $81.45 US$. Cat Value $113........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1264: ASCENSION-47a MINT LH The perf 13.5 KG VI two shilling six pence issue of 1944. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1265: ASCENSION ISLAND-MINT NH Group consisting of 58/60, 247-250, and 274-288. Cat Value $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1266: AUSTRALIA COLLECTION 69 stamps mixed mint and used, some duplication, see scan........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1267: AUSTRALIA COLLECTION of 766 stamps between the years 1966 - 1999, mostly used. Mounted in commercial stamp album, only first page shown in scan.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1219
Lot# 1268: AUSTRALIA # 18 MINT VF, very light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $100 US$. Cat Value $138........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1269: AUSTRALIA #99 MINT F/VF, light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $75 US$. Cat Value $103........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1722
Lot# 1270: AUSTRALIA #142-144 + 159-161 MINT VF, light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $80 US$. Cat Value $110........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #119
Lot# 1271: AUSTRALIA MINT Includes 13 blocks and 3 pairs between #157 and #268. All are VF NH. Scott catalogue value: $37.10 US$. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1272: AUSTRALIA #169 TO #332 Collection of 43 covering the period from 1937 to 1959, se-tenant pair and a couple of pairs, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$27.85. Cat Value $38........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1273: AUSTRALIA #19 TO #333 Collection of 199 covering the period from 1914 to 1959 with high coverage, predominately used. Scott CV US$226. Cat Value $310........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 1274: AUSTRALIA #21 1914-24 KGV issue, 1c red plus shade and type varieties, 21a carmine rose, 21b red type 1a, 21c carmine type II and 21d scarlet. Scott CV US$60.25. Cat Value $82........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1275: AUSTRALIA-6 USED The 4 pence Kangaroo in orange with a few short perfs and a Dec. 9, 1914 Sydney CDS cancel. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1276: AUSTRALIA-VICTORIA TPO CANCEL Three pence QV #222 with a 2 ring "English Mail" TPO cancel dated July 18, 1913. A fairly late usage of this stamp. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1277: AUSTRALIA-KG V USED Offering of 26 stamps with various denominations, shades, perfs, etc. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 1278: AUSTRALIA-MINT Collection of about 215 different issues from the pence era through the 1990's. Majority are NH. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 1279: AUSTRALIA- 206 VARIETY USED The 2 shilling Kangaroo issue of 1945 with a white hole in the left leg. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1281: AUSTRALIA-USED Accumulation of about 600 stamps with denominations ranging from 50 cents to $5. See scan for examples. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1282: AUSTRALIA-POST OFFICE COLLECTOR ITEMS Group of 20 items including Presentation Folders, Collector Cards, Museum Cards, etc. See scan for examples. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1283: AUSTRALIA-1987 VENDING MACHINE FDC'S Set of 9 First Day Covers dated Sept. 2, 1987 with color cachet. All have a different machine code. See scan for list of Codes and examples. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1284: AUSTRALIA-1990 VENDING MACHINE STAMPS Set of 9 First Day Covers franked with the $1.20 value stamp and Koala cachet. Covers are dated Sept. 3, 1990 and all have different Machine Codes and cancels. See scan for Code list and examples. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1285: AUSTRALIA-QUANTAS QE CORONATION FIRST DAY COVERS Set of 13 FDC's prepared by Quantas in 1953 commemorating the Coronation for the 13 countries they service. Est $60........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3658
Lot# 1286: AUSTRALIA-1954 REDEX STAMPS VFNH Group of 3 different colors from the "Drive Around Australia" reliability test commemorative labels. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1287: AUSTRALIA-NEW SOUTH WALES The 2 pence blue QV issue with a "3" numeral sunburst cancel (Windsor). Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1288: AUSTRALIA-NEW SOUTH WALES 109 USED The half penny blue green QV issue with a "221" numeral sunburst cancel (Hunters Hill). Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1289: AUSTRALIA-NEW SOUTH WALES O27 USED The 6 pence Official issue with a "4" sunburst cancel (Richmond). Cat Value $Esat $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1290: AUSTRALIA-QUEENSLAND USED Grouping of 57 stamps between 18 and 124 with several good cancels and different shades. Est $95........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1291: AUSTRALIA-SOUTH AUSTRALIA 107 ON COVER Seamail cover dated April 13, 1897 to London onboard the Lloyd Nord Deutcher. Cover has an Adelaide CDS cancel and a London receiving mark. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 1292: AUSTRALIA-TASMANIA 15 USED The six pence blue gray QV issue of 1865. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1293: AUSTRALIA-TASMANIA 106 USED The 4 pence ochre issue of 1905 with the rarer perf 11 x 11 and a Hobart CDS cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1294: AUSTRALIA-VICTORIA 165 USED The six pence ultra QV issue with a Nov. 2, 1900 Warrack CDS cancel. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1295: AUSTRALIA-VICTORIA OFFICIAL FRANK Used Chief Secretary Frank issue on blue paper. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1296: AUSTRALIA-WESTERN AUSTRALIA 20 USED One pence rose with clipped corner and a SON "3" numeral grid cancel. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1297: TWO RECEIPTS + TWO CHEQUES Dated 1875, 1880, 1881 and 1930. It looks like three of these are Australian but unsure (?)........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3172
Lot# 1298: AUSTRALIAN STATES: New South Wales (11 stamps Cat: $181). South Australia (6 stamps Cat: $54). Queensland (38 stamps Cat: $232). Victoria (13 stamps Cat: $150). Cat Value $857........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1299: AUSTRALIA - TASMANIA 43 stamps, some duplication. All used and all are shown in scans. Scott catalogue value: $1864 US$. Some small faults. Cat Value $2588........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1300: THREE EARLY BAHAMAS #24 is used, the other two #12 and 16 are unused No Gum. Fine. Scott catalogue value: $187.50 US$. Cat Value $260........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3027
Lot# 1301: BAHAMAS-158-173 VFLH The 1954 QE Scenic issues in a full set of 16. Cat Value $86........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1302: BAHAMAS-204-218 VFNH Full set of the 1965 QE pence definitives. Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1303: BAHAMAS-276-279 VFNH The 1968 Olympic Games issue in a set of LR Plate Blocks of 6. Cat Value $29........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1304: BAHAMAS-426/443 VFNH The 1978 Island Scenes issue without WM. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2905
Lot# 1305: BAHAMAS-640-644 VFNH The Discovery of America set issued in 1988. Cat Value $21........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2905
Lot# 1306: 20 OLD BARBADOS STAMPS Between #6 - #56. all are used. Includes: #6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 25, 29, 32, 42, 46, 50-56. #6 is thinned all others are sound. Scott catalogue value: $704 US$. Cat Value $977........Image
...Opening Bid $160...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1308: BARBADOS-69-69a MINT NH The half pence on 4 pence QV surcharge issue with and without hyphens. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1309: BARBADOS-110-112 VFLH Even margin set of the 1907 Nelson issue. Cat Value $49........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1310: BARBADOS-116/126 MINT AND USED Nearly complete set of the 1912 KG V Britannia issue with 116 and 126 being mint LH. The rest are used. Cat Value $244........Image
...Opening Bid $125...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1311: BARBADOS-152/161 MINT AND USED Nearly complete set of the 1921 Colony Seal issue missing only the one shilling. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1312: BARBADOS-227 USED The 1950 Great Seal $2.40 gray issue with a light cancel. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1313: BARBUDA-148-154 VFNH The 1974 UPU Centenary issue in a set of pairs showing both overprint styles. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1314: BARBUDA-148-154 VFNH The 1974 UPU Centenary issue in LL Corner Plate Blocks of 6. Cat Value $94........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1315: BARBUDA-706/711 VFNH Set of the 1985 Audobon overprints. Cat Value $62........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1316: BARBUDA-773 VFNH The 1986 Girl Guides issue Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1317: BARBUDA-799-802 VFNH The 1986 World Cup issue. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1318: BARBUDA-826-827 VFNH The set of 2 Flower issue Souvenir Sheets from 1986. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1319: BRITISH EAST AFRICA #30 Fine, Mint heavy hinge remnant. Scott 2024 cv US$ 37.50. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1320: BECHUANALAND ACCUMULATION of 80 stamps, mostly mint, the early 12 stamps are used. All are shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1322: BERMUDA #50 GV 2/6 MINT VLH VF Scott cv value $37.50 US$. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1323: BERMUDA #51 4 shilling Fine Mint, Scott 2024 cv US$75. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1324: BERMUDA #52 5/ MINT NH F/VF Scott 2024 cv US$75. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1325: BERMUDA #57 2D GRAY USED F/VF Scott 2024 cv US$55. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1326: BERMUDA-142/237 MINT Good range of mainly NH stamps from the QE pence era. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1327: BERMUDA-164-167 VARIETIES MINT NH Study group of blocks and singles of the 1953 and 1956 overprint issues with normal copies and various surcharge varieties. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1328: BERMUDA-175-188 VFNH Set of the Island Buildings issue from the 1 pence to the 2/6 shilling value in Plate Blocks of 4. Cat Value $92........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1329: BERMUDA-265 VFNH PLATE BLOCK The 18 cent Floral stamp in a LL Plate Block of 4. Cat Value $27........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1330: BERMUDA-389/518 VFNH Collection of issues from the 1980's in mostly complete sets. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1331: BERMUDA-709-744 VFNH Group of 7 sets from 1996-1997. Cat Value $81........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2905
Lot# 1332: COLLECTION OF BRITISH GUIANA All different with some perforation varieties. Mostly used. Scott catalogue value: $757 US$. Cat Value $1050........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1334: BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY-39-42 VFNH The 1971 Antarctic Treaty issue. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1335: BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY-51/59b VFNH Partial set of the 1980 Polar Explorers issue in Plate Blocks of 4. Includes the 3 new values (51-54) and the 2 perf 12 high values (58b-59b). Cat Value $44........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1336: BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY-72-75 VFNH The 1979 Penguins issue in a set of gutter pairs. Cat Value $42........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1337: BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY-92-95 VFNH The 1982 Princess Diana issue in a set of Plate Blocks of 6. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1338: BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA-67 USED The 10 shilling KE issue with a light cancel. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1339: EAST AFRICA & UGANDA USED Good selection of issues between 17 and 62. Est $45........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1340: EAST AFRICA & UGANDA USED #53 MINT HINGED The 5 rupee KG V issue of 1912. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1341: BRITISH GUIANA-COLONY SEALS Seventeen stamps from the various Colony Seal designs between 19 and 149. Almost all are used. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4961
Lot# 1342: BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS #89 - 105 Mint VF NH. Scott catalogue value: $110 US$. Cat Value $151........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1343: BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS #128 - 142 Complete set, Mint very light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $43.70 US$. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1047
Lot# 1344: CAPE OF GOOD HOPE COLLECTION 66 stamps, a few duplicates. All are shown in scans........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1345: CAPE OF GOOD HOPE #4 Used with large wing margin but cut into at bottom. Scott catalogue value: $85 US$. Cat Value $117........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4202
Lot# 1346: CAPE OF GOOD HOPE #21 USED Stanley Gibbons #21. 3 clear margins, small tear in lower right corner. Scott catalogue value: $725 US$. Cat Value $1000........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #711
Lot# 1347: CAPE OF GOOD HOPE-STEAMER COVER Cover to London franked with a single #60 and tied with a Sept. 12, 1902 Port Elizabeth 2 ring cancel. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1348: CAYMAN ISLANDS Stanley Gibbons #10a, dented frame variety. Mint NH. Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: 375 GBP. Cat Value $676........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #2677
Lot# 1349: CAYMAN ISLANDS SG #53a, missing bar variety. Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: 275 GBP. Cat Value $495........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2840
Lot# 1350: CAYMAN ISLANDS-135-149 MINT NH Complete set of the initial QE definitives to the one Pound denomination. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2905
Lot# 1351: CAYMAN ISLANDS-636-647 VFNH Complete set of the 1991 Island Scenes issue in gutter pairs. Cat Value $113........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1352: CEYLON - TWO EARLY USED SG #5 and #6a (or 6c)?. The first has 3 small margins and is cut into at top. The second has 3 small margins and just cut into at left side. The first SG catalogue value: 150 GBP, the second has SG catalogue value: 550 GBP (or 1500 GBP if shade). Cat Value $1262........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #2677
Lot# 1356: CEYLON SG #381g, Dot by Turret variety, used. Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: 200 GBP. Cat Value $360........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2677
Lot# 1357: CEYLON 260 THE 1935 6D VARIETY "DOT BY FLAGPOLE" FINE USED Recognized by SG 2024 as 379h at cv 50 pounds. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1358: CEYLON-49f USED The two pence olive green QV issue from 1863. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1359: CEYLON-USED Collection between 63 and B2 with many duplicates of a few issues. Still, lots of variety with about 230 stamps in total. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1360: CEYLON-290 VFNH Dealer's Lot of 19 copies of the 3 cent KG VI surcharge issue of 1940. Cat Value $76........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1361: CEYLON-QV REVENUE STAMP The 25 cent QV Stamp Duty issue with an 1893 cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1362: CEYLON - TWO EARLY USED SG #5 and #6b. The first has 3 large margins, left just touching frameline. The second has 3 large margins, just cut into at right. Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: 1150 GBP. Cat Value $2073........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #2840
Lot# 1363: CHRISTMAS ISLAND-196-211 VFNH The 1987 Wildlife issue in a full set of 16 as well as the 1989 extra value. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1364: CHURCHILL MEMORIAL ISSUE Complete set of 33 countries, 132 stamps. VF NH........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1365: COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS Grouping between 3 and 336b with most being LH/NH. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1366: COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS-183-198 VFNH The 1988 Flower issue in a full set of horizontal gutter pairs. Cat Value $53........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1367: COOK ISLANDS-28 VARIETY MINT The one penny Queen Makea issue of 1902 with a paste-up strip. No record of this issue being sold as coils. Est ??........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1368: COOK ISLANDS-123 VFNH The 2 shilling Village and Palms issue from 1946. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1369: COOK ISLANDS-1024-1028 VFNH The 1989 Christmas issue including the $6.40 Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1370: COOK ISLANDS-1042-1046 VFNH Complete set of the 1990 Christmas issue with the $6.40 Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $31........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1371: COOK ISLANDS-1108-1110 VFNH The 1992 Olympics issue in a set including the $6.40 Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $46........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1372: COSTA RICA #257 TO #271 AND #C186 TO #C523 Collection of 12 regular and 242 Air Post covering the period from 1950 to 1971, mix mounted mint and used. Scott CV US$105.75. Four sample scans. Cat Value $143........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #769
Lot# 1373: CYPRUS-MINT AND USED Small group of mostly early issues from QV to QE. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 1374: CYPRUS-72/84 MINT LH Group of 12 different stamps from the 1921 KG V issue. Lot includes 72-82 and 84. Cat Value $194........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1375: COLLECTION OF DOMINICA 60 stamps, pre Elizabethan. Mostly used. All are shown in scans.. Cat Value $195........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1376: DOMINICA #6 MINT Original gum hinged. Scott catalogue value: $275 US$. Cat Value $379........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #119
Lot# 1377: DOMINICA-141/307 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Selection of 64 different Plate Blocks in mainly complete sets. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $171........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1378: DOMINICA-454-471/640-643 VFNH Full set of the 1975 QE Flora and Fauna issue as well as the 1979 Hurricane Relief overprints. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1379: DOMINICA-872 FIRST DAY COVER The $2 Disney Christmas issue in a pane of 8 on a FDC. Cat Value $32........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1380: FALKLAND ISLANDS #18 USED Fine. Scott catalogue value: $65 US$. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1410
Lot# 1381: FALKLAND ISLANDS: THE 1944 S GEORGIA; S ORKNEYS; S SHETLANDS ALL IN MINT NH SETS 3L1-8; 4L1-8; 5L1-8, all VF MNH sets (qty 24 stamps) 2024 Scott cv US$75.60. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1382: FALKLAND ISLANDS-122-127 VFNH The initial QE definitives set from 1955. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1383: FALKLAND ISLANDS-147-148 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS LR Corner Plate Blocks of the 1963 Red Cross issue. Cat Value $93........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1384: FALKLAND ISLANDS-237-240 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS The 1974 Battleships issue in a set of LR Corner Plate Blocks of 6. Cat Value $145........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1385: FALKLAND ISLANDS-266-274a VFNH The 1978 Ships issue as well as the "1982" inscribed year varieties in complete sets of gutter pairs. Cat Value $104........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1386: FALKLAND ISLANDS-276-277 FIRST DAY COVER Illustrated FDC with a set of the 1978 Airplane Mail Delivery issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1387: FALKLAND ISLANDS-416/514 VFNH Collection of singles from the years 1985 to 1989. Appears to be missing only one set. Cat Value $151........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1388: FALKLAND ISLANDS-549/684a VFNH GUTTER PAIRS Collection of 49 gutter pairs from the years 1992 to 1997. Almost all are in full sets. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $228........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1389: FALKLAND ISLANDS-FREIGHT STAMPS VFNH Set of 3 values with the backing paper still attached. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #817
Lot# 1390: FALKLAND ISLANDS-DEPENDENCIES MINT Collection of singles between 1L1 and 1LB1 as well as a few individual Island issues. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #817
Lot# 1391: FIJI-USED Lightly duplicated group of issues from KE to QE. About 180 stamps in all. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1392: FIJI-120 VFLH The KG VI Map stamps of 1938 without the "180" degrees wording added. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1393: FIJI-523/598 VFNH GUTTER PAIRS Selection of 47 gutter pairs in complete sets from the years 1985 to 1988. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $246........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1394: FIJI-REVENUES Group of 3 used Telephone/Telegraph Franks. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 1395: GAMBIA-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 4 more recent vintage Floral issues including 3177-3180. Cat Value $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1396: GIBRALTER-132/135 VFNH COIL STRIPS Joined strips of 6 of the half pence and two pence QE issues from 1953. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1397: GIBRALTER-241/384 VFNH Nearly complete collection of the issues from the years 1971 to 1979. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1398: GIBRALTER-369/470 VFNH GUTTER PAIRS Collection of 51 different gutter pairs from the years 1978 to 1984 with most being in complete sets. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $109........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1399: GIBRALTER-485/542 GUTTER PAIRS VFNH Selection of 29 different gutter pairs from the years 1985 to 1988. Almost all are in complete sets. See scan for list. Cat Value $121........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1400: GIBRALTER-525a/880 VFNH SOUVENIR SHEETS Collection of 26 different Souvenir Sheets and Panes from the years 1988 to 2001. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $294........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1401: GIBRALTER-631/693 VFNH The 1993-1995 Architecture issues. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1402: GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS-EARLY CANCELS Four pieces with various stamps cancelled in 1953. Three have Fanning Island CDS cancels and the last has a Christmas Island CDS cancel. Est $45........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1403: GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS Residual Dealer's inventory of mostly mint NH stock. Contains some duplication but has lots of variety as well. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1404: GOLD COAST / GHANA COLLECTION 149 stamps, Scott catalogue value: about $170 US$. Includes #4 and #21 used. Cat Value $236........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1405: GRENADA #3 THE 1864 1d Green Fine for this. Scott cv US$120. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1406: GRENADA-131-142 MINT LH/NH The KG VI definitives issue of 1938. Cat Value $44........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1407: GRENADA-182 REVENUE STAMPS MINT NH Both types of the 1965 "2 with bars" revenue stamps. See note in Scott. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1408: GRENADA-246-260 MINT NH PLATE BLOCKS Set of the 1967 "Associated Statehood" overprint issue. Cat Value $43........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1409: GRENADA-280/438 MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Collection of Souvenir Sheets and illustrated Panes from the years 1968 to 1971. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $95........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1411: GRENADA-1245 VFNH The $2 Disney Christmas issue in an illustrated pane of 8. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1412: GRENADA-GRENADINES 1/589 SOUVENIR SHEETS VFNH Extensive selection of 61 different Souvenir Sheets and Panes from the years 1973 to 1984. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $125........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1413: GRENADA-GRENADINES 290-297 VFNH Full set of the 1978 Birds issue including the Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1414: GUYANA-7a/19a VFNH The 1966-1967 QE Independence overprint issue with the "Sideways WM". Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1415: HONG KONG-56A MINT NG Well centered example of the 2 cent dull purple QV issue of 1890. A really nice stamp. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1416: HONG KONG-145 USED The dull violet and green KG V issue from 1926. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3794
Lot# 1417: HONG KONG-USED Duplicated group between 163B and 501. Many good catalogue values included. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1418: HONG KONG-265/270 FIRST DAY COVERS Pair of illustrated FDC's for the 1971 Festival of Hong Kong and the 1972 Cross Harbour Tunnel completion. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1419: HONG KONG-POST CARD TO SASKATCHEWAN Black and white Post Card of the Cenotaph dated March 3, 1931 to Paynton Saskatchewan. The Card is short paid and has a "2 T" Postage Due handstamp. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #5012
Lot# 1420: HONG KONG #164 MINT VF. Scott catalogue value: $40 US$. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1421: INDIA #20 1865-67 Queen Victoria issue, half anna blue, mint. Scott CV US$19. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1422: INDIA #20 TO #58 Collection of 27 Queen Victoria issues from 1865 to 1900, mostly used. Scott CV US$59.15. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 1423: INDIA #35 1873-76 Queen Victoria issue, 1R slate, used. Scott CV US$30. Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1424: INDIA #44 1882-87 QV issue, 8a red violet, mint. Scott CV US$27.50. Cat Value $38........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1425: INDIA #50 AND #51 1895 Queen Victoria issue, 2R yellow brown & rose and 3R green & brown, used with SON postal cancels of 1898. Scott CV US$21. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 1426: INDIA #60 TO #70 Lot of 9 1902 to 1909 KEVII issues, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$12.65. Cat Value $17........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1427: INDIA #80 TO #122 Collection of 20 from the 1911-23 and 1926-36 KGV issues, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$15.65. Cat Value $21........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1428: INDIA #93 - #98 Lot of 6 high values from 1911-23 KGV issue, 1R, 2Rs, 5Rs,10Rs, 15Rs and 25 Rs, used. Scott CV US$87.15. Cat Value $118........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #769
Lot# 1429: INDIA #202 1947 Dominion of India issue, 12a Four-Motor plane ultramarine, block of 8, mint. Scott CV US$48. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 1430: INDIA #C1 - #C6 AND #C7 Lot of 7 Air Post 1929-30 and Dominion of India 1948 issues, mint hinged. Scott CV US$37.90. Cat Value $51........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 1431: INDIA #O4 1866 Official "service" overprint in black issue, 8a rose, mint. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1432: INDIA #O5 TO #O50 Collection of 38 Officials of QV and KGV reigns covering the period from 1866 to 1909, mostly used. Scott CV US$40.60. Cat Value $56........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1433: INDIA #O17 1866-73 Official "Service" overprint in black issue, half anna, re-engraved (fuller lips), used with image offset to lower left. Scott CV US$67.50. Cat Value $91........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1434: INDIA #O24 1874-82 Official issue overprint in black, 2a orange, mint. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1435: IRELAND-USED Collection of Decimal Currency Era issues between 290 and 1352. About 425 stamps in all including duplicates. See scan for examples. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4202
Lot# 1436: IRELAND-USED BIRD STAMPS Assortment of 65 different stamps from the Bird series. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4202
Lot# 1438: KENYA-USED Accumulation of over 750 stamps from the first issues of 1963 up to the 1990's. See scan for examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3794
Lot# 1439: KENYA-84-88 VFNH The 1977 QE 25th Anniversary issue including both Souvenir Sheets and the gutter pairs. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1440: COLLECTION KENYA, UGANDA AND TANGANYIKA #66 TO #297 Collection of 116 stamps covering the period from 1938 to 1974, mint, used and blocks of 4. Estimate US$30. Cat Value $40........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2617
Lot# 1441: KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA-USED Large accumulation of over 700 stamps including duplicates from the years 1922 to 1976. See scan for examples. Est $80........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3794
Lot# 1442: KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA-MINT BOOKLETS Collection of 7 different Booklets including several advertising inserts. The stamps are between 103/110 and 121/127. Complete Booklets aren't seen often. Cat Value $187........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #5013
Lot# 1443: KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA-115-117 USED The 3 high values from the 1954 QE definitives issues. Cat Value $31........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3794
Lot# 1444: LESOTHO Mostly used group of issues from the 1960's to the 1980's. Around 425 stamps in all with widely varying numbers of duplicates. See scan for examples. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1445: LESOTHO-J1 MINT PROOF The one cent Postage Due issue from 1966 with "Lesotho" at the bottom of the stamp. Stanley Gibbons lists this position as coming from the Proof set. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1446: MALAYA, FEDERATED, #14, THE 1900 $1 GRN & GRAY, USED, CDS F/VF Scott 2024 US$200. Cat Value $275........Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #3576
Lot# 1447: MALAYA, FEDERATED, #15, THE 1900 $2 GRN & CARMINE ROSE, USED, CDS, FINE Scott 2024 cv US$210. Cat Value $290........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1448: MALAYA, FEDERATED, #34, THE 1907 $1 GRN & LIGHT GRN, USED, CDS F/VF Slightly faded Registration mark at Upper left, Scott 2024 US$57.50. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1449: MALAYA, MALAYA STATES AND MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA STATES COLLECTION Collection of 155 stamps of both Malaya plus states and Malaysia plus states, mint and used, all different. Scott CV US$84.30. Cat Value $112........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2617
Lot# 1450: MALAYA - PERAK COLLECTION 60 different stamps. Scott catalogue value: 137 US$. Cat Value $190........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1451: MALAYA-JAPANESE OCCUPATION STAMPS Group of 16 mint stamps from Malaya and the State of Selangor. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 1452: MALTA #98 TO #199 Collection of 26 covering the period from 1922 to 1943, mix of MNH/mint and used. Scott CV US$38.95. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1453: MAURITIUS ACCUMULATION 65 stamps, a few duplicates, all are shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1454: MAURITIUS #10 MINT BLOCK OF 4 Light hinge. F/VF. Scott catalogue value: $240 US$. Cat Value $331........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1455: COLLECTION OF MONTSERRAT 61 stamps, mostly used, all different. Scott catalogue value: 259 US$. Cat Value $360........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1456: NATAL #33 USED VF. Scott catalogue value: $87 US$. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1722
Lot# 1457: NATAL #81 - #93 MINT Hinged. Scott catalogue value: $273 US$. Cat Value $377........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #4961
Lot# 1458: NAURU ACCUMULATION 48 stamps, heavily duplicated, mostly mint........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1459: NEVIS-121/279 SPECIMEN PROOFS MINT NH Collection of 45 different Specimen Proof overprints. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1460: NEVIS-O1-O40 VFNH Collection of the first 4 issues of the Official stamps. Cat Value $37........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1461: NEW ZEALAND Small lot of 55 duplicated stamps, mixed mint and used........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1462: NEW ZEALAND #12 USED Two copies: One cut into at left side, the other with 4 margins but several creases. Scott catalogue value: $200 US$. Cat Value $276........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1463: NEW ZEALAND #73 USED + #74 MINT Fine. Scott catalogue value: $97 US$. Cat Value $133........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1464: NEW ZEALAND #77 MINT Hinge and usual rough perfs. Scott catalogue value: $95 US$. Cat Value $131........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1465: NEW ZEALAND #122 - #124 MINT Hinge remnants. Scott catalogue value: $161 US$. Cat Value $222........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #119
Lot# 1466: NEW ZEALAND #122 + 123 USED The 1 cent has a pulled perf at bottom. Scott catalogue value: $65 US$. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1467: NEW ZEALAND #127 + 127b MINT Fine. Cat Value $189........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1468: NEW ZEALAND #165 - #170 USED Fine. Scott catalogue value: $101 US$. Cat Value $139........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1722
Lot# 1469: NEW ZEALAND #333 - 352 MINT Complete set, light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $80.90 US$. Cat Value $111........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1470: NEW ZEALAND #333 - 352 MINT Complete set, NH. Scott catalogue value: $80.90 US$. Cat Value $111........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1471: NEW ZEALAND MISC GROUP Mixed mint and used, 23 stamps. Scott catalogue value: $296.25 US$. Cat Value $409........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1472: NEW ZEALAND #1761b, MINT LORD OF THE RING BKLT PANE Has a sml wrinkle on cover that transfers to one of the 40c stamps in the bklt otherwise VF. Scott cv US$35. Cat Value $49........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1473: NEW ZEALAND B1-B2, B5-B7 USED Fine. Scott catalogue value: $135 US$. Cat Value $186........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1722
Lot# 1474: NEW ZEALAND #35 1865 Chalon perf issue, 4c yellow, cut perfs on left side, used. Scott CV US$145. Cat Value $196........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1475: NEW ZEALAND #70 TO #169 Small collection of 14 covering the period from 1898 to 1920, used. Scott CV US$81.05. Cat Value $110........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1476: NEW ZEALAND #89 TO #228C Small collection of 15 covering the period from 1899 to 1938, used. Scott CV US$22.25. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1477: NEW ZEALAND-USED Lightly duplicated Decimal Era collection of over 450 stamps sorted by denomination from the half cent to the $10 value. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1478: NEW ZEALAND-SEMI-POSTALS USED Collection between B6 and B168. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1479: NEW ZEALAND P1 TO P4 Lot of 4 New Zealand Newspaper 1/2d stamps, P1, 2xP3 & P4, used, Scott CV US$59. Cat Value $79........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1480: NEW ZEALAND #O61 - O71 MINT VF, Hinge / Hinge remnant. Scott catalogue value: $182 US$. Cat Value $251........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #119
Lot# 1481: NEW ZEALAND PLATE PROOFS 11 proofs on stamp paper on card, Scott #132//157........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4817
Lot# 1482: NIGERIA COLLECTION 100 stamps, mixed mint and used, Scott catalogue value: $78 US$. Cat Value $108........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1483: NIGERIA-USED Collection of mostly pence era stamps with some cancel interest. About 125 stamps in all. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1484: NIUE-120/178 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Collection of 45 different Plate blocks from the years 1967 to 1975. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $99........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1485: NIUE-194/304 VFNH SOUVENIR SHEETS Collection of 31 different Panes and Souvenir Sheets from the years 1977 to 1980. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $83........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1488: NORFOLK ISLAND-88/155 MINT NH PLATE BLOCKS Collection of 33 different Plate blocks from the years 1966 to 1973. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $137........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1489: NORFOLK ISLAND-108 VARIETY VFNH The 15 cent Southern Cross stamp with a major inking variety. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1490: NORFOLK ISLAND-248a/824 VFNH SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 7 different Souvenir Sheets. See scan for list. Cat Value $23........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 1491: NORFOLK ISLAND-323-328 MINT NH GUTTER PAIRS Full set of the 1984 Flowers issue. Cat Value $31........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1492: NORTHERN RHODESIA #11, 12, 14, 15 SPECIMEN OVER PRINTS VF, No gum, Stanley Gibbons catalogue value: 200 GB Pounds........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #5013
Lot# 1493: NORTH BORNEO + LUBUAN Collection of 128 stamps, mild duplication. Mixed mint and used. Scott catalogue value: $142 US$. Cat Value $197........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1494: NORTH BORNEO-71 SPECIMEN PROOF VFLH The 1894 two dollar gray green issue with a black Specimen overprint. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1495: NORTH BORNEO-223-236 MINT LH/NH Set to the $2 value of the 1947 Colony overprint issue. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1496: NORTH BORNEO-261-275 MINT NH The 1954 QE definitives issue in a full set of 15. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1497: NORTHERN RHODESIA-MINT AND USED Collection of about 200 stamps between 1 and 85. Includes various shades and cancels. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1498: NORTHERN RHODESIA-3 VFNH Block of 4 of the one and a half pence carmine KG V issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1499: NORTHERN RHODESIA small selection George V to early Elizabethan. 40 stamps, mixed mint and used, Scott catalogue value: $74. Cat Value $102........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1500: NYASALAND-112-122 MINT NH Complete set of the 1963 QE "Postage" overprint issue. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #817
Lot# 1501: NYASSA #26 TO #117 AND #J1 TO #J9 Collection of 24 regular and 7 Postage Due from the period 1901 to 1924, mix of mounted mint and used. Scott CV US$29.90. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1502: NYASA #26 TO #117 AND #J1 TO #J9 Collection of 24 regular and5 Postage Due from the period 1901 to 1924, mix of mounted mint and used. Scott CV US$27.75. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1503: PAPUA #C5 - C15 USED VF, light cancels. Scott catalogue value: $144.75 US$. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 1505: PAPUA & NEW GUINEA #122 - 136 MINT Complete set light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $92 US$. Cat Value $127........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1506: PAPUA NEW GUINEA (BRITISH) #12//94 PLUS C5-C9 MINT Mixed hinged and MNH, Fine Scott cv $101. Cat Value $140........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1507: RHODESIA 10 POUND British South Africa Company, with Revenue punch cancel. Scott catalogue value: $75 US$. Cat Value $104........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1508: RHODESIA & NYASALAND #141 - 157 Missing 2 1/2 d, All are mint light hinged except 5 s + 10s which are used. Scott catalogue value $69 US$. Cat Value $97........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1509: RHODESIA COLLECTION Mildly duplicated, almost all are used, Scott catalogue value: $950 US$. Cat Value $1319........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1510: RHODESIA-109 USED The 8 pence KG V and Queen Mary issue from 1910. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1511: SAINT CHRISTOPHER + SAINT KITTS-NEVIS COLLECTION 53 stamps, all are used. Scott catalogue value: $173 US$. Cat Value $240........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1512: ST. HELENA-7 MINT HR The 6 pence gray QV issue from 1889. Cat Value $43........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1513: ST. HELENA-30 MINT LH The 2 pence on 6 pence QV surcharge issue of 1883. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1514: ST. LUCIA- 8 MINT HR The perf 12.5 yellow four pence issue from 1864. Cat Value $190........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1515: SAMOA COLLECTION 118 stamps, mostly mint. Plus 3 Souvenir sheets. The Express are probably reprints and not counted. Scott catalogue value: $67 US$. Cat Value $93........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1517: VICTORIA SEYCHELLES COVER On Her Majesty's Service, dated 1914. Seychelles government Treasury seal........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1518: SIERRA LEONE SELECTION of 73 stamps, mild duplication, mixed mint and used. Scott catalogue Value: $60 US$. Cat Value $83........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1519: SIERRA LEONE #103 - 118 MINT Heavy hinge remnants on most. Scott catalogue value: $229 US$. Cat Value $316........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1047
Lot# 1520: SOLOMON ISLANDS USED 10 SHILLING This is either #40 or #56, the watermark cannot be seen. Scott catalogue value: $75 US$. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1521: SOUTH AFRICA #2 TO #219 Collection of 81 pre-1960 plus a couple of BOB. Used with a couple of pairs. Scott CV US$49. Cat Value $65........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3741
Lot# 1522: SOUTH AFRICA-MINT Group of singles, pairs, and blocks with the majority being from the pence era. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1523: SOUTH AFRICA-USED Duplicated group of decimal era issues from the half cent to Rand denomination. About 425 stamps in all. See scan for examples. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1524: SOUTH GEORGIA-MINT Collection between 1 and 310. Almost all are in full mint NH sets. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #3501
Lot# 1525: SOUTH GEORGIA-109-123 VFNH GUTTER PAIRS Complete set of the 1987 Birds issue. Cat Value $75........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #817
Lot# 1526: SOUTH WSET AFRICA COLLECTION 85 stamps, almost all used, between #108 / 5578. Scott catalogue value: $100.75 US$. Cat Value $140........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #407
Lot# 1527: STELLALAND SET All are mint except #4 which has purple cancel. All mint have original gum with heavy hinges the 3p and 4p have small creases and the 4p has a small thinned spot. Scarce set. Scott catalogue value: $787 US$. Cat Value $1093........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #1009
Lot# 1528: ST HELENA # 99 MINT Light hinge, F/VF. Scott catalogue value: $475 US$. Cat Value $660........Image
...Opening Bid $115...High Bidder #711
Lot# 1529: ST LUCIA USED SELECTION All are pre Elizabethan. 47 different stamps, Scott catalogue value: $63 US$. Cat Value $87........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1725
Lot# 1530: STRAITS SETTLEMENTS #94 TO #267 AND SINGAPORE #11 TO #680 Collection of 105 covering the period from 1902-1948 for Straits Settlements and 1948-1994 for Singapore, duplication and shade varieties on several issues, mostly used with some mint hinged. Scott CV US$62. Cat Value $83........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3970
Lot# 1531: STRAITS SETTLEMENTS #94 TO #124 Collection of 20 KE VII issues from 1902 to 1911, used. Scott CV US$29.55. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1532: STRAITS SETTLEMENTS-139/141 Two values from the 1907 Labuan overprints including the 4 cent on 18 cent bister (used) and the 10 cent slate blue (mint hinged). Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4185
Lot# 1534: TANGANYIKA-O1-O20 VFNH Collection of Officials including a wide selection of overprint varieties. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 1536: WESTERN AUSTRALIA #25 USED Fine. Scott catalogue value: $110 US$. Cat Value $152........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1537: WESTERN AUSTRALIA #25A USED Fine. Scott catalogue value: $72 US$. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 1538: WESTERN AUSTRALIA #25B USED Several pulled perfs at right and bottom. Scott catalogue value: $300 US$. Cat Value $414........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1539: WESTERN AUSTRALIA #77 BLK OF 4, 2D YEL, MINT Gum is OG but soiled. Fine. Scott 2024 cv US$120. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1540: WESTERN AUSTRALIA #1 USED Left wing margin, cut into at lower right corner. Scott catalogue value: $275 US$. Cat Value $379........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1542: COLLECTION KGV & QE 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Collection of 73 stamps from British Commonwealth countries celebrating the 25th wedding anniversary of KGV and Queen Elizabeth, includes 5 high value stamps, mint. Scott CV US$240.80. Cat Value $321........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2617
Lot# 1543: AFARS & ISSAS TO ZANZIBAR Huge collection of worldwide stamps housed in 4 albums and 200+ loose album pages containing 2500+ stamps, mint and used The two Statesman Deluxe Albums form the basis of the collection. Fantastic lot for the new collector, estimate US$250.. Cat Value $333........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #4779
Lot# 1544: ALBANIA-MINT Dealer's residual inventory of stamps from throughout the 1900's. Over 125 in total. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1545: ALGERIA - FIRST SET Mixed mint and used of France stamps overprinted Algeria. This is not a complete set. The 45 cent and 1 Fr are damaged.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1546: ANDORRA #16 1931 overprint on French 1900-29 stamps issue,1fr. dull blue, mint. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3141
Lot# 1549: ARGENTINA-WW II CENSORED COVER Cover dated Sept. 9, 1941 to St. Johns with Censor Seal at left and franked with 5 stamps between 420 and 428. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1550: STAMPLESS LETTER Austria 1876. Est $150........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2752
Lot# 1551: AUSTRIA-13/26 WITH RED CANCELS Selection of the 1860-1864 Kreuzer issues with the harder to find red cancels. Est $75........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1552: AUSTRIA-MINT AND USED Collection of mainly earlier issues starting with 24. Includes an assortment of regular postage issues as well as Back of the Book material. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1553: AUSTRIA-MINT Moderately duplicated group of early to mid 1900's stamps. About 300 in total. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #556
Lot# 1554: AUSTRIA-B165/B280 MINT LH/NH Selection of semi-postal issues from the 1940's to the early 1950's including several complete sets. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1555: AUSTRIA-P8a USED The 1863 Newspaper stamp in the gray lilac shade with a SON CDS cancel. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1556: AUSTRIA-USED REVENUE A VF 72 heller value on translucent paper with green border and handwritten cancel. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1557: AUSTRIA-LOMBARDY-VENETIA 3 USED The 10 centesimi black Coast of Arms issue from 1850. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1558: AUSTRIA-LOMBARDY-VENETIA 13-14 USED Nicely cancelled set of the 1861 Emperor Josef issue. Cat Value $66........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1559: AUSTRIA-LOMBARDY-VENETIA 21-24 USED Partial set of the perf 9.5 issue from 1864 to the 15 soldi value. Cat Value $279........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1206
Lot# 1560: AUSTRIA-LOMBARDY-VENETIA PR2 USED The 2 Kreuzer red Newspaper stamp from 1859 with a light thin on reverse. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1562: AZORES-MINT AND USED Selection of 23 stamps between 44 and P4. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1563: BADEN #5N1 TO #5N33, RHINELAND #6N2 TO #6N28, WURTTEMBERG #8N14 TO 8N33 AND #4N1 TO #4N10 PLUS BOB Collection of 83 of Baden, Rhine Palatinate, Wurttemberg and Coats of Arms plus a few semi-postal, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$56.10. Cat Value $76........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 1564: BADEN #5N1 TO #5N39 Lot of 35 1947 (13), 1948 (14) and 1948-49 (8) issues, used. Scott CV US$49.40. Cat Value $67........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 1565: BADEN #5N41 - #5N46 AND #5NB5 TO #5NB14 Lot of 12 1949 Kreutzer, 1949 Stagecoach, 1949 UPU and semi-postal 1949 Courthouse and Goethe issues, mix on mint and used. Scott CV US$61.25. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 1566: BADEN #5N45-6, RHINE PALATINATE #6N41-2, WURTTEMBERG #8N40-1 # Lot of 6 1949 UPU issue of Baden, Rhine Palatinate and Wurttemberg, 20pf deep red and 30pf deep blue, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$21.25. Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1567: BELGIUM-USED Collection of over 375 different stamps from the latter 1800's to the 1980's. Includes Regular Postal issues as well as some Back of the Book. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1568: BELGIUM-PRECANCELS AND TABS Group of mint and NG precancels with various stamp and cancel combinations. Lot also includes a number of used stamps with tabs. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1569: BELGIUM-B28-B30 IMPERFORATE SET The 1914 Semi-postal issues on thin paper. Not listed as such so possibly these are reprints or forgeries. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 1570: BELGIUM-B303 VFNH The 1941 Orval Abbey Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1572: BERMUDA #1 TO #360 Collection of 87 from the period 1865 to 1978, mix mint and used, some duplication, shade varieties and perf faults on early issues. Scott CV US$136.20. Cat Value $182........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2080
Lot# 1573: TWO BHUTAN COVERS Circa 1972........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1574: BOLIVIA-349b VFNH The "Founding of La Paz" imperf Souvenir Sheet issued in 1951........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1575: BOTSWANA #813B THE 2006 ANIMAL "P2-10" DBL OVPT VARIETY USED with normal for comparison, the variety is FU. Est $75........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1576: BRAZIL #60 1866 Emperor Dom Pedro issue, 500r orange, used with damage to the face. Scott CV US$35. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1577: BRAZIL-MINT LH/NH Odds and ends group from across the 20th Century with a good variety of issues. About 150 stamps in all. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1578: BRAZIL-2478/2547 USED Four used Souvenir Sheets from the years 1994-1995. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1579: BULGARIA #9 TO #45 Collection of 25 19th Century "Lion of Bulgaria" and "Coat of Arms" issues from 1879 to 1896, used. Scott CV US$45.60. Cat Value $63........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1580: BULGARIA #28 TO #45 Lot of 7 19th Century "Lion of Bulgaria" and "Coat of Arms" issues from 1878 to 1896, mounted mint. Scott CV US$19.85. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1581: BULGARIA-USED Collection of 20th Century stamps. About 200 different issues in all. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 1582: BURUNDI #589A-590A, 596A, 598A-601A, USED, THE 1983 ANIMAL SERIES OVPT'D WITH SILVER WORLD WILD LIFE FUND EMBLEM F/VF used (NOT CTO) cat val 2024 Scott US$416. Cat Value $550........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1583: BURUNDI #589-91, 593-7, 599-600, MINT 1983 ANIMALS #593 flty, remainder F/VF. 596 & 600 Mint NH VF, others mostly hinge remnant. 2024 Scott cv US$161. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1584: BURUNDI #592//599 MIXED MINT HINGE REMNANT & U, Gen Fine, (the used are not CTO) Scott 24 cv US$111. Cat Value $155........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1585: BURUNDI #601 85f HI VAL TO ANIMAL SERIES, VF Unused No Gum. 2024 cv for used US$375, for mint US$1100, Very scarce. Cat Value $1500........Image
...Opening Bid $170...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1586: CAMEROUN #331 TO #563 Collection of 207 stamps from the period of 1958 to 1972 mounted on album pages,, mostly MNH in black mounts. Scott CV US$237. Four sample scans shown.. Cat Value $316........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 1587: CAMEROUN #343 TO #623 PLUS CAMEROON UKTT #660 TO #70 Collection of 274 stamps from the period of 1961 to 1976 and 13 Cameroon U.K.T.T 1960 issue, mint hinged mounted on album pages. Scott CV US$490 + US29.40. Four sample scans shown.. Cat Value $693........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 1588: CAMAEROUN #C38 TO #C232 Collection of 134 Air Poste stamps and 6 souvenir sheets from the period of 1961 to 1976, mounted on album pages, MNH and mint. Scott CV US$420. Four sample scans shown.. Cat Value $560........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 1589: CAMEROUN #C38 TO #C196 Collection of 106 Air Poste stamps and 2 souvenir sheets from the period of 1961 to 1973 mounted on album pages, mostly MNH in black mounts. Scott CV US$372.55. Four sample scans shown.. Cat Value $496........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 1590: CAVALLE #4 1893-1900 stamp of France issue, overprinted in red, 15c blue, mint with image offset to upper left. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $61........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1591: CHAD #249 TO #357 Collection of 103, both regular and Air Post, from 1972 to 1978 mounted on Minkus double sided album pages, , used. Scott CV US$44.50. Sample scans shown, lot includes album pages from 1960 to 1991. Cat Value $60........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1593: CHILE-BACK OF THE BOOK USED Wide selection of issues from B3 up to RA8. Also includes a good grouping of Revenues. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1594: CHILE #258 TO #401 AND #C125 TO #C311 Mostly mint collection of 128 regular and 135 Air Post from the period 1949 to 1971, mix of mounted mint and used. Scott CV US$92.55. Four sample scans. Cat Value $125........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #769
Lot# 1595: CHINA #78 USED Tiny pressed out crease, otherwise VF. Scott catalogue value: $350 US$. Cat Value $483........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #4496
Lot# 1596: CHINA #79 USED Fine, has several light creases. Scott catalogue value: $450 US$. Cat Value $621........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4496
Lot# 1597: CHINA #92 - #95 USED F/VF, #92 has tiny corner crease. Scott catalogue value: $296 US$. Cat Value $408........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #660
Lot# 1598: CHINA-USED Collection of 100 stamps from the early Republic Junks, Rice Farmer, and Gateway issues. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1599: CHINA-MINT Small group of pre 1949 issues and a few Republic stamps as well. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1600: CHINA-579/587 MINT Six stamps from the 1944-1945 Kuomintang and Sen Yat-sen issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 1601: CHINA-593-598 MINT HR The 1945 Flags issue in a set of 6. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1602: CHINA-JAPANESE OCCUPATION STAMPS Group of 50 mint WW II occupation stamps from various areas around China. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1603: CHINA-REVENUE STAMPS Group of 10 mint Revenue issues from pre 1949. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 1604: CHINA-TREATY PORTS Six different stamps mounted on an old album page. I was unsuccessful at locating any comparisons. Est $??........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1605: CHINA-TAIWAN 1420-1421 VFLH The 1964 World's Fair set. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1606: CHINA-TAIWAN 1483-1485 VFLH Set of the 1966 Festivals issue. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1607: CHINA-TAIWAN 1526/1531 MINT NH Partial set of the 1967 Birds issues. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1608: CHINA-TAIWAN 2272 VFNH The 1981 "One Hundred Boys" issue in a se-tenant block of 10. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1609: CHINA PRC 5-7 USED The 1949 Globe and Hammer set. Cat Value $27........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 1610: CHINA-PRC MINT Selection of about 100 mainly early PRC stamps. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1611: CHINA-PRC 61 MINT NG The 400 yuan Flag issue from 1950. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1612: CHINA-PRC USED Very lightly duplicated collection spanning the 1950's to the 1990's. About 450 stamps in total with many good issues. See scan for examples. Est $90........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1613: CHINA-PRC 1553 MINT NH Horizontal pair of the 60 fen Cobweb Cave issue. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 1614: CHINA-PRC SOUVENIR SHEETS VFNH Set of undenominated but perforated Souvenir Sheets featuring stylized Horse sketches. Possibly issued at the 2003 International Stamp Exhibition in Mianyang. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 1615: CHINA-PRC 1L121/1L123 MINT NG The Northeast China Provincial issues from 1949. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1616: CHINA-PRC 1L152 MINT NG The Northeast China Provincial Mao and Flag issue of 1950 with a clipped corner at the UL. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 1617: CHINA-PRC 1L159 MINT NG The Northeast China Province 5000 yuan Flag issue from 1950. Cat Value $200........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1618: WITHDRAWN withdrawn........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1619: COSTA RICA COLLECTION, 1892-1980S, MOSTLY .25C TO .50C CV, BUT SEVERAL OF A FEW DOLLARS Example, 126 mint, C288 mint, C313. Also a few pgs of approvals at rear with bit of duplication. Partial scan of lot. Clean & generally Fine. (qty 200). Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 1620: CRETE-2-4 MINT Hinged set of 3 from the 1898 and 1899 issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1211
Lot# 1622: CZECHOSLOVAKIA-USED Collection of around 1100 stamps from across the 20th Century. Includes a large selection of commemoratives with over 650 different stamps. See scan for examples. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1623: CZECHOSLOVAKIA-USED Broad collection of about 900 different stamps from the period 1918 to the 1990's. Almost all are regular postal issues. See scan for examples. Est $85........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 1624: CZECHOSLOVAKIA-1920 GUTTER SHEET MINT The 1974 Postal Symbols issue in the sheet of 16 with 9 illustrated gutter labels. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #450
Lot# 1626: DAHOMEY-MINT AND USED Lightly duplicated collection from the years 1913 to 1969. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1627: DANZIG-1/O38 Group of 96 different stamps from the years 1920 to 1924 with most being mint. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1628: DENMARK-34 USED Nicely cancelled example of the 100 ore gray and orange issue from 1877. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3971
Lot# 1629: DENMARK-CANCEL COLLECTION Collection of over 500 stamps with a big variety of issues and cancel locations included. See scan for a few examples........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1630: DENMARK-O2/O9 USED The 4 skilling and 32 ore Official stamps. Both have a perf fault. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3971
Lot# 1631: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-MINT NG/NH Residual Dealer's stock of singles and a few blocks. Most are from the latter 20th Century. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1632: EAST SAXONY #15N2 TO #15N20 Lot of 13 1945-46 issue, imperf (7) and perf (5) plus 1946 Rathaus issue, 12pf + 88pf red, used. Scott CV US$30.75. Cat Value $42........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1633: ECUADOR + TRIANGLE STAMPS 9 Ecuador stamps mostly used plus 13 triangle stamps from Mocambique and Liberia........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #982
Lot# 1634: ECUADOR 795 ERROR 'MISSING BLACK INK' MINT NH with used copy for comparison. the 80c from the 1975 butterfly set, F/VF. Est $300........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 1635: ECUADOR-USED Collection of around 350 stamps with very light duplication. Most are 20th Century issues. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 1636: EGYPT-USED Big accumulation of about 1600 stamps from the late 1800's to the 1990's. Most are pre 1960 and appear to be regular postal issues. See scan for examples. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1637: EGYPT-105-107 FIRST DAY CONGRESS COVER Cover dated April 18, 1925 with a set of the International Geographic Congress issue and the special CDS cancels. Est $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1638: EGYPT-291 MINT NH UL Corner Block of 4 of the 1951 King Farouk and Queen Narriman issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1639: EGYPT-B2 VFNH BLOCK The 1943 Princess Ferial overprint Semi-postal issue in an UL Corner block of 4. Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1640: ERITREA-MINT AND USED Residual Dealer's stock of mostly mint issues between 12 and 164. Cat Value $74........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1641: ETHIOPIA-MINT Collection between 108 and 288 with a few duplicates. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1642: ETHIOPIA-N1-N5 USED Set of 3 Postal Cards franked with the first 5 values of the 1936 Italian Occupation issue. Cards have two ring Military Post cancels. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1643: FIJI #118 TO #156, INDIA #36 TO #O122, GWALIOR #51 TO #O57 AND MALAY #38 TO #264 Collection of 174 of British Colonies Fiji, India, Gwalior and Federated Malay States, includes regular and officials, used with perf faults and many pulled corner perfs (inc. 2 damaged). Scott CV US$52.65. Cat Value $70........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1644: FINLAND-10b USED The 1866 forty pennia rose on rose paper issue with Type 2 rouletting. Cat Value $93........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1645: FINLAND-USED Assortment of earlier issues from the years 1881 to 1962 in a hingeless Unisafe stockbook. About 1250 stamps in all including varying amounts of duplicates but still a lot of variety. Est $80........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1646: FINLAND-54 USED The 35 Kopek violet and green Imperial Arms issue of 1891. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4139
Lot# 1647: FINLAND-SEMI-POSTALS Mint and used group of Semi-postal issues between B39 and B254. Also includes a group of Military stamps from M1 to M7. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4139
Lot# 1648: FIUME-21-23a MINT LH The 1918 Fiume overprint issue in a set of 3. Cat Value $46........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1649: FIUME-73/84 MINT AND USED Group of 11 different stamps from the 1919 "Valore Globale" overprint issue. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1650: FIUME-100/103 MINT LH Three values from the 1920 Gordion Knot issue. Cat Value $126........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1651: FIUME-134/146 MINT AND USED Partial set to the 5 lire of the 1921 "Governo Provisorio" overprints issue. Cat Value $205........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1652: FIUME-E1/E17 MINT Group of 11 different Express stamps from the years 1918 to 1924. Cat Value $133........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1653: FRANCE #258 Complete set of 5 1930-31 Colonial Exposition issue, mint. Scott CV US$58.15. Cat Value $79........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1654: FRANCE #1 1849-50 Ceres issue, 10c bister on yellowish paper, used with 3 margins (cut into at lower left). Scott CV US$210. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1655: FRANCE #1 TO #6 Lot of 4 1949-50 Ceres issue, imperf, 10c bister (just 4 margins) on yellowish paper, 20c black (3 margins), 20c black on buff paper on piece (3 margins) and 25c blue on bluish paper (2 margins), used. Scott CV US$460. Cat Value $621........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1656: FRANCE #1 1840 Ceres imperf issue, 10c bister on yellowish paper, used with just 4 margins, cut very close at lower left, includes part of adjacent stamp on right. Scott CV US$210. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1657: FRANCE #3 1849-50 Ceres issue, 20c black, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$34. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1658: FRANCE #3b 1849-50 Ceres imperf ssue, 20c black on buff paper, used with just 4 margins, cut close bottom right corner, attached to piece. Scott CV US$135. Cat Value $182........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1659: FRANCE #6 1849-50 Ceres imperf issue, 25c blue on bluish paper, used with 4 large margins, includes part of adjacent stamp on the left. Scott CV US$30. Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1660: FRANCE #6 1849-50 Ceres issue, imperf, 25c light blue, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$30. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1661: FRANCE #6a 1849-50 Ceres issue, imperf, 25c blue, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$30. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1662: FRANVE #6b 1849-50 Ceres issue, imperf, 25c blue on yellowish paper, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4994
Lot# 1663: FRANCE #7 1849-50 Ceres issue, imperf, 40c orange, used with 3 margins (cut into at lower left corner). Scott CV US$360. Cat Value $480........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1664: FRANCE #7 1849-50 Ceres imperf issue, 40c orange vermilion, used with 4 large margins. Scott CV US$360. Cat Value $486........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1665: FRANCE #10 - #11 1852 President Louis Napoleon issue, 10c pale bister on yellowish paper and 25c blue on bluish paper, used 2 margin copies. Scott CV US$535. Cat Value $720........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1666: FRANCE #11 Lot of 2 1852 25c blue Napoleon imperf with different "petit chiffres" cancels, used. Scott CV US$70. Cat Value $93........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1667: FRANCE #12 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III issue, imperf, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, used with 3 margins (cut close at top and cut into at bottom). Scott CV US$62.50. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1668: FRANCE #12 TO #20 Set of 8 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III issue (missing 1fr. lake), 1c olive green to 80c rose. used with 3/4 margins. Scott CV US$419.85. Cat Value $567........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1669: FRANCE #12 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III imperf issue, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, Mint with gum discoloration. Scott CV US$165. Cat Value $223........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1670: FRANCE #13 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III issue, imperf, 5c green on greenish paper, used with 4 margins. Scott CV US$70. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1671: FRANCE #14 AND #15 Collection of 10c (4) bister, 20c (23) blue, 40c orange (4) and 80c dark carmine (1) with different "petit chiffres" cancels, used with various shade varieties Scott CV US$64.50, Y&T supplement €220 for cancels not included in CV (not listed in Scott). Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1672: FRANCE #15 TO #18 Lot of 6 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III issue, imperf, 20c blue (3 shades), 10c bister on yellowish paper and 40c orange on yellowish paper, used with 4 margins. Scott CV US$87.55. Cat Value $117........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1673: FRANCE #15c 1853-60 Emperor Napoleon III issue, imperf, 20c blue on lilac paper, used with 3 large margins, cut into at top right. Scott CV US$65. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1674: FRANCE #22 TO #28 Lot of 4 Emperor Napoleon III perf issue, 1c olive green, 5c yellow green, 20c blue and 80c rose (upper left perf pulled), used. Scott CV US$71.25. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1675: FRANCE #22 1862-71Emperor Napoleon III perf issue, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, mint. Scott CV US$140. Cat Value $190........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1676: FRANCE #22a TO #27 Lot of 3 1862-71 Emperor Napoleon III issue, perf, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, 10c bister on yellowish paper and 40c orange on yellowish paper, used with a few perf faults. Scott CV US$45.25. Cat Value $61........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1677: FRANCE #23 1862-71Emperor Napoleon III perf issue, 5c yellow green on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$190. Cat Value $257........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1678: FRANCE #28 1862-71 "Emperor Napoleon III" issue, perf, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used with Paris Star cancel. Scott CV US$30. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1679: FRANCE #29 TO #36 Lot of 3 1863-70 Napoleon III issue, perf, 1c bronze green, 20c blue and 80c rose, used. Scott CV US$37.55. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1680: FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €35. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1681: FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, pair of 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used with pulled perf lower right corner. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €70. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1682: FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, pair of 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, newspaper cancellation, used on piece of newspaper. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €70. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1683: FRANCE #29 - #37 Complete set of 9 of the 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 1c to 5fr., used. Scott CV US$930.55. Cat Value $1258........Image
...Opening Bid $85...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1684: FRANCE #29 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, MNH with some gum disturbance. Scott CV US$37.50. Cat Value $51........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1685: FRANCE #30 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €80. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1686: FRANCE #30 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$105. Cat Value $142........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1687: FRANCE #31 1863-70 Napoleon III Laureate issue, 4c gray, newspaper cancellation, used. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €250. Cat Value $375........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1688: FRANCE #32 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 10c bister on yellowish paper, mint. Scott CV US$215. Cat Value $290........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1689: FRANCE #33 1867 Napoleon 20c blue with "a la corne" variety. Not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier €130. Cat Value $190........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1690: FRANCE #34 1863-70 Napoleon III perf issue, 20c blue on bluish paper, MNH. Scott CV US$175. Cat Value $236........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1691: FRANCE #36 1863-70 "Napoleon III" issue, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used. Scott CV US$20. Cat Value $27........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1692: FRANCE #38 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, 4 large margins, mint. Scott CV US$125. Cat Value $170........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1693: FRANCE #38 TO #48 Lot of 8 1870-71 Cres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c bronze green, 2c red brown, 5c yellow green, 10c bister, 20c blue (type II and III), 40c orange and 80c rose, used with 3 and 4 margins. Scott CV US$1011. Cat Value $1366........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1694: FRANCE #38a 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 1c bronze green on pale blue paper, 4 large margins, used with very light cancel. Scott CV US$155. Cat Value $210........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1695: FRANCE #39 1970-71 Ceres Bordeaux imperf issue, 2c red brown, 4 large margins, mint. Scott CV US$225. Cat Value $304........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #4560
Lot# 1696: FRANCE #42, #45 AND $47 Lot of 4 1870 Ceres Bordeaux 10c bister, 20c blue (2 shades) and 40c orange, used. Scott CV US$223. Cat Value $300........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1697: FRANCE #42 1870-71 Ceres Bordeaux issue, imperf, 10c bister on yellowish paper, used with 3 clear margins and just cut into at top left. Scot CV US$60. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1698: FRANCE #48 1870-71 Bordeaux issue, 80c rose on pinkish paper, used with 3 margins (just cut into at top right). Scott CV US$250. Cat Value $333........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1699: FRANCE #50 TO #73 Lot of 12 1870-73 Ceres perf issue, used. Scott CV US$144.70. Cat Value $193........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1700: FRANCE #50 1871-72 Ceres issue, 1c olive green on pale blue paper, used with newspaper cancellation, Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €30. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1701: FRANCE #50 1871-72 Ceres issue, vertical pair 1c olive green on pale blue paper, used with newspaper cancellation on newspaper piece. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €150. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1702: FRANCE #50 TO #63 Complete set of 11 1870-73 and 1872-75 (larger numerals) Ceres issues, perf, used with a couple of perf faults. Scott CV US$117.50. Cat Value $160........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1703: FRANCE #51 1871-72 Ceres issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, used with newspaper cancellation, Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €25. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1704: FRANCE #51 1871-72 Ceres issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, used with newspaper cancellation, Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €25. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1705: FRANCE #51 1871-72 Ceres issue, 2c red brown on yellowish paper, used on complete newspaper page, dated Wednesday 21st August 1872. Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €120. Cat Value $180........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1706: FRANCE #52 1871-72 Ceres issue, 4c gray, used with newspaper cancellation, Newspaper cancellations are not listed in Scott, Yvert&Tellier CV €150. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1707: FRANCE #54, #57 AND #59 1870 "Siege of Paris" Ceres issue, perf, 10c bister on yellowish paper, 25c blue on bluish paper and 40c orange on yellowish paper, used. Scott CV US$67.75. Cat Value $92........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1708: FRANCE #64 1876-78 Peace and Commerce issue, type I, 1c green on greenish paper, mint. Scott CV US$125. Cat Value $170........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1709: FRANCE #64 TO #87 Lot of 10 1876-78 "Peace and Commerce" issue, type I, perf, 1c green to !fr. bronze green (missing 25c blue and 30c yellow brown), used with a few perf faults. Scott CV US$524.50. Cat Value $710........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1710: FRANCE #65 1876-78 "Peace and Commerce" issue, 2c green on greenish paper, used. Scott CV US$240. Cat Value $320........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1711: FRANCE #66 TO #76 Lot of 8 1876-78 "Peace and Commerce" issue, 4c green to 1fr. olive green, used. Scott CV US$176.75. Cat Value $236........Image
...Opening Bid $20...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1712: FRANCE #66 1876-78 Sage issue, 4c green on greenish paper, type I, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €220. Cat Value $330........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1713: FRANCE #77 TO #108 Lot of 17 1876-1900 "Peace and Commerce" issue, type II and I, used with a few perf faults. Scott CV US$94.55. Cat Value $126........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1714: FRANCE #77 1876-77 Sage issue, 2c green on greenish paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1715: FRANCE #77 1876-77 Peace and Commerce issue, type II, 2c green on greenish paper, mint with upper right corner perf pulled. Scott CV US$115. Cat Value $158........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1716: FRANCE #77 1876-77 "Peace and Commerce" issue, type II, perf, 2c green on greenish paper, unused (valued as mint). Scott CV USA$115. Cat Value $155........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1717: FRANCE #77 TO #107 Near complete set of 32 1876-77 (missing 10c green), 1877-80 (missing 1c black on Prussian blue), 1879-90, 1892 and 1898-1900 "Peace and Commerce type II and type I issues, used except for #105 5c yellow green type I MNH. Scott CV US$778.55. Cat Value $1052........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1718: FRANCE #78 1876-77 Sage issue, 5c green on greenish paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €100. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1719: FRANCE #78 1893 Sage issue, 5c green on greenish paper with experimental five line roller precancel. These experimental precancels are not listed in Scott, 2024 Yvert&Tellier CV €650. Cat Value $975........Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1720: FRANCE #78 TO #104 Lot of 7 1875 - 1898 "Peace and Commerce issues, type II, used with a few perf faults. Scott CV US$195.40. Cat Value $264........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1721: FRANCE #83 1877 "Peace and Commerce" issue, type II, 75c carmine on rose paper, used. Scott CV US$110. Cat Value $147........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1722: FRANCE #86 Lot of 4 1877-80 Sage issue, 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €20. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1723: FRANCE #88 1877-80 Sage issue, 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used on piece with newspaper cancellation dated 1st Aug 1882. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1724: FRANCE #86 1877-80 Sage issue, 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used on pamphlet with newspaper cancellation dated 12th March 1882. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1725: FRANCE #86 1877-80 Sage issue, 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used on newspaper with newspaper cancellation dated 14th June 1884. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #4996
Lot# 1726: FRANCE #86 1877-80 Sage issue, pair of 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used on newspaper with newspaper cancellation dated 13 August 1899. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1727: FRANCE #86 1877-80 Sage issue, separated pair of 1c black on lilac blue paper, type II, used on newspaper with newspaper cancellation dated 7th October 1877. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €40. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1728: FRANCE #88 Lot of 3 singles, 1877-80 Sage issue, 2c brown on straw paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €30. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1729: FRANCE #89 1877-80 Sage issue, 3c yellow on straw paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €100. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1730: FRANCE #90 TO #108 Lot of 16 Peace and Commerce 1877-80 and 1898-1900 issues, type II/I, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$245.80. Cat Value $327........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1731: FRANCE #90 1877-80 Sage issue, 4c claret on lavender paper, type II, used with newspaper cancellation. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €80. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1732: FRANCE #90a 1893 Sage issue, 4c violet brown on lavender paper with experimental four line roller precancel. These experimental precancels are not listed in Scott, 2024 Yvert&Tellier CV €2000. Cat Value $3000........Image
...Opening Bid $350...High Bidder #3630
Lot# 1733: FRANCE #90a 1893 Sage issue, 4c violet brown on lavender paper with experimental five line roller precancel. These experimental precancels are not listed in Scott, 2024 Yvert&Tellier CV €800. Cat Value $1200........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #4560
Lot# 1734: FRANCE #91 1893 Sage issue, 10c black on lavender paper with experimental five line roller precancel. These experimental precancels are not listed in Scott, 2024 Yvert&Tellier CV €1400. Cat Value $2100........Image
...Opening Bid $210...High Bidder #3630
Lot# 1735: FRANCE #96 1877-80 "peace and Commerce" issue, type II, 5fr. violet on lavender paper, used. Scott CV US$70. Cat Value $93........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1736: FRANCE #97 1893 Sage issue, 3c gray on grayish paper with experimental five line roller precancel. These experimental precancels are not listed in Scott, 2024 Yvert&Tellier CV €750. Cat Value $1125........Image
...Opening Bid $160...High Bidder #3630
Lot# 1737: FRANCE #100 1886 Peace and Commerce issue, 25c black on pale rose paper, mint, image offset to top right, pulled perf in bottom left corner. Scott CV US$72.50. Cat Value $97........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1738: FRANCE #101 1890 Peace and Commerce issue, 50c rose on rose paper, type II, mint with missing perfs at top left and bottom right. Scott CV US$210. Cat Value $280........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1739: FRANCE #102 1879-80 "peace and Commerce" issue, type II, 75c deep violet on orange paper, used with image offset to lower right. Scott CV US$35. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 1740: FRANCE #109 1900 Blanc issue, 1c gray, used on newspaper with newspaper cancellation dated 2nd February 1995. Scott does not list newspaper cancellations, Yvert&Tellier CV €150. Cat Value $225........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1741: FRANCE #109 TO #132 Lot of 27 of 1900 Liberty Equality Fraternity - Rights of Man - Liberty and Peace issue (set missing 10c lilac and 3fr. bright violet & rose), mix of MNH/mint and used. Scott CV US$259.05. Cat Value $350........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1742: FRANCE #123 1900-29 Merson issue, 50c bister-brown & gray, unused. Scott CV US$100. Cat Value $135........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1743: FRANCE #126 1900-29 Merson issue, 2fr. gray violet & yellow, used with light cancel. Scott CV US$75. Cat Value $101........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1744: FRANCE #126 1900-29 Merson issue, 2fr. gray violet & yellow, used with Paris SON cancel. Scott CV US$75. Cat Value $101........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1745: FRANCE #133 - #137 Set of 5 1902 Rights of Man issue, used with a couple of perf faults. Scott CV US$32.25. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1746: FRANCE #138 TO #154 Collection of 15 1903 - 38 "Sower with lines" issue (set just missing 65 gray green), mix of MNH/mint and used. Scott CV US$140.80. Cat Value $190........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1747: FRANCE #144 1921 Sower issue with lines, 50c dull blue, MNH. Scott Specialized CV US#62.50. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1748: FRANCE #156 TO #183 Collection of 33 1906 - 37"Sower without lines" issue, mostly mix of MNH/mint with a couple used. Scott Specialized CV US$267.10. Cat Value $361........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1749: FRANCE #157a 1943 "Marshall Petain 87th birthday" issue, strip of 5, used. Scott CV US$100. Cat Value $133........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1750: FRANCE #185 - #196 Complete set of 12 of the 1923-26 Louis Pasteur issue, mix of MNH/mint. Scott Specialized CV US$97.05. Cat Value $131........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1751: FRANCE #198 - #201 1924 Paris Olympics issue, 10c gray green & yellow green, 25c rose & dark rose, 30c brown red & Black and 50c ultramarine &dark blue, MNH/mint. Scott Specialized CV US$49.25. Cat Value $67........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1752: FRANCE #220 - #225 Complete set of 6 1924-25 "Exposition of Arts" issue, MNH. Scott CV US$52.50. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1753: FRANCE #220 - #225 Complete set of 6 1924-25 International Arts Exhibition issue, 10c dark green & yellow, 15c indigo & green, 25c violet brown & garnet, 25v gray blue & violet, 75c indigo & ultramarine and 75c dark blue and light blue, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$47.50. Cat Value $64........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1754: FRANCE #227 TO #235 AND #400 Lot of 8 1926-27 and 1940-41 surcharged issues, MNH. Scott CV US$21.55. Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1755: FRANCE #227 TO #392 AND #B44 TO #B103 Collection of 193 normal and semi=postal issues from 1926 to 1940, mounted on Schaubek album pages with a mix of mounted mint and used, 99% complete for the period. Scott CV US$639.90. Cat Value $878........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image..*..11th Image..*..12th Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1756: FRANCE #256-257 1930 B.I.T Congress issue, 50c vermilion (MNH) and 1,50fr. blue (used). Scott CV US$17.50. Cat Value $23........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1757: FRANCE #262 1931 French Colonials issue, 1,50fr deep blue, mounted mint with top right corner perf pulled. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1758: FRANCE #263 1931 Arc de Triomphe issue, 2fr. red brown, MNH. Scott CV US$80. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1759: FRANCE #264 TO #283, #298 Complete set of 20 of the 1932-39 "Peace and Olive Branch" issue plus 1934 surcharged issue 50c on 1,25fr brown olive, mix of MNH/mint and used(1). Scott Specialized CV US$251.07. Cat Value $340........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1760: FRANCE #290 TO #P7 Small lot of 10, pre 1945, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$10.15. Cat Value $14........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1761: FRANCE #291 - #293, #295, #303 AND #219 Lot of 6 famous people of the period 1924 to 1935 issues, a mix of MNH and mint. Scott Specialized CV US$60.25. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1762: FRANCE #294 1934 "dove and olive branch" issue, 1,50fr. blue, MNH. Scott CV US$95. Cat Value $127........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1763: FRANCE #294 1934 Dove and Olive Branch issue, 1,50fr ultramarine, mint. Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1764: FRANCE #296 - #297 Set of 2 of the 1934 Jacques Cartier issue, 75c rose lilac (MNH) and 1,50fr blue (mint). Scott Specialized CV US$137.50. Cat Value $186........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1765: FRANCE #299 1935 "Breton River Scene" issue, 2fr. blue green, mint. Scott CV US$32.50. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1766: FRANCE #300 AND #300a Lot of 2 of the 1935 S.S. Normandie issue, 1,50fr dark blue (MNH) and 1,50fr pale blue (mint). Scott CV US$84. Cat Value $113........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1767: FRANCE #301 TO #304 Lot of 3 1935 issues, Benjamin Delessert 75c blue green, View of St. Trophime 3,50fr dark brown and Cardinal Richelieu 1,50fr deep rose, MNH. Scott CV US$65. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1768: FRANCE #302 1935 "view of St. Trophime" issue, 3,50fr. dark brown, mint. Scott CV US$27.50. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1769: FRANCE #302 1935 "View of St. Trophime at Arles" issue, 3,50fr dark brown, MNH. Scott CV US$70. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1770: FRANCE #304 Lot of 2 1935 "Cardinal Richelieu" issue, 1,50fr. deep rose, 2 paper types, mint. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1771: FRANCE #308 1936 "Pilatre de Rozier and his balloon" issue, 75c Prussian blue, MNH. Scott CV US$37.50. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1772: FRANCE #311 AND #312 Set of 2 1935 Canadian War Memorial issue, 75chenna brown and 1,50fr. blue, mint. Scott CV US$25.50. Cat Value $34........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1773: FRANCE #319 - #320 1936 Allegory of Exposition issue, high values 90c carmine and 1,50fr ultramarine, lightly mounted mint. Scott CV US$41. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1774: FRANCE #322 TO #331 Lot of 9 of 1937 issues, mix of MNH and mint. Scott CV US$59.25. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1775: FRANCE #329 1937 International Philatelic Exhibition issue, Souvenir Sheet of 4, MNH. Scott CV US$700. Cat Value $946........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1776: FRANCE #335 - #340 Complete set of 6 1938-40 Ceres issue, MNH. Scott CV US$22.20. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1777: FRANCE #341 TO #350 Lot of 8 1938 issues including Leon Gambetta 55c dark violet, a complete set of 6 "sites", and "costume of Champagne" 1,75fr dark blue, a mix of MNH/mint. Scott CV US$113.05. Cat Value $153........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1778: FRANCE #356 TO #366, #375 TO #387, #401 - 404 AND #499 - #503 Collection of 26 wartime definitives 1939 - 44, including Mercury, Iris, surcharge and Mercury overprinted issues, MNH. Scott CV US$7.60. Cat Value $10........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1779: FRANCE #370 TO #388 Lot of 6 1939 issues, Paul Cezanne 2,25fr Prussian blue, Clemenceau 90c ultramarine, Statue of Liberty 2,25fr and 2,50fr ultramarine, Niepce and Daguerre 2,25fr dark blue and pumping station 2,25fr dark violet. Scott CV US$71.75. Cat Value $98........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1780: FRANCE #393 TO #523J AND #B94 TO #B191 Collection of 223 normal and semi=postal issues from 1949 to 1945, mounted on Schaubek album pages with a mix of mounted mint and used, 95%+ complete for the period. Scott CV US$491. Cat Value $673........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image..*..11th Image..*..12th Image..*..13th Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1781: FRANCE #396 1940 Georges Guynemer issue, 50fr ultramarine, MNH. Scott CV US$16. Cat Value $22........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1782: FRANCE #453 TO #471 Lot of 6 of 1942-44 issues, Stendhal, Blondel, Branly, postal car and Chateaux de Chenonceaux, MNH. Scott CV US$14.05. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1783: FRANCE #467 TO FRANCE #607 Collection of 30 commemorative issues from 1944 to 1948, MNH. Scott CV US$30.45. Cat Value $41........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1784: FRANCE #473b 1944 Chateaux de Chenonceaux issue, 15c black, used. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1785: FRANCE #487 TO #495 AND #501 TO #538 Collection of 50 1944 wartime definitive issues, MNH. Scott CV US$36.45. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1786: FRANCE #624 1949 "Type of 1849" CITEX issue, 10fr. brown orange, mint. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $74........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1787: FRANCE #624 1949 International Philatelic Exposition of Paris issue, 10fr. brown orange, MNH. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1788: FRANCE #633 TO #724 Collection of 34 commemorative issues from the period 1949 to 1954. Scott CV US$51.75. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1789: FRANCE #700-#705 Set of 6 1953 Sports issue, 20fr. swimming to 75fr. equestrian, MNH. Scott CV US$61.30. Cat Value $82........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1790: FRANCE #700 - #705 Complete set of 6 1953 Sports issue, mint. Scott CV US$69.75. Cat Value $94........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1791: FRANCE #725 TO #886 Collection of 64 1954 to 1958 commemorative issues, many complete sets, MNH. Scott CV US$118.25. Cat Value $160........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1792: FRANCE #878 TO #1255 Collection of 154 commemorative issues from 1958 to 1969, many complete sets, MNH. Scott CV US$129. Cat Value $174........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1793: FRANCE #1296 1971 "Artists" issue, 1fr multicolored, "Winnower by Francois Millet", imperf and MNH. Imperf not listed in Scott, Yvert & Tellier CV 100 euros. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1794: FRANCE #1297 1971 "Artists" issue, 1fr multicolored, "The Dreamer by Georges Rouault", imperf and MNH. Imperf not listed in Scott, Yvert & Tellier CV 100 euros. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1795: FRANCE #1418 TO #1981 Collection of mostly commemoratives 261 spanning the period from 1975 to 1985, mostly regular with a few semi postal and air post 90%= coverage for the period, MNH. Scott CV US$350+. Cat Value $470........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1796: FRANCE #1658 TO #3044 Collection of 52 definitives from years 1979, 1982, 1990, 1997 and one from 2004, couple of duplicates, MNH. Scott CV US$62.40. Cat Value $84........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1797: FRANCE #2404 TO #2449 Collection of 29 commemoratives and set of 6 semi postal from 1994, MNH. Scott CV US$53.10. Cat Value $72........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1798: FRANCE #2451 TO #2509 Collection of 44 commemoratives, a set of 6 semi postal and 2 red cross, from 1995, MNH. Scott CV US$93.90. Cat Value $128........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1799: FRANCE #2506 TO #2551 Collection of 40 commemoratives, a set of 6 semi postal and 1 red cross, from 1996, MNH. Scott CV US$81.40. Cat Value $110........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1800: FRANCE #2551 TO #2621 Collection of 54 1997 commemoratives, 95+ complete, set of 6 semi postal, MNH. Scott CV US$89.15. Cat Value $120........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1801: FRANCE #2622 TO #2686 Collection of 50 1998 commemoratives, 90+ complete, set of 6 semi postals, MNH. Scott CV US$79.50. Cat Value $107........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1802: FRANCE #2622 TO #2689 Collection of 62 1998 commemoratives, 99% complete, set of 6 semi postals and one Air Post included, MNH. Scott CV US$112.80. Cat Value $152........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1803: FRANCE #2629a TO #3498a Extensive collection of 25 plus 2 duplicates Souvenir Sheets from 1998 to 2008, MNH. Scott CV US$370.50. Cat Value $500........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1804: FRANCE #2691 TO #2748 Collection of 52 commemoratives and 5 souvenir/booklet sheets, 95% complete, set of 6 semi postals and one Air Post included, MNH. Scott CV US$161.80. Cat Value $218........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1805: FRANCE #2713 1999 PhilexFrance '99 special presentation pack with Souvenir Sheet of 3 plus entry pass to the exhibition, MNH. Scott CV US$50 (for the Souvenir Sheet). Cat Value $68........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1806: FRANCE #2750 TO #2796 Collection of 30 commemoratives from 2000, MNH. Scott CV US$49.90. Cat Value $68........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1807: FRANCE #2863a 2002 Souvenir sheet of 8 "Marianne" definitives with new colours, rare used example. Scott CV US$12. Cat Value $16........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1808: FRANCE #2926 TO #2988 Collection of 39 commemoratives and 2 souvenir sheets from 2003, MNH. Scott CV US$80.60. Cat Value $108........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1809: FRANCE #2997 TO #3050 Collection of 43 commemoratives and 5 souvenir sheets from 2004, MNH. Scott CV US$125.45. Cat Value $170........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1810: FRANCE #B1 - #B2 1914 issue of the first 2 semi-postal stamps, 10c + 5c red, MNH. Scott CV US$97. Cat Value $131........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1811: FRANCE #B2 1914 Red Cross issue, 10c + 5c red, MNH. Scott CV US$90. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1812: FRANCE #B3 AND #B11 Lot of 2 Semi-Postal on piece, 2c+3c violet brown and 15c +5c slate & red, used with Versailles cancel. Scott CV US$65. Cat Value $87........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1813: FRANCE #B3 - #B9 Exceptional set of 7 "Benefit of War Orphans" first issue, MNH and mint. Scott CV US$1330. Cat Value $1773........Image
...Opening Bid $90...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1814: FRANCE #B3 TO #B18 Lot of 9 from first and second issues of Orphelns de la Guerre 1917 to 1922, mix of MNH and used. Scott CV US$146.85. Cat Value $198........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1815: FRANCE #B11 1918 Hospital Ship and Field Hospital issue, 15c + 5c slate & red, used. Scott CV US$60. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1816: FRANCE #B12 - #B19 Complete set of 8 "Benefit of War Orphans" second issue, MNH and mint. Scott CV US$386.35. Cat Value $515........Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1817: FRANCE #B21 - #B23 Set of 3 "Benefit of War Orphans" third issue, higher values, MNH. Scott CV US$462.50. Cat Value $617........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1818: FRANCE #B24 - #B26 1927 "Sinking Fund" issue, 40c+10c light blue, 50c+25c green and 1.50fr+50c orange, MNH and used. Scott CV US$43. Cat Value $57........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 1819: FRANCE #B28 - #B30 Set of 3+1 1928 "Sinking Fund" issue, 40c+10c gray lilac, 50c+25c orange brown and 1,50fr.+50c (2 shades), used. Scott CV US$128. Cat Value $171........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1820: FRANCE #B31 - #B33 Set of 3 1929 "Sinking Fund" issue, 40c+10c green, 50c+25c lilac and 1,50fr.+50c chestnut, MNH. Scott CV US$130. Cat Value $173........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1821: FRANCE #B34 1930 Semi-Postal "Smile of Reims", 1,50fr + 3,50fr red violet, used. Scott CV US$82.50. Cat Value $110........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1822: FRANCE #B34 1930 "The Smile of Reims" semi-postal issue, 1,50fr + 3,50fr red violet, MNH. Scott CV US$130. Cat Value $203........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1823: FRANCE #B35 - #B37 Set of 3+1 1930 "Sinking Fund" issue, 40c+10c cerise (2 shades), 50c+25c gray brown and 1,50fr.+50c violet, mint. Scott CV US$122.50. Cat Value $163........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1824: FRANCE #B35 - #B37 1930 "Sinking Fund" 3rd issue, 40c+10c cerise, 50c+25c gray brown and 1,50fr+50c violet, MNH. Scott CV US$380. Cat Value $513........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1825: FRANCE #B38 1931 Allegory, French Provinces semi-postal issue, 1,50fr + 3,50fr green, MNH with good centering. Scott CV US$300. Cat Value $405........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1826: FRANCE #B38 1931 "Allegory, French Provinces" semi-postal issue, 1,50fr + 3,50fr green, used with image slightly offset to upper left. Scott CV US$140. Cat Value $192........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1827: FRANCE #B42 - #B43 AND #B47 Lot of 3 1935-6 intellectuals, 50c+10c ultramarine and 50c+2fr. dull red, MNH/mint. Plus 20c surcharge on 50c+2fr. dull red, mint. Scott CV US$132.25. Cat Value $176........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1829: FRANCE #B47 TO #B439 Collection of 16 1936 - 1970 issues, includes 3 complete sets and 3 singles, MNH. Scott CV US$54.35. Cat Value $74........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1830: FRANCE-B2a MINT LH The 10 plus 5 centimes Sower Semi-postal issue in a Booklet Pane of 10. Cat Value $600........Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1831: FRANCE #B48 - #B53 Complete set of 6 1936-37 intellectuals, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$59.25. Cat Value $79........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1832: FRANCE #B48 - #B53 Complete set of 6 of the 1936-37 Intellectuals issue, mix of MNH and mint. Scott CV US$43.50. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1833: FRANCE-B20-B23 MINT LH/NH Set of the 1926 Semi-postals with B20 being LH and the rest NH. Cat Value $464........Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1834: FRANCE-B24-B26 MINT LH Set of the 3 surcharge issues from 1927. Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1835: FRANCE-B31-B33 MINT HINGED Set of the 1929 Semi-postal surcharge issues. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1836: FRANCE-B34 VFLH The "Smile of Reims" Semi-postal issue from 1930. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1837: FRANCE-B43 VFLH The Symbolic of Music Semi-postal issue of 1935. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1838: FRANCE #B54 - #B59 Complete set of 6 1938 Intellectuals, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$23.25. Cat Value $31........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1839: FRANCE #B54 - #B59 Complete set of 6 of the 1938 Intellectuals issue, mix of MNH and mint. Scott CV US$58.25. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1840: FRANCE-B48-B53 VFLH Set of the 1936 Semi-postal issues with large even margins. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1841: FRANCE-B86-B89A VFLH Complete set of the 1939-1940 Semi-postal issues. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1842: FRANCE-B101-B102 VFNH Set of the 1940 Nurses Semi-postal issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1843: FRANCE-B161-B172 VFNH Full sets of the 1943 Semi-postal issues. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1844: FRANCE-B224-B231 MINT NH Set of the 1948 Semi-postal issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1845: FRANCE-B238-B243 VFNH The 1949 Semi-postal issues in a full set of 6. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1846: FRANCE-B249-B254 VFNH Set of the 1950 Semi-postal issues. Cat Value $72........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1847: FRANCE-B258-B263 VFNH The 1951 Semi-postal issues in a set of 6. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1848: FRANCE-B274a VFNH The 1952 Cupid Semi-postal issue in a complete Booklet with the pane of 10. Cat Value $375........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1849: FRANCE-B282a VFNH The 1953 Red Cross Semi-postal issues in a gutter Booklet pane of 8 with Booklet cover. Cat Value $85........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1850: FRANCE-B285-B290 MINT LH The 1954 Semi-postal issues in a full set of 6. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1851: FRANCE #B65 TO #B78 - #B83 Lot of 7 1938-39 semi postal issues, France and Infant 90c + 30c peacock blue, and 6 commemoratives 1938-39, MNH/mint. Scott CV US#90.60. Cat Value $122........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1852: FRANCE-B301a VFNH The 1955 Red Cross Semi-postal issue in a complete Booklet with a pane of 10. Cat Value $300........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1853: FRANCE #B66 AND #B67 1937 "Samothrace" issue, 30c blue green and 55c red, used. Scott CV US$80. Cat Value $107........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1854: FRANCE-B303-B308 VFLH Set of the 1956 Semi-postal issues. Cat Value $39........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1855: FRANCE-B318a VFNH The 1957 Red Cross issue in a gutter Booklet Pane of 8 with Booklet cover. Cat Value $45........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1856: FRANCE #B68 - B69 AND #B71 - B73 Lot of 5 1938-39 Jean Baptiste Charcot and 1938 "infantry and Army medical corps" issues, MNH. Scott CV US$72.50. Cat Value $98........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1857: FRANCE-B341-B346 VFLH Set of the 1960 Semi-postal issues. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1858: FRANCE-B356a VFNH The 1961 Semi-postal issue in a gutter pane of 8 with Booklet cover. Cat Value $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1859: FRANCE @B70 1938 Palace of Versailles semi-postal issue, 1,75fr + 75c deep blue, MNH. Scott CV US$37.50. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1860: FRANCE-SEMI-POSTAL BOOKLETS MINT NH Group of 9 different Booklets between B374a and B579a. See scan for list. Cat Value $51........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1861: FRANCE-B339/B433 MINT LH/NH Selection of around 70 Semi-postal issues from the years 1960 to 1969. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1862: FRANCE-SEMI-POSTAL SOUVENIR SHEETS VFNH Group of 16 Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between B481a and B592a. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $136........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1863: FRANCE-SEMI-POSTAL SOUVENIR SHEETS VFNH Selection of 16 Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between B598a and B662b. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $161........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1864: FRANCE-SEMI-POSTAL SOUVENIR SHEETS VFNH Group of 12 Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between B663b and B720. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $158........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1865: FRANCE-B721-B724 VFNH Group of 4 Semi-postal Souvenir Sheets from 2011-2012. Cat Value $60........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1866: FRANCE #B37A TO #B103 Lot of 9 1939-40 semi postal issues including Intellectuals 80c+10c brown violet, 1fr+10c bright red violet and 2,50fr+25c bright ultramarine, plus 3 War and 3 Red Cross, MNH. Scott CV US$78. Cat Value $105........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1867: FRANCE #B104 - #B107, #B109 - #B110 Lot of 6 1940-41 semi postal Agricultural and Prisoners of War issues, MNH. Scott CV US$17.10. Cat Value $23........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1868: FRANCE #B117 - #B128 Complete set of 12 of the 1941 "Arms of Various Cities" semi-postal issue, MNH. Scott CV US$33. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1869: FRANCE #B129 TO #B177 Collection of 16 of 1942 semi-postal issues, MNH. Scott CV US$25.80. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1870: FRANCE #B135 - #B146 Complete set of 12 of the 1942 "Arms of Various Cities" semi-postal ssue, MNH. Scott CV US$42. Cat Value $57........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1871: FRANCE #147a 1942 Tricolor Legion issue, vertical pair of 1,20fr+8,80fr blue and 1,20fr+8,80fr. crimson plus albino impression, MNH. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1872: FRANCE #B147a 1942 Tricolor Legion semi postal issue, vertical pair plus albino impression of 1,20fr + 8,80fr dark blue and 1,20fr + 8,80fr crimson, MNH. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1873: FRANCE #B157a 1943 semi-postal, Benefit of National Relief issue, strip of 5 MNH. Scott CV US$110. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1874: FRANCE #B185 TO #B231 Collection of 37 semi-postal from 1944 to 1948, several complete sets, MNH. Scott CV US$39.75. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3323
Lot# 1875: FRANCE #232 TO #248, #B266 Collection of 13 semi-postal from 1944 to 1948, 2 complete sets and 2 singles, MNH. Scott CV US$43.05. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1876: France #B249 - B254 USED VF set with light cancels. Scott catalogue value: $34 US$. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #720
Lot# 1877: FRANCE #B249 - #B254 Complete set of 6 1950 French Celebrities, MNH. Scott CV US$72. Cat Value $96........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1878: FRANCE B258 - B263 MINT NH VF, Scott cv US$45. Cat Value $62........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 1879: FRANCE #B258 - #B263 Complete set of 6 of 1951 semi-postal French Celebrities issue, MNH. Scott CV US$54. Cat Value $73........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1880: FRANCE #267 - #B272 Complete set of 6 1952 French Celebrities, MNH. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1881: FRANCE #B267 - #B272 Complete set of 6 of 1952 semi-postal French Celebrities issue, MNH. Scott CV US$48. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1882: FRANCE #B276 - #B281 Complete set of 6 1953 Semi-Postal, French Celebrities, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$51. Cat Value $68........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1883: FRANCE #B295 - #B290 Complete set of 6 1954 Semi-Postal, French Celebrities, mix of MNH/mint.and used. Scott CV US$93. Cat Value $124........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1884: FRANCE #B285 - #B290 Complete set of 6 of 1954 semi-postal French Celebrities issue, MNH. Scott CV US$150. Cat Value $202........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1885: FRANCE #B294 - #B290 Complete set of 6 1955 Semi-Postal, French Celebrities, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$111.50. Cat Value $149........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1886: FRANCE #B303 - #B308 Complete set of 6 1956 Portraits, MNH. Scott CV US$39. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1887: FRANCE #B312 - #B317 Complete set of 6 1957 Portraits, MNH. Scott CV US$21. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1888: FRANCE #B320 TO #B355 Collection of 13 1958 to 1961 issues, 2 complete sets and one single, MNH, Scott CV US$28.75. Cat Value $39........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1889: FRANCE #B579a TO #2631a Collection of 24 complete booklets, 23 semi-postal (some duplication) and 1 regular, from 1986 to 2008, MNH. Scott CV US$312. Cat Value $422........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1890: FRANCE #C16 AND #C17 1936 Air post "airplane and globe" issue, 1,50fr. dark ultramarine and 10fr. Prussian green, used. Scott CV US$135.25. Cat Value $180........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1892: 42 USED FRANCE COMMEMORATIVES VF, nicely cancelled........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 1893: FRENCH NEWSPAPER Dated 1938, with wrapper with Paris cds (?)........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2963
Lot# 1894: FRANCE-USED Collection between 11 and 1681 with around 900 different stamps in all. Lot includes a Minkus France album. The stamps are not mounted. See scan for examples. Est $105........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1895: FRANCE-19 USED A four margin example of the 80 centimes Napoleon in the lake shade on yellowish paper. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1896: FRANCE-70 USED IMPERF The Type 2 imperf twenty centimes red brown reprint issue. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 1897: FRANCE-121-123 MINT The first 3 values from the Liberty and Peace issues. The 45 centimes is NH and the other two are hinged. Cat Value $144........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1898: FRANCE-132 USED The 20 Franc magenta and green high denomination issue of 1926 in dull and bright shades. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1899: FRANCE-146a MINT BOOKLET PANE The 50 centimes Sower issue in a complete Booklet with a gutter pane of 20 and Advertising on the cover and selvedge. Cat Value $80........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1900: FRANCE-159b MINT The 5 centimes Sower issue of 1907 in a Booklet pane of 10. The stamps are NH with the selvedge being LH. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1901: FRANCE-173a MINT The 30 centimes Sower issue of 1925 in a complete Booklet with a gutter pane of 20 and Advertising on the cover and selvedge. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1902: FRANCE-185/257 MINT LH Complete set of the Louis Pasteur issues including the surcharges and the B.I.T. Congress overprints. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1903: FRANCE-193 MINT NH The 1926 red Louis Pasteur 90 centimes issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1904: FRANCE-220-225 MINT AND USED SETS Complete sets of the 1924-1925 Modern Arts Exhibition issues. The mint set is LH/H. Cat Value $37........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1905: FRANCE-258-263 Mint and used group of the 1930-1931 issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1906: FRANCE-264-283 USED Around 1500 stamps from the 1932-1939 Peace issues sorted into glassines. Also includes several of the surcharges. See scan for a few examples. Est $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1907: FRANCE-PRECANCEL COLLECTION Nice collection of about 130 different issues. Most are NH. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1908: FRANCE-300 VFLH The 1.50 Franc dark blue Normandie issue. Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1909: FRANCE-306/321 MINT HINGED Selection of the commemorative issues from the year 1936. Cat Value $103........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1910: FRANCE-344-346 VFNH The middle 3 values from the 1938 Scenic issue. Cat Value $31........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1911: FRANCE-348-348a VFLH The 1938 Clement Ader issue on thin and thick papers. Cat Value $195........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1912: FRANCE-353/502 MINT AND USED The 1938-1944 Mercury issues in a Dealer's Counter Book. About 350 stamps in all. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1913: FRANCE-440a MINT The 1.50 Franc Marshall Petain issue in a complete Booklet with a pane of 10 and advertising on the covers and selvedge. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1914: FRANCE-475-476H/523A-523J MINT NH Complete set of the 1944-1945 American Occupation Force stamps in blocks of 4. Cat Value $202........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1915: FRANCE-524-547 MINT The 1945-1947 definitives issues plus the new values issues and surcharges. Missing only #528 otherwise complete. Most appear to be NH. Cat Value $98........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1916: FRANCE-624 VFLH The 10 Franc brown orange Inscription issue of 1949. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1917: FRANCE-624 STRIP VFNH Top of the sheet strip of 3 of the 1949 ten Franc brown orange Inscription issue. The 2 side stamps have the Exhibit Show cancels and the middle stamp is uncancelled. Cat Value $145........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2763
Lot# 1918: FRANCE-700-705 VFNH Complete set of the 1953 Sports issue. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1919: FRANCE-706 VARIETY VFNH The 15 Franc surcharge issue showing the print guideline and Sept. 27, 1951 print date from the original stamp. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1920: FRANCE-707/952 USED Dealer's Counter Book containing various issues of the Farm Woman and Gallic Cock series with about 120 stamps in total. See scan for examples. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1921: FRANCE-752a VFNH The 12 Franc green Marianne issue in a Booklet Pane of 10 with labels. Cat Value $45........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1922: FRANCE-BOOKLETS MINT NH Collection of 21 different Booklets between 1088a and 1807a. See scan for list. Cat Value $292........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1923: FRANCE-MINT PANES AND SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 6 different items including 1150/1429/2021/2099a/2326a/2394a. Cat Value $57........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1924: FRANCE-1293b/1498 MINT NH Grouping of Booklet Panes including 1293b tagged and untagged, 1294Bd, 1497, and 1498. Cat Value $46........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1925: FRANCE-1783/2115 VFNH The Delecroix Liberty issues in complete sets. Cat Value $53........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1926: FRANCE-1821 VFNH The 1982 Marianne Souvenir Sheet with the accompanying Admission Ticket to Philex France. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1927: FRANCE-COVER GROUP Grouping of 40 covers including several First Days, illustrated Air Mails to the U.S. and Canada, etc. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1928: FRANCE-SOUVENIR SHEETS MINT NH Group of 13 different Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 2693a and 2920a. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $151........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1929: FRANCE-MARIANNE EURO ERA ISSUES MINT NH Collection of the Euro denominations that include 2835c, 2849-2864, 2921-2922, 2952-2957, 2862a, 2863a, 2957a, andf 2984a. Cat Value $122........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1930: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 14 different Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 2979 and 3440b. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $193........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1931: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 15 different Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 3111a and 3185a. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $189........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1932: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Selection of 14 various Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 3450a and 3588a. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $189........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #4048
Lot# 1933: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Grouping of 22 various Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 3595 and 3682. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $142........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1934: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Selection of 13 different Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 3901 and 3998a. See scan for list and examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1935: FRANCE-USED More recent collection of issues from the years 1999 to 2012. See scan for examples with about 400 stamps in all. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1936: FRANCE-MINT NH SOUVENIR SHEETS Group of 15 different Souvenir Sheets and Booklet Panes between 4006a and 4138a. See scan for list and examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1937: FRANCE-MINT NH Collection of all different issues from the years 2008 to 2010. Est $65........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1938: FRANCE-C1-C2 MINT HINGED Set of the initial 1927 Air Mail issues. Cat Value $400........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1939: FRANCE-C7 MINT AND USED The 1934 First English Channel Flight issue with a mint LH example and a used CDS cancel copy as well. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1940: FRANCE-C13 USED The 3 and a half Franc Plane over Paris issue. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1941: FRANCE-C17 USED VF copy of the 1936 Airplane over Globe issue. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1942: FRANCE-C23-C27 Set of the 1949 Air Mail issues with C24 being LH, C27 used, and the rest NH. Cat Value $114........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1943: FRANCE-C60-C63 VFNH The Air Mail issues from the years 1997 to 2000. Cat Value $64........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1944: FRANCE-C68a VFNH PANE Pane of 10 of the 2006 Air Bus Air Mail issue. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $70...High Bidder #4999
Lot# 1945: FRANCE-C69a VFNH PANE Pane of 10 of the 2007 Helicopter Air Mail issue perf 13 x 13.5. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1946: FRANCE-C73 VFNH PANE Pane of 10 of the 2011 Pequet Air Mail issue. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1947: FRANCE-C74 VFNH PANE Pane of 10 of the 2012 Nancy Luneville Air Mail issue. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1948: FRANCE-J11/J20 MINT HR Seven different values from the 1882 Postage Due issues in black. Cat Value $450........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1949: FRANCE-J27 USED The 2 Franc brown Postage Due issue from 1884. Cat Value $130........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1950: FRANCE-J93-J96 MINT LH Partial set of the 1960 Postage Due issues up to the 50 centimes value. Cat Value $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 1951: FRANCE-MILITARY STAMPS Mint and used collection complete from M1 to M12 with the exception of M10. Cat Value $188........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1952: FRANCE-M4 VFNH The 10 centimes rose Military stamp from 1906. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4560
Lot# 1953: FRANCE-N1/N22 MINT AND USED Group of 11 German Occupation stamps from the WW I issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 1954: FRANCE-N43-N58 MINT HINGED The 1940 German Occupation issues for Lorraine in a complete set of 16. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1955: FRANCE-P2 USED The 2 centimes blue imperf Newspaper stamp from 1868. The side margins are wide enough that it is probably not a trimmed perf version but sold as is. Cat Value $275........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #5004
Lot# 1956: FRANCE-NEWSPAPER STAMPS MINT AND USED Selection of 19 stamps between P3 and P8 with various shades. Cat Value $65........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1957: FRANCE-PARCEL POST STAMPS MINT AND USED Extensive group of 58 stamps from the years 1901 to 1960. The Lot also has 2 Franchise stamps. Est $55........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 1958: FRANCE-FRENCH OFFICES IN ALEXANDRIA Group of 2 mint and 6 used stamps between 1 and 27. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1959: FRANCE-FIRST FLIGHT COVERS Collection of 9 FFC's for Air France routes from the 1950's to the 1970's. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1960: FRANCE-LYON WW II OVERPRINTS Complete mint NH set of 15 from the City of Lyon R.F. overprints with Printer's guide dots. Est $30........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 1961: FRANCE-WW II VOLUNTEER LEGION Double set of the Fund Raising stamps for the French Volunteer Legion fighting against the Russians in 1941 to 1944. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1962: FRANCE #B41 1931 "Sinking Fund" issue, 1,50fr.+50c deep red, MNH. Scott CV US$200. Cat Value $267........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 1963: FRANCE-B11 MINT LH Four margin example of the 1918 Field Hospital Semi-postal issue. Cat Value $125........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 1964: FRANCE #J1 1859 Postage Due, 10c black, imperf, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$240. Cat Value $320........Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 1965: FRANCE #J2 1870 Postage Due, 15c black, imperf, used with 3 margins (right side cut into). Scott CV US$250. Cat Value $333........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4098
Lot# 1966: FRANCE #J3 AND #J6 Lot of 2 Postage Due, 15c black (3 margins) and 25c black (damage lower right corner), imperf, used. Scott CVC US$67.50. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1967: FRANCE #J11 TO J20 1882-92 Postage Due issue, perf, 1c, 2c, 10c, 15c, 30c and 40c (damaged), black, mint/use. Scott CV US$48 (40c black not counted in CV). Cat Value $64........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1968: FRANCE #J11 TO #J20 Lot of 1882-1892 Postage Due, 1c black to 40c black (missing 2c), used except 40c mint. Scott CV US$255.50. Cat Value $341........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1969: FRANCE #J26 1884 Postage Due, 1fr. brown, used. Scott CV90. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #5004
Lot# 1970: FRANCE #J26 AND #J28 1884 Postage Due high values, 1fr. brown and 5fr. brown, used. Scott CV US$415. Cat Value $568........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #4560
Lot# 1971: FRANCE #J29 TO #J66 Collection of 57 Postage Dues stamps from the period 1893 to 1941, mix of mint/MNH and used with minor duplication, mostly shades. Scott CV US$267.40. Cat Value $356........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1972: FRANCE #P3 AND #P5 Lot of 3 1868 Newspaper stamps, perf, 2c lilac and 2c blue (2 shades), used. Scott CV US$95. Cat Value $127........Image
...Opening Bid $40...High Bidder #5004
Lot# 1973: FRANCE #P3 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c lilac, perf, on newspaper dated 10th July 1870. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$72.50. Cat Value $98........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1974: FRANCE #P3 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c lilac, perf, on newspaper dated 10th April 1879. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$72.50. Cat Value $98........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1975: FRANCE #P3 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c lilac, perf, on newspaper dated 23 April 1870. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$72.50. Cat Value $98........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #1
Lot# 1976: FRANCE #P4 1868 Newspaper perf issue, 2c rose, used. Scott CV US$100. Cat Value $133........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #992
Lot# 1977: FRANCE #P4 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c rose, perf, on newspaper dated 6th April 1870. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$425. Cat Value $574........Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #403
Lot# 1978: FRANCE #P5 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c blue, perf, on newspaper dated 6th June 1870. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$110. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1036
Lot# 1979: FRANCE #P5 1868 "Coat of Arms" Newspaper Stamp issue, 2c blue, perf, on newspaper dated 17th August 1870. 2014 Scott Specialized CV US$110. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #1217
Lot# 1980: FRENCH COLONIES #21 1872-77 Ceres 10c bister, used with 3 margins (just cut into at lower left), used. Scott CV US$100. Cat Value $133........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1981: FRENCH COLONIES #1 TO #6 Lot of 5 1859 to 1865, 1c, 5c, 10c, 40c and 80c, used with most having 4 margins. Scott CV US$125. Cat Value $167........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 1982: FRENCH COLONIES #19 AND #20 1872-77 Ceres 5c green and 10c bister on rose (2 shades), used with 3 margins. Scott CV US$35.50. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1983: FRENCH POLYNESIA #C24-C27 MINT VF, light hinge. Scott catalogue value: $85 US$. Cat Value $117........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1984: FRENCH COLONIES #24 1877-78 Peace and Commerce issue, imperf, 1c green on greenish, used with almost 4 margins, ragged on bottom. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $61........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1985: FRENCH COLONIES #25 1877-78 Peace and Commerce 4c green on greenish paper, used with 4 clear margins. Scott CV US$14.50. Cat Value $19........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #5004
Lot# 1986: FRENCH COLONIES #30 TO #43 Lot of 7 1877-78 Peace and Commerce issue, type II, used. Scott CV US$81.75. Cat Value $109........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 1987: FRENCH COLONIES #46 TO #54 Lot of 8 Peace and Commerce issue, perf, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$62.25. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 1988: FRENCH POLYNESIA-80-116 MINT LH/NH Complete set of the 1934-1940 definitives issue. Cat Value $76........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1989: FRENCH POLYNESIA-160-178 MINT LH/NH The 1948 definitives in a full set to the 25 franc value. Cat Value $57........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1990: FRENCH POLYNESIA-203-226 VFNH Complete collection of issues for the years 1963 to 1966. Cat Value $205........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1991: FRENCH POLYNESIA-336a/361a VFNH The 1980 Arts Festival and 1982 Philexfrance Souvenir Sheets. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1992: FRENCH POLYNESIA-505-506 VFNH The 1989 Coprah issue. Cat Value $58........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1993: FRENCH POLYNESIA-C33 VFNH Very well centered example of the 1965 ITU Air Mail issue. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1994: FRENCH POLYNESIA-C45-C47a VFNH Set of the 1968 Explorers issue including the rare Souvenir Sheet. Cat Value $195........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 1995: FRENCH POLYNESIA-C105/C153 VFNH Selection of Air Mail issues from the years 1974 to 1977. Cat Value $216........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1996: FRENCH POLYNESIA-C107-C111 VFNH Set of the 1974 Paintings Air Mail issue. Cat Value $188........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 1997: FRENCH COLONIES #J1, #J3 AND #J4 Lot of 3 Postage Due, 1884-85, 1c black, 3c black and 30c black, mint with 4 margins. Scott CV US$25.50. Cat Value $34........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 1998: FRENCH INDIA #1 TO #24 Lot of 31 with duplication up to 5 covering the period from 1892 to 1903 including 1903 5c grey blue revenue stamp, used. Scott CV US$153.05. Cat Value $204........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 1999: STAMPLESS LETTER Germany 1866. Est $250........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3029
Lot# 2000: GERMAN LOCALS INCLUDING IMPERF PAIR. MINT AND USED Generally F/VF (Qty 28 different)........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4987
Lot# 2001: GERMANY A.M.G #3N1 -#3N20 Complete set of 20 1945-46 German Occupation Allied Military Government issue, MNH. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2002: GERMANY A.M.G. #3N1 TO #3N16 Lot of 13 1945-46 German Occupation Allied Military Government (AMG) issue, used. Scott CV US$70.15. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2003: GERMANY A.M.G #3N1 - #3N16 AND #3N2a TO #3N9a Set of 22 1945-46 A.M.G. issue, type III, complete from 1pf slate gray to 42pf green (14) and Type II complete from 3pf lilac to 15pf cerise, used. Scott CV US$80.50. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2004: GERMANY #4N11 1945-46 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe issue, 1m lilac brown, used. Scott CV US$18. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2005: GERMANY 4N12 1945-46 Germany under French occupation issue, 2m deep blue, Used. Scott CV US$52.50. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2006: GERMANY #530 - #556 Complete set of 27 1946 definitive issue, 1pf black to 1m olive green, Scott CV US$60.10. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2007: GERMANY #557 - #577 Complete set of 20 1947-48 issue, from 2pf brown black to 5m dark blue, used, (1m green damaged replaced my 1m green mint). Scott CV US$120.15. Cat Value $162........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2008: GERMANY #577 1948 Germany Reaching for Peace issue, 5m dark blue, image offset to left, used. Scott CV US$80. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2009: GERMANY #578 - #585C Lot of 10 of 1947-48 issues, includes Leipzig Fair issues with MNH block of 4, MNH and used. Scott CV US$26.45. Cat Value $36........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2010: GERMANY $634 - #661 Complete set of 28 1948-1951 issue, 2 pf black to 5m blue, mounted mint. Scott CV US$108.20. Cat Value $146........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2011: GERMANY #634 - #661 Complete set of 28+ 1948-1951 issue, 2 pf black to 5m blue, includes a few shade duplicates, used. Scott CV US$76.55. Cat Value $103........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2012: GERMANY #658 - #661 1948-51 Holsten Gate issue lot of 4 high values, 1m yellow green, 2m violet, 3m carmine rose and 5m blue, mint hinged. Scott CV US$66. Cat Value $89........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2013: GERMANY #658 - #661 1948-51 Holsten Gate issue lot of 4 high values, 1m yellow green, 2m violet, 3m carmine rose and 5m blue, used. Scott CV US$25.70. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2014: GERMANY #664a 1949 Hanover Export Fair issue, Souvenir Sheet of 3, MNH. Scott CV US$82.50. Cat Value $111........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2015: GERMANY #665 - #666 Lot of 2 1949 Reconstruction issue, 10pf blue green and 20pf rose carmine, mounted mint. Scott CV US$32.50. Cat Value $43........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2016: GERMANY #665 - #666 Lot of 2 1949 Reconstruction issue, 10pf blue green and 20pf rose carmine, Used. Scott CV$36. Cat Value $48........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2017: GERMANY #667 - #668 Set of 2 1949 Bavaria Stamp issue, 20pf red & dull blue and 30pf dull blue & chocolate, mounted mint. Scott CV US$32. Cat Value $43........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2018: GERMANY #667 - #668 Set of 2 1949 Bavaria Stamp issue, 20pf red & dull blue and 30pf dull blue & chocolate, MNH. Scott CV US$80. Cat Value $108........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2019: GERMANY #669 1949 Heinrich von Stephan issue, 30pf ultramarine, MNH. Scott CV US$52.50. Cat Value $71........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2020: GERMANY #669 1949 Heinrich von Stephan issue, 30pf ultramarine, used. Scott CV US$35. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 2021: GERMANY #670 - #685 Complete set of 16 1951-52 Numeral and Post Horn issue, used. Scott CV US$40.90. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2022: GERMANY #686 1951 W. K. Roentgen issue, 30pf blue, mounted mint. Scott CV US$24. Cat Value $32........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2023: GERMANY #687 TO #806 A 1950s collection of 83, from 1950 to 1999, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$305.90. Cat Value $413........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2024: GERMANY #693 1952 Phillipp Reis issue, 30pf blue, MNH. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4721
Lot# 2025: GERMANY #695 1953 Justus von Liebig issue, 30pf dark blue, MNH. Scott CV US$40. Cat Value $54........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2026: GERMANY #698 - #701 Complete set of 4 1953 Train and Hand Signal issue, 4pf brown, 10pf deep green, 20pf red and 30pf deep blue, MNH. Scott CV US$65. Cat Value $88........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2027: GERMANY #702 - #721 Complete set of 20 1954-60 President Theodor Heuss issue, lovely set from 2pf citron the 3m deep plum with a mic of MNH and mounted mint. Scott CV US$85.25. Cat Value $115........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2028: GERMANY #714 1954-60 President Theodor Heuss issue, 50pf gray, mounted mint. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $74........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2029: GERMANY #714 1954-60 President Theodor Heuss issue, 50pf gray, mounted mint. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $74........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2030: GERMANY #755 - #761 Complete set of 7 1956-57 President Heuss issue, MNH/mint. Scott CV US$34.70. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2031: GERMANY #793 - #797 Complete set of 5 1959 President Heuss issue, MNH. Scott CV US$16.05. Cat Value $22........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2032: GERMANY #804 1959 Composers issue, Souvenir Sheet of 5, MNH. Scott CV US$17.50. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2033: GERMANY #607 TO #1013 A 1960s collection of 147, 3 Souvenir Sheets and a booklet of 4, from 1960 to 1969, most are MNH. Scott CV US$61.90. Cat Value $84........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2034: GERMANY #824 TO #1085 Collection of 66 definitives of the period 1961 to 1974, mostly MNH with 9 used from the 1970-73 issue. Scott CV US$59.85. Cat Value $81........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2035: GERMANY #1014 TO #1231d A 1970s collection of 95, 2 Souvenir Sheets and a booklet page of 8, from 1970 to 1979, most are MNH. Scott CV US$73.15. Cat Value $100........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2036: GERMANY #1420 TO #1973 Collection of 13 Souvenir Sheets from 1984 to 1997, also includes 1991 World Gas Congress pair + label, MNH. Scott CV US$41.25. Cat Value $56........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2037: GERMANY #B296 TO #B305 Lot of 10 Semi-Postal includes 1947 Leipzig Market Place, 1948 Madonna, 1948 Brandenburg Gate and Bicycle Racers issues, all used. Scot CV US$62.15. Cat Value $84........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2038: GERMANY #B301 TO EB379 Small collection of 1952 to 1964 issues, mix of MNH/mint. Scott CV US$66.10. See scan for details. Cat Value $90........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2039: GERMANY #B306 - #B308 Complete set of 3 Semi Postal 1949 Goethe issue, 10pf+5pf green, 20pf+10pf red and 30pf+15pf blue, used. Scott CV US$36. Cat Value $50........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2040: GERMANY #B309 1949 Semi Postal Bavaria Stamp of 1849 issue, 10pf+2pf green & black, used. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2041: GERMANY #B330 1952 Semi-Postal Henri Dunant issue, 30pf+10pf deep blue, used with damage to top, spacefiller. Scott CV US$67.50. Cat Value $91........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2042: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #121 TO #486 1950s collection of 154 from 1953 to 1959, used. Scott CV US$55.90. See scans for more details. Cat Value $76........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2043: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #144 TO #230A Collection of 59 1953 to 54 issues, 1952 complete set of 18, 1955 complete set of 18, 1954 complete set of 8(+1) and 1955 complete set of 7, MNH. Scott CV US$394.10. See scans for more details. Cat Value $532........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2044: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #144a TO #1422a Lot of 13 Souvenir sheets from 1953 to 1972, mix of MNH and used. Scott CV US$124.40. Cat Value $168........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2045: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #537 TO #1082 1960s collection of 139 from 1961 to 1969, a couple of blocks of 4 and 6, used. Scott CV US$36.80. See scans for more details. Cat Value $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2046: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #1172 TO #2053 1970s collection of 140 from 1970 to 1979, used. Scott CV US$37.30. See scans for more details. Cat Value $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2047: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #2071 TO #2683a 1980s collection of 116 from 1980 to 1988, used. Scott CV US$31.45. See scans for more details. Cat Value $43........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2048: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #B44 TO #B169, #C1 TO #C14 AND #O1 TO #O32 Collection of 52 BOB stamps, semi-postal (13) 1953 to 1972, Air Post (12) and Official (27), used. Scott CV US$13.10. Cat Value $18........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2049: GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC #O1 TO #OO12 Lot of 6 1954 Officials issue, 5pf emerald to 40pf red. Scott CV US$68.25. Cat Value $92........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2050: GERMANY-4/17 USED Selection of 10 Imperial Eagle stamps with various cancels. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2051: GERMANY-USED Clean group of stamps between 31 and 1539 as well as an assortment of early DDR issues. About 230 stamps in all. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 2052: GERMANY-51 VF MINT HINGED Nicely centered example of the 50 pfennig Coat of Arms issue. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2053: GERMANY-66a USED A VF example of the "DFUTCHES" variety. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2054: GERMANY-331-332 ON POST CARD TO THE U.S. Sepia view card showing the Hotel Bellevue in the Hague. Card was sent from Cologne to Ohio on June 17, 1926 and has a pair of split ring cancels. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2055: GERMANY-USED Selection of better catalogue value stamps between 337 and 2469. The Lot also includes several better DDR issues. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2056: GERMANY-419 ON DISASTER CARD Post Card showing the Stuttgart Castle Fire of 1931. The Card was sent March 6, 1941 with a large CDS cancel. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2057: GERMANY-WW II CENSORED COVERS Set of 3 covers from Berlin to the U.S. dated 1940. The covers have various Censor markings and tape types. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2058: GERMANY-MINT Selection of 46 different issues between 470 and 2658. Almost all are VFNH. Cat Value $62........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 2059: GERMANY-580-585 USED Set of the Leipzig and Hanover Fair issues with the event cancels. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2060: GERMANY-629 ON COVER TO HORTA Cover dated August 13, 1948 from Glocksburg in the U.S. Occupation Zone to the Porugese island of Horta. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2061: GERMANY-1192 USED Grouping of 6 neatly cancelled examples of the 500 pf high denomination issue from1975. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4779
Lot# 2062: GERMANY-REUNIFICATION ISSUES PACKAGE Commemorative Folder with Germany #1612-1613 and DDR B203 mint as well as on First Day Covers accompanied by explanatory write-ups. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2063: GERMANY-1844/B843 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Selection of 22 different blocks from the year 1998. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $135........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2064: GERMANY-2141/2230 VFNH PLATE BLOCKS Group of 21 different blocks from the years 2001 to 2003. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $224........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2065: GERMANY-B79-B81 The 1935 Winter Sports semi-postal issues in a mint LH set as well as a used set. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 2066: GERMANY-B116-B117 VFNH WITH PRESENTATION BOOK A VIP Presentation book produced by the National Socialist Party. This 1935 book features real photos of Hitler and forewords from Goebels and Gohring. Unable to find another copy on the internet. See scan for stamps and book extracts. Est $75........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2719
Lot# 2067: GERMANY-B335-B337 VFNH Partial set of the 3 high values from the 1935 "Famous Germans" semi-postal issue. Cat Value $73........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 2068: GERMANY-B366a-B367a FIRST DAY COVERS Illustrated FDC's from the Interposta Philatelic Exhibition in Hamburg with the May 22, 1959 split ring Show cancels. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2069: GERMANY-C32-C34 USED The 3 high values from the 1926 Imperial Eagle Air Mail issue. Cat Value $119........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2070: GERMANY-C46-C56 USED Complete set of the 1934 Air Mail issue. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2071: GERMANY-C57-C58 ON ZEPPELIN COVERS Pair of Registered covers to the U.S. dated May 6, 1936 with receiving marks on the back. These were flown on the Hindenburg which would crash and burn a year later. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4779
Lot# 2072: GERMANY-O1/OL19 MINT AND USED Extensive collection of Officials including some Local stamps from Prussia and Baden. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2073: GERMANY-3N1-3N20 MINT AND USED Extensive collection of the 1945-1946 Allied Military Government Occupation stamps including a large number of the perf, gum, and paper varieties. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2074: GERMANY-6N1/6N35 MINT AND USED Collection of the Rheinland Pfalz Allied Occupation issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2076: GERMANY-BERLIN 9N13 USED The 50 pf ultra with a Berlin overprint and a SON Sept. 7, 1948 split ring cancel. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 2077: GERMANY-BERLIN 9N35-9N41 MINT A full LH set of the 1949 von Stephan issue. Cat Value $212........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2078: GERMANY-BERLIN FIRST DAY COVERS Selection of 7 different FDC's between 9N160 and 9NB220. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2079: GERMANY-BERLIN VFNH Collection of all different stamps between 9N212 and 9N315 as well as Semi-postals from 9NB53/9NB118. Cat Value $54........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 2080: GERMANY-BERLIN 9NB8-9NB10 USED The first 3 values from the 1953 Churches semi-postal issue. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3002
Lot# 2081: GERMANY-BERLIN MINT AND USED SEMI-POSTALS Small collection of issues between the years 1956 and 1987. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2083: GERMANY-DDR MINT Eclectic group of around 450 stamps from the years 1948 to 1987. Includes widely ranging number of duplicates. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2084: GERMANY-DDR 10N38/10N44 VFNH BLOCKS Six values from the 1948 Politicians issue in blocks of 10. Cat Value $121........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2085: GERMANY-DDR 84 USED The 50 pf blue Mao issue of 1951 with a clean corner cancel. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2086: GERMANY-DDR SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS MINT AND USED Collection between 10NB1 and 10NB203 with minimal duplication and good variety of issues. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2087: GERMANY-SANGERSTADT LOCAL ISSUES Mint set of 11 stamps from the Finsterwalde Local issue. Est $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2088: GERMANY-EVENT TICKETS Three illustrated Event Tickets from the early 1920's. All are in very nice condition. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2089: GERMANY-BAVARIA Large accumulation of about 1000 stamps between 23 and O62. See scan for examples. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 2090: GERMANY-BAVARIA 87-88 USED The 2 and 3 Mark high values from the 1911 Prince Luitpold issue. Cat Value $67........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2091: GERMANY-WURTTEMBERG Mint and used selection of issues between 2 and O182. About 285 stamps in total. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2092: GERMANY-POCESSIONS AND OCCUPATION AREAS Collection of mint and used stamps from former colonies and occupied Territories. See scan for list. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3826
Lot# 2093: GERMANY DDR #68 - 70 Mint NH blocks of 4. Scott catalogue value: $81 US$. Cat Value $112........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #1722
Lot# 2094: GERMANY DDR #B21 Souvenir sheet, Mint NH. Scott catalogue value: $130 US$. Cat Value $180........Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #119
Lot# 2095: GREECE - 13 COMPLETE SHEETS Two are mint, 11 are used CTO, from the 1937 series mostly. PLUS 7 Duplicate mint sheets (some with minor creasing) Only 4 samples shown in scans. Some damage to selvedge and faults from poor storage........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #301
Lot# 2096: ABOUT 800 MODERN GREECE STAMPS on Paper and heavily duplicated, still lots of different too.........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #960
Lot# 2097: ABOUT 65 GREEK STAMPS, Mostly mint hinge, will catalogue over $300 US$. Plus cover written to Bohemian club in San Francisco by daughter of one member (Walker) whose daughter was an archaeologist in Greece. Includes: #517-519, N53, 540-543........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #108
Lot# 2099: GREECE-827-829 FIRST DAY COVER Illustrated FDC with a set of the 1965 Astronomy issue. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2100: GREECE-BACK OF THE BOOK MINT Group of Air Mails, Postage Dues, Postal Tax, and Occupation stamps. Good variety with varying amounts of duplicates. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2101: HELIGOLAND-MINT Selection that includes 2, 9, and 14 as well as an unused Postal Card. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #5004
Lot# 2102: HUNGARY-USED Lightly duplicated collection of late 1800's to 1970's issues. About 275 stamps in total. See scan for examples. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 2103: ICELAND #74 TO #462 PLUS BOB Collection of 52 covering the period from 1907 to 1974, includes 5 semi-postal and 4 Officials, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$83.85. Cat Value $113........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 2104: ICELAND-586-601 VFNH The complete issues for the year 1984 in the Post Office issued Folder. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 2105: INDONESIA #388 TO #691 AND #B63 TO #B205 Collection of 114 regular and semi=postal from 1951 to 1966, MNH and mint. Scott CV US$40.20. Cat Value $54........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2617
Lot# 2106: IRAN #486 TO #2345 Collection of 300+ regular and 3 Air Post from 80 different issue covering the period from 1911 to 1988, mostly mint with large duplication of some issues. Scot CV US59 for one lot of 90 issues. Cat Value $80........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2107: IRAQ #1 TO #135, #C1-2 AND #O14 TO #O145 Collection of 95 regular, Air Post and Official from 1923-24 to 1950-51, used with some perf faults and pulled corner perfs. Scott CV US$43.60. Cat Value $58........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2108: IRELAND-1278 PERF ERROR The 30 pence Christmas Booklet issue without perfs at the UR side. Normal stamp included for comparison.. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2109: ISRAEL #2 TO #345 PLUS BOB Collection of 125+ covering the period from 1948 to 1969, all different apart from duplicates with tabs, mix of MNH/mint and used. Scott CV US$130+. Cat Value $170........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2111: ITALY-USED Collection between 24 and 646. Contains many good catalogue value items with a few shades as well. Est $85........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2112: ITALY-USED Collection of around 80 stamps between 48 and 659 with many better catalogue items throughout. Est $55........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 2113: ITALY-506 USED The 1948 Death of Mameli issue with a CDS cancel. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3359
Lot# 2114: ITALY-C113 USED The 50 lire Air Mail issue of 1946 in dark green with a neat corner CDS cancel. Cat Value $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 2115: ITALY-ROMAN STATES 6a USED The pale rose 5 baj value from 1852. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4282
Lot# 2116: ITALY-ROMAN STATES MINT HINGED Three values from the 1868 perforate issue including 19a, 20, and 22. Cat Value $64........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4282
Lot# 2117: 4 MODERN JAPANESE COVERS Franked with colourful commemoratives, Plus one from Thailand. See scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2119: JAPAN-663 FIRST DAY COVER Illustrated FDC showing the completion of the Kojima Bay Embankment Project. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2121: JAPAN-905 WITH JAL PRESENTATION PACK Japan Airlines package from 1967 commemorating the completion of their "Round the World" Air Service. Includes the cover, card, and stamp. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2122: JAPAN #1359 TO #1504 Complete set of Modern Japanese Art series 1-16 housed in two red presentation albums with detailed descriptions, a total of 32 MNH. Scott CV US32 for stamps only.. Cat Value $45........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #1044
Lot# 2123: JAPAN OFFICES ABROAD Includes: Offices in Korea: #1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Offices in China #19. All are used. Scott catalogue value: $126 US$. Cat Value $175........Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2124: KOREA - SMALL GROUP OF EARLY ISSUES 21 stamps: Includes: #19, 20B, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 48, 114 Plus Two early 1890s stamps that were never issued. All are mint hinge except #48 which are used. Scott catalogue value: $291 US$. Cat Value $404........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 2125: KOREA #85 + 86O Mint NH. Scott catalogue value: $270 US$. Cat Value $375........Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 2126: NORTH KOREA 17 singles, mixed mint and used Plus 5 used blocks. Scott catalogue value $268 US$. Cat Value $372........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $20...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 2127: NORTH KOREA USED BLOCKS All are reprints. Includes: #1, 22, 23, 14, 88, 100, 11, 26, 38, 4, 10, 17. There are 13 different with two duplicates. Scott catalogue value: $588 US$. Cat Value $816........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #301
Lot# 2128: KOUAN-TCHEOU #55a 1923 stamp of Indo-China issue, overprinted in black, 1/5c deep blue & black, rare black overprint, MNH. Scott Specialized CV US$225. Cat Value $304........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 2129: KUWAIT-MINT AND USED Collection between 78 and 1150. About 200 stamps in all. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2130: LATAKIA #1 TO #9, #J1 - #J2 Lot of 8 1931-33 regular(5) and postage due(2), mix of MNH/mint. Scott CV US$57.70. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 2131: LEVANT #1 TO #46 Lot of 12 1885-1922 issues, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$42.30. Cat Value $56........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2132: LIBERIA-541-548 VFNH BLOCKS Set of the 1971 Tribal Mask issue in blocks of 10. See scan for examples. Cat Value $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 2134: MARIENWERDER-1/14 MINT HINGED Partial set of the 1920 Plebiscite issue missing only the 75 pf (#10). Cat Value $44........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2135: MEXICO STAMP COLLECTION In Minkus album. 1178 different stamps, mixed Mint and Used. Scott catalogue value: $1140 US$. Highlights: #38, 275, 581, 735, 818........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4343
Lot# 2136: MEXICO #C471A MINT VF NH, with selvedge at left side, very scarce. Scott catalogue value: $1200 US$. Cat Value $1670........Image
...Opening Bid $100...High Bidder #4915
Lot# 2137: MEXICO #O4 Mint block of 4, misperf (?) or badly off center (?). Mint NH. Scott catalogue value $5.60 US$ as normal........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1495
Lot# 2138: MOROCCO AGENCIES #1 TO #440 Collection of 93 mint and used from Spanish, British and French overprint issues for the period 1898 to 1952. Scott CV US$181. Cat Value $241........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #3005
Lot# 2139: NETHERLAND FIRST DAY COVERS #589 TO #B649 Collection of 52 First Day Covers from 1979 to 1989, regular and semi-postal included. Valued for stamps only, Scott CV US$60.70. Cat Value $82........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1404
Lot# 2140: NETHERLANDS-USED Huge accumulation of over 2400 stamps starting with earlier issues and going across the 20th Century. Good mix of definitives and commemoratives with a large variety of issues. See scan for examples. Est $90........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 2141: NETHERLANDS ANTILLES-USED Duplicated group of over 180 stamps. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2142: NEW CALEDONIA-C70-C71 VFNH Set of the 1970 Birds Air Mail issue. Cat Value $43........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2143: NEW CALEDONIA-C160/C203 VFNH Nearly complete group of Air Mail issues from the years 1980 to 1984. Cat Value $129........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $34...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2144: NOISSI-BE #27 TO #44 Lot of 14 stamps from 1893 to 1894, used with condition fine. Scott CV US$274.85. Cat Value $366........Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 2145: PHILIPINES #N7 THE 1943 OVPT, MINT NH F/VF, Scott CV US$155. Cat Value $205........Image
...Opening Bid $28...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2147: POLAND-1105-1110 FIRST DAY SET The 1962 Orphan Mary issue on illustrated First Day Postal Cards. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2148: POLAND-B41 MINT NH The 1945 Semi-postal issue commemorating the "Last Stand at Westerplatte". Cat Value $29........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2149: PORTUGAL #10 TO #565 AND #RA4/5 Collection of 73 spanning the period from 1862 to 1936plus 6 BOB, several stamps with damage and unlisted not counted in CV. Scott CV US$94.50. Cat Value $128........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2058
Lot# 2150: PRC 1215-1217 THE 1975 4TH CONGRESS, MINT NH VF CV US$61. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #720
Lot# 2151: RHINE PALATINATE #6N1 TO #6N39 Lot of 38 of 1947-48 (14), 1948 (14) and 1948-49 (10) issues, used. Scott CV US$88.25. Cat Value $120........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2152: RHINE PALATINATE #6NB3 - #6NB6 Complete set 0f 4 Arms semi-postal issue, 10pf+20pf green, 20pf+40pf lilac, 30pf+60pf blue and 40pf+80pf gray, mint. Scott CV US$31. Cat Value $42........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2153: RHINE PALATINET @6NB7 - #NB9 Complete set of 3 of 1949 Goethe semi postal issue, 10pf+5pf green, 20pf+10pf cerise and 30pf+15pf blue, MNH. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2154: RHINE PALATINATE #6NB7 AND #6NB9 Lot of 2 of 1949 Goethe semi postal issue, 10pf+5pf green, and 30pf+15pf blue, used. Scott CV US$60.50. Cat Value $81........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2155: RUSSIA #43 // BOB USED (QTY EXCEEDS 300 STAMPS) GENERALLY FINE, 98% IDENTIFIED Mostly cv .25c each, but see a few of several $: #589@$5.50; 1296@$4.50; 1327@$12.50 and B8@$4.50. Partial scan only. Est $60........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 2156: RUSSIA-USED Collection of about 475 different stamps including many complete sets. The grouping has a few earlier items but most are from the 1940's to the 1970's. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image..*..10th Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 2157: RUSSIA-1260/2293 MINT NH Small group of blocks and pairs including 1260/1343/1345-45/1689/2290-93. Cat Value $83........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 2158: RUSSIA-MINT Group of around 200 stamps with most being from the second half of the 20th Century. Most issues have 2 copies. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2159: SAAR-MINT Nice selection of over 100 different stamps between 4 and O28. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2160: ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON-USED Lightly duplicated group of better catalogue value stamps between 337 and C60. Est $30........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2161: ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON-C44 USED VF centered example of the 300 Franc Air Mail issue of 1969 with a neat CDS corner cancel. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2162: SENEGAL #194 TO #433 Collection of 392 regular and Air Post stamps plus 8 Souvenir sheets from 1960 to 1976 (95% complete for the period), mounted on album pages with most mint hinged. Scott CV US$757.45. Five sample scans. Cat Value $1010........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $38...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2163: SENEGAL #195 TO #484 Collection of 235 from the period 1960 to 1978 mounted on double sided Minkus album pages (runs to 1995), mint hinged. Scott CV US$277.85. Four sample scans. Cat Value $370........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2164: SENEGAL #195 TO #274, #B16-17 AND #C26 TO #C46 Collection of 115 regular, semi=postal and Air Post stamps plus one Souvenir sheet, from 1960 to 1965, mint mounted on album pages. Scott CV US$236.79. Four sample scans. Cat Value $316........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2165: SPAIN-USED Collection of mainly 20th Century stamps with several shades included. Around 240 in total. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 2166: SPAIN-CENSORED COVER February 1939 cover from Tarragona to Naples with a straight line "Censura Militar" handstamp and Naples receiving mark on the reverse. The cover is franked with 642/645/658. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2167: SPAIN #12 TO #2340 Collection of 185 covering the period from 1852 to 1983, perf faults in the early issues, mostly used, some perfins. Scott CV US$144.45. Cat Value $193........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2650
Lot# 2168: SPAIN #46a 1856 Queen Isabella II issue, 1r greenish blue block of 4, unused. Scott CV US$160. Cat Value $213........Image
...Opening Bid $10...High Bidder #2707
Lot# 2169: SPAIN #165a 1870 Espana issue, 25m gray lilac, unused. Scott CV US$55. Cat Value $73........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2170: SPAIN #288A 1907 Madrid Industrial Exhibition issue with KA XIII and QVE, 10c orange red, mint hinged. Scott note CV US$40. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2171: SPAIN #289A 1907 Madrid Industrial Exhibition issue with KA XIII and QVE, 15c violet, used with round cancel. Note: this issue was not valid for postage. Scott note CV US$40. Cat Value $53........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2707
Lot# 2172: SPAIN #C144 1953 Joaquin Sorollia y Bastida Air Post issue, 50p dark violet, used with stain on the back. Scott CV US$22.50. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2173: SWEDEN #7 USED Fine Scott catalogue value $250 US$. Plus #LX2. Cat Value $337........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1733
Lot# 2174: SWEDEN AIRMAIL STAMPS Includes #C1, C2, C3, C6, C7, C8, C8c. All are used. Scott catalogue value: $55 US$. Cat Value $75........Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2175: SWEDEN OFFICIAL STAMPS - COLLECTION Contains #O1-4, 6-20, 21a-27. 29 stamps. Scott catalogue value: 740.10 US$. Cat Value $1000........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #1027
Lot# 2176: SWEDEN-USED Collection of about 110 stamps from the years 2000 to 2008. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2177: SWITZERLAND COVER #B206 Souvenir sheet, National Philatelic Exposition of 1951. Zumstein catalogue value $500 CHF. Cat Value $792........Image
...Opening Bid $80...High Bidder #4343
Lot# 2178: SWITZERLAND #426 TO #1170 AND #B292 TO #B343 Collection of 4 souvenir sheets and 195 regular postage, 1963-2004 plus 46 blocks of 4 semi-postal 1960-1963. Scott CV estimate US$300. Two sample pages shown.. Cat Value $430........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2882
Lot# 2179: SWITZERLAND #52 TO #315 Collection of 300+ from the period 1862 to 1948, heavy duplication on many issue, mostly used. Estimate US$75. Cat Value $100........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2072
Lot# 2181: SWITZERLAND #B34 TO #B713 Collection of 2 souvenir sheets and 913 semi-postal stamps from 1913 to 2007. Scott CV estimate US$930. Two sample pages shown. Cat Value $1250........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #2882
Lot# 2182: SWITZERLAND-USED Eclectic group of mostly better catalogue value items between 69 and B296. Est $45........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #450
Lot# 2183: SWITZERLAND-96a MINT HINGED The perf 11.5 x 12 Standing Helvetia in green. Cat Value $85........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2184: SWITZERTLAND-INTERNATIONAL LABOUR BUREAU Two different values of the ILB "City of Geneva" meter labels on piece with a cancel date of June 12, 1963. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2493
Lot# 2185: SYRIA-84 VARIETY BLOCK Mint NH Block of the 1 piastre O.M.F. issue with 2 normal, one #84a (2/10th error), and one with the raised period error. Est $25........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2186: SYRIA-104-120 MINT LH/NH Complete set of the 1923 Grand Liban surcharge issue. Cat Value $49........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2187: SYRIA-208-230 Complete set of the Scenic Views issue of 1930 in a mix of mint LH/NH and Used. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2188: SYRIA-C22-C24 VFLH Set of the July 1924 Airmail surcharge issue. Cat Value $28........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2189: SYRIA-C32a-C33a VFLH The 5p and 10p Airmail issues of 1926 with the Inverted Airplane variety. Cat Value $80........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2190: SYRIA-C107-C108 VFLH Set of the 1944 President el Kovatly issue. Cat Value $24........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2191: SYRIA-J9b VARIETIES A mint NH example of the "centimes" variety and a LH example of the "centim_s" variety. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2192: TANZANIA #2336, THE 350 S DBL OVPT VARIETY USED accompanied by a normal. The variety is VFU. Est $75........Image
...Opening Bid $26...High Bidder #3502
Lot# 2193: THURINGIA #16N1 TO #16N8a Lot of 17 1945-46 issue, 7 mint, 3pf brown to 30pf gray (missing 4pf black), 7 used, 4pf black to 30pf gray (missing 3pf brown) and 3 imperf, 20pf blue mint & used and 30pf mint. Scott CV US$29. Cat Value $39........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2194: THURINGIA #16NB1 - #16NB3 Lot of 3 1946 Bridge Reconstruction issue, 10pf+60pf red brown, 12pf+68pf red and 16pf+74pf dark green (missing 24pf+76pf brown), used. Scott CV US$28.50. Cat Value $39........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2195: TOGO #177 TO #329 Collection of 60 covering the period from 1916 to 1954, used with some duplication. Scott CV US$69.05. Cat Value $92........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2196: TUNISIA C19-20, 500 F & 1000F AIRMAIL OF 1953, MINT NH VF CV US $95. Cat Value $135........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 2197: ACCUMULATION OF 250 TURKEY STAMPS Slight duplication, all are shown in scans.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2198: TURKEY #8 TO #99 Lot of 42 stamps from the nineteenth century 1865 - 1892 includes two pairs, used with perf faults and offset images. Scott CV US$235.50. Cat Value $314........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2199: TURKEY #18 1867 Crescent and Star issue with surcharge, perf 12.5, 5pi rose, used with image offset to top right. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2200: TURKEY #40 1874-75 Crescent and Star issue with surcharge, 1pi yellow, used. Scott CV US$30 (damaged 30c stamp not counted). Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2201: TURKEY #66 1886 issue, 5pa lilac & pale lilac, well centred, mint hinged. Scott CV US$200. Cat Value $267........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #2650
Lot# 2202: TURKEY #104 TO 548A Collection of 71 from 1901 to 1918, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$95.30. Cat Value $127........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2707
Lot# 2203: TURKEY #605 TO #1320 Collection of 198 issues of the Republic from 1923 to 1958, mix of mint and used with perf faults on the early issues. Scott CV US$127. Cat Value $169........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3005
Lot# 2204: TURKEY #680 Lot of 2 1929 issue, 12 1/2k deep blue, mint hinged and used pair. Scott CV US$38.75. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2205: TURKEY #M1 - #M5 Complete set of 5 1898 Tughra and Bridge at Lanissa Military issue, 5pa violet missing bottom right perf corner, mint. Scott CV US$50. Cat Value $67........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2206: TURKEY-MINT Selection of primarily NH stamps from the second half of the 20th Century. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2207: UNITED NATIONS GENEVA COLLECTION Contains 94 mint stamps from #1 to 55 ++, plus 3 Souvenir sheets and 2 mini sheets. All NH........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #2051
Lot# 2208: UPPER VOLTA #75 TO #758 Collection of 346 from the period 1960 to 1986 mounted on large album pages, some duplication, used. Scott CV US$162.75. Four sample scans shown. Cat Value $217........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2209: UPPERVOLTA #244 TO #552 AND #C160 TO #C311 Collection of 310 regular and Air Post from 1973 to 1985 on double-sided Minkus album pages, mounted mint. Scott CV US$174.90. 5 sample pages scanned, included are album pages from 1920-1989. Cat Value $233........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2210: UPPER VOLTA (BURKINA FASO) #C64 TO #C243 Collection of Air Post issues from 1969 to 1980, 29 singles and 30 pairs, mostly cancelled on MNH. Scott CV US$91.40 (valued as used). Cat Value $127........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2211: WEST SAXONY #14N15a - #14N20a Complete set of 6 1946 Leipzig Arms unwatermarked issue, 3pf brown, 4pf slate, 5pf green, 6pf violet, 8pf orange and 12pf red, used. Scott CV US57. Cat Value $77........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2212: WEST SAXONY #14N1 - 14N12 Complete set of 12 1945 issue, 3pf brown to 60pf maroon, used, plus 7 imperf mint(3) and used(4). Scott CV US$67.40. Cat Value $91........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2213: WEST SAXONY #14N15 TO #14N20 Lot of 5 1946 Leipzig Arms with wmk. issue, 3pf brown, 4pf slate, 6pf violet, 8pf orange and 12pf red (missing 5pf green), used. Scott CV US$38.50. Cat Value $52........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2214: WEST SAXONY #14NB1 TO #14NB12 Lot of 11 1946 Semi-Postal issue, 3pf yellow brown to 60pf lake (missing 20pf blue), used. Scott CV US$38. Cat Value $51........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2215: WEST SAXONY #4NB13 - #4NB16 Set of 4 1946 Market, Old Town Hall issue, 6+14pf violet, 12+18pf blue gray, 24+26pf orange brown and 84+66pf green, used. Scott CV US$16.75. Cat Value $23........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2216: WEST SAXONY #14NB13a - #14NB16a Lot of 4 1946 Market, Old Town Hall issue, imperf, 6+14pf violet, 12+18pf blue gray, 24+26pf orange brown and 84+66pf green, used, all 4 margin copies (close on the 84+66pf green). Scott CV US$68. Cat Value $92........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2217: WEST SAXONY #NB13b - #NB15b PLUS #NB16 Set of 4 1946 Market, Old Town Hall no watermark issue, 6+14pf violet, 12+18pf blue gray, 24+26pf orange brown and 84+66pf green (with watermark) used. Scott CV US$19.15. Cat Value $26........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2218: WURTTEMBERG #8N1 - #8N13 Complete set of 13 blocks of 4 of the 1947-48 issue, MNH. Scott CV US$13. Cat Value $18........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2219: WURTTEMBERG #8N1 TO #8N34 Lot of 32 1947-48 issue from 2c gray to 20c cerise, used. Scott CV US$36.10. Cat Value $49........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2220: WURTTEMBERG #8N1 TO #8N37 Lot of 35 of 1947-48 (13), 1948 (14) and 1948-49 (8) issues, used. Scott CV US$134.65. Cat Value $182........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2221: WURTTEMBERG #8N38 - 39 Set of 3 1949 Stagecoach issue, 10pf green (MNH) and 20pf red brown (MNH & used). Scott CV US$23.50. Cat Value $32........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2222: WURTTEMBERG #8NB5 - 6 1949 View of Isny Semi-Postal issue, 10pf+4pf dull green and 20pf+6pf red brown, used. Scott CV US$45. Cat Value $61........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #351
Lot# 2223: WURTTEMBERG #8NB7 - 8 Lot of 3 1949 Gustav Werner Semi-Postal issue, 10pf+5pf blue green and 20pf+10pf claret, MNH $ mint. Scott CV US$21.75. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2224: WURTTEMBERG #NB9 - #8NB11 Complete set of 3 1949 Goethe issue, 10pf+5pf green, 20pf+10pf cerise and 30pf+15pf blue, MNH. Scott CV US$26. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2226: ZIMBABWE-MINT AND USED Small group of singles and blocks from the 1980's/1990's. The mint are almost all NH. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2227: THEMATIC COLLECTION-INSECTS Mint and used group of 95 stamps from eleven various countries with most being in sets. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 2228: THEMATIC COLLECTION-ASIA Scott hingeless stockbook with about 600 used stamps from various Asian countries. See scan for a few examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3721
Lot# 2230: CANADA POSTCARDS Collection of postcards from Toronto, Ontario, 3 used with stamp, 14 unused (no stamp), from the period 1910 to 1967. CV of stamps S5........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2231: CANADA POSTCARDS Collection of postcards from Quebec, 6 used with stamp, 4 used no stamp and 11 unused (no stamp), from the period 1906 to 1950. CV of stamps S4.20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2232: CANADA POSTCARDS Collection of postcards from New Brunswick, Manitoba and British Columbia, 12 used with stamp, 7 used no stamp and 10 unused, from the period 1909 to 1966. CV of stamps S8.40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2233: CANADA POSTCARDS Collection of postcards from Ontario, 20 used with stamp, 30 unused (no stamp), from the period 1906 to 1950. CV of stamps S12........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2234: CANADA POSTCARDS Collection of postcards from Alberta 6 used with stamp, 1 used no stamp and 9 unused, from the period 1905 to 1964. CV of stamps S4.20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2235: CANADA POSTCARDS Lot of postcards from P.E.I., 3 used with stamp, cancel 1913. CV of stamps S4.8........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #431
Lot# 2236: TWO CPR RAILWAY POSTCARDS Circa 1941........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2237: ST PATRICKS'S DAY POST CARDS - THIS AND NEXT 3 LOTS ARE FROM SAME COLLECTION, ONLY A FEW SCANNED (55 CARDS IN THIS LOT) thus little duplication in any of the 4 lots. Wonderful group, mostly Ontario usage, 1910-20 period. Many cancelled. Many orig priced $3-$5, a few higher. Gen Fine. See sample (98% different faces). Est $150........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $45...High Bidder #720
Lot# 2238: ST PATRICKS'S DAY POST CARDS - ONLY A FEW SCANNED (43 CARDS IN THIS LOT) Another great selection. 1910-20 period. Mostly cancelled in East Canada, Que & East. May have slight face duplication (5%) to contents of other three lots, Generally Fine (98% different faces). Est $125........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 2239: ST PATRICKS'S DAY POST CARDS - ONLY A FEW SCANNED (35 CARDS IN THIS LOT) Another nice selection. 1910-20 period. Most cancelled in the West (West of Ont). May have slight face duplication (5%) to contents of other three lots, Generally Fine (98% different faces). Est $100........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #1363
Lot# 2240: ST PATRICKS'S DAY POST CARDS - ONLY A FEW SCANNED (69 CARDS IN THIS LOT) These from outside the country, mostly from the USA. 1910-20 period. But again, since from the same collection, mostly different (95% different from other lots) faces from other three lots. Generally Fine. Est $200........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 2242: 17 POSTAL STATIONERY CARDS Dated between 1895 - 1902, only one of each style shown in scans. Three cards are heavily creased.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 2243: 20 OLD USA COVERS Dated between 1890 and 1914, 12 are franked with stamp, 8 are postal stationery. Most have small faults but presentable.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 2244: 15 OLD USA COVERS Dated 1910 - 1920. All are large #10 size envelope, some with contents, some badly damaged, all shown in scans........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 2246: UNITED STATES #114 TO #771 Small collection of 38 and 2 blocks of 4 from the period 1869 to 1935, mix of mounted mint and used, some perf faults. Scott CV US$290. Cat Value $387........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2247: #183 USED 50 copies, condition varies, some fancy cancels. Scott Catalogue value $250 US$........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3164
Lot# 2248: 232 MINT HR The 3 cent green Columbian with 4 clear margins. Cat Value $35........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2249: 234/236 MINT HINGED Five examples each of the 5 cent and 8 cent Columbians. Cat Value $525........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2250: 237 MINT HINGED The 10 cent black brown Columbian with tight but clear margins. Cat Value $95........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3983
Lot# 2251: UNITED STATES #264 TO #275 Lot of 12 1895 issue, 1c blue to 50c orange, a mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$352. Cat Value $479........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 2252: 279Bg MINT LH The pink shade of the 2 cent Washington issue. Cat Value $55........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4498
Lot# 2253: 288 MINT HH Off center example of the 5 cent blue Trans-Mississippi issue. Cat Value $100........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2254: UNITED STATES #294 - #298 Partial set of 5 1901 Pan-American Exposition issue, mint. Scott CV US$312.50. Cat Value $422........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #992
Lot# 2255: UNITED STATES #300 TO #311 Lot of 13 1902-03 issue, 1c green to $1 black, a mix if mint and used. Scott CV US$345. Cat Value $466........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 2256: MINT COLLECTION Collection of issues with denominations from 30 cents to $3.85. About 230 in total with a face value over $120. Condition ranges from NG to NH. See scan for examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $75...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 2257: UNITED STATES #338 TO #404 Lot of 3 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition issue, 1c green, 2c carmine, 5c dark blue and a lot of 8 of the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition issue, 1c green, 2c carmine, 5c blue, 10c orange yellow(2) plus 1c, 5c and 10c perf 10. Scott CV US$225. Cat Value $304........Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #1982
Lot# 2258: UNITED STATES #331 TO #342 AND #402 TO #480 Collection of 27 Franklin and Washington issues, 1908 to 1917, includes regular, coil and imperf stamps with a mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$420, see scan for more details. Cat Value $568........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 2259: UNITED STATES #385 1910 coil stamp perf 12 horiz, 1c green, MNH. Scott CV US$100. Cat Value $135........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4498
Lot# 2260: 425 MINT NH Block of 8 of the two cent Washington issue of 1914. Cat Value $30........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2872
Lot# 2261: UNITED STATES #448 TO #458 Lot of 5 1914-16 rotary press coil issue, 1c green (mint) perf 10 horiz, perf 10 vert. 1c green (mint), 2c carmine (mint, right side cut), 4c brown (used), 5c blue (used). Scott V US$217.50. Cat Value $293........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #1400
Lot# 2262: UNITED STATES #480 1917 issue, $5 light green, used with image offset to lower left corner. Scott CV US$35. Cat Value $47........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4498
Lot# 2263: 571 MINT HINGED SHADES The $1 Lincoln Memorial issue in dark and light shades of violet brown. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2264: 622-623 MINT NH The 1925 Harrison and Wilson issues. Cat Value $38........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #4560
Lot# 2265: 643/657 MINT NH Collection of issues from the years 1927 to 1929. Cat Value $77........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2266: 669-679 MINT HINGED Small accumulation of 17 stamps from the 1929 Nebraska overprint issue. Cat Value $345........Image
...Opening Bid $17...High Bidder #4225
Lot# 2267: 704-715 MINT NH Full set of the 1932 Rotary Press issue. Cat Value $33........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2268: REGISTERED LETTER with perfinned #714 and #715 perfinned NYT/CO. Large size envelope 12" X 5"........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4064
Lot# 2269: 750-751 FIRST DAY COVERS The 2 imperf Souvenir Sheets on cacheted FDC 's from 1934. Cat Value $40........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 2270: UNITED STATES #753 TO #765 Collection of 56 1935 "special printing", imperf, 3c dark blue to 10c grey black, most unused (no gum), a couple mounted mint, several blocks of 4 and pairs. Scott CV US$68. Cat Value $131........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #2841
Lot# 2271: 901 EMBOSSED The 3 cent Torch issue deeply embossed with a "Wreath and W" seal. Appears to have been applied before use as a security feature. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2272: FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION Collection consisting of 99 FDC's in a hingeless album. The covers are primarily from the 1940's/1950's. See scan for list and examples. Est $70........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2273: FIRST DAY COVERS Group of 24 various FDC's from the 1950's/1990's period. See scan for example. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2274: 1208/2052 MINT NH PLATE BLOCKS Collection of 104 different Plate Blocks from the years 1963 to 1983. See scan for list and examples. Cat Value $116........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $65...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 2275: MINT SHEETS Grouping of 4 H/NH sheets including 1682a (2 positions), 2335a, and 2696a. See scan for example. Cat Value $115........Image
...Opening Bid $55...High Bidder #4849
Lot# 2276: 1690a MINT Disturbed gum, The 1976 Map and Franklin issue with the light blue color omitted. Cat Value $150........Image
...Opening Bid $30...High Bidder #1479
Lot# 2277: SUBMARINE COVER Illustrated cover dated August 21, 2000 celebrating the 100th year of Submarine Seapower. Cover is franked with a single #3374 and signed by Captain Sullivan. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 2278: AMERICAN PHILATELIC SOCIETY CONVENTION COMMEMORATIVE COVER held in Chicago 1946. Chicago Street Car RPO.........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 2279: C4-C5 MINT HH The two low denominations from the 1923 Air Mail issue. Cat Value $78........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 2280: C12/C19 MINT NH Set of the 4 different Winged Globe issues. Cat Value $33........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2281: C19 ON MASONIC COVER Illustrated Air Mail Week cover dated Oct. 12, 1937 from Monroe N.C. to the Masonic Temple in Canada. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 2282: C25-C31 MINT NH Set of the Transport Plane issue of 1941-1944. Cat Value $21........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2283: C57/C97 MINT NH Almost complete collection of the Air Mail issues for the years 1960 to 1979. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2284: C65 LINE PAIR MINT NH The 1962 Air Mail coil issue in a vertical line pair. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2285: CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH COVER Columbia California to Upper Woodstock New Brunswick, received July 19, 1856. "PAID 15" Hand stamp. Rather tattered edges of cover........Image
...Opening Bid $60...High Bidder #4989
Lot# 2286: CE1/FA1 MINT NH/H Group of 14 different Special Delivery stamps with most being NH. Est $20........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2287: U.S. OCCUPIED FRANCE R.F. OVERPRINT AIRMAIL STAMPS Nine Air Mail stamps showing various R.F. overprint styles for potential use in France at the end of WW II. Est $50........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2288: UNITED STATES #E2 TO #E21 Collection of 21 Special Delivery stamps from 1888 issue, 10c blue to 1957 issue, 30c lake, mix of mint and used. Scott CV US$400. Cat Value $540........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $24...High Bidder #2441
Lot# 2289: UNITED STATES #E13 1925 Special Delivery issue, 15c deep orange, good centering, MNH with a couple of pulled perfs. Scott CV US$75. Cat Value $101........Image
...Opening Bid $7...High Bidder #992
Lot# 2290: FA1-FIRST DAY COVERS Group of 6 cacheted FDC's featuring the only Certified Mail Stamp from the U.S. All have numbered Certified Mail labels added. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2291: HONOLULU HAWAII - PEARL HARBOUR Airmail stamp oc dated 1951, tied by Receiving Station, Pearl Harbor BR. Mailed to Esquimalt BC (Naval Station) c/o HMCS "Cayuga"........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3130
Lot# 2292: J88-J104 MINT NH Sets of the two final Postage Due issues. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2293: Q1/Q5 MINT HINGED Group of 4 denominations of the 1913 Parcel Post issue. Cat Value $59........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2294: STATE REVENUE STAMPS Group of used Stock Transfer stamps with 12 from New York and 3 from Massachusetts. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2295: SAN FRANCISCO COVER to Victoria Vancouver Island. Date unclear 187? No stamp, may have had one but no signs that there ever was one on the envelope.. Rough opening at left side........Image
...Opening Bid $36...High Bidder #2520
Lot# 2296: UNITED NATION #97 TO #549 Lot of 21 regular (with duplication) and one Air Post, 9c light blue, (heavy duplication with block of 8, 3 pairs and 3 singles). Estimate US$10. Cat Value $13........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2297: UNITED NATIONS #2 TO #583 AND #C15 Lot of 29 regular and one Air Post covering the period 1951 to 1990, mostly used. Scott CV US$11.50. Cat Value $15........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2298: UNITED NATIONS #38 TO #262 Lot of 7 Souvenir sheets from 1955 to 1975, MNH. Scott CV US$94.45. Cat Value $126........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2707
Lot# 2299: UNITED NATIONS #61 - #295 AND #C1 - C23 Superb collection in 32 page stockbook of 223 regular Inscription blocks of 4 + single, complete from 1958-78 (includes 5 souvenir sheets) and 22 Air Post, complete from 1951-77, MNH. Scott CV US$328.80. 2 sample scans. Cat Value $438........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3005
Lot# 2300: UNITED NATIONS, GENEVA #1 - -#75 Collection of 74 Inscription block of 4 + 1 single, complete for the period 1969 to 1978, includes one souvenir sheet, MNH. Scott CV US$239.20. Two sample scans. Cat Value $319........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #2650
Lot# 2301: USA #E1 & E3, USED E1 sound with SE at right, E3 VF appearance, crease. cv US$130. Cat Value $180........Image
...Opening Bid $4...High Bidder #4729
Lot# 2302: USA #154, THE 1870 HAMILTON, 30C BLACK, FULL PERFS, F+ APPEARANCE small 3 mm cut-in at bottom. Scott cv $300. Cat Value $420........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #1011
Lot# 2303: USA BOB (MOSTLY) AND USED Also a #259 (cvUS$65) with perf flt otherwise sound. A "happy hunting" for a knowledgeable person - possible finds-SEE SCANS (qty 85 stamps & 30 cut sq stny)........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image..*..7th Image..*..8th Image..*..9th Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2304: USA #J18, 5C POSTAGE DUE USED attractive, flts at rear as often the case. cv US$50. Cat Value $70........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2041
Lot# 2305: USA #R113, THE 30C BLUE INTERNAL REV, USED Full perfs, Fine appearance, closed tear. cv US$175. Cat Value $245........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #720
Lot# 2306: UNITED STATES #RC1 TO #RC12 Lot of 9 1918-1934 Future Delivery Revenue stamps, used. Scott CV US$44.60. Cat Value $60........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4498
Lot# 2307: POSTAL STATIONERY MINT Collection consisting of 106 Postal Cards and 11 Post Office Envelopes. A few earlier cards included with the majority being from the 1980's/1990's. See scan for a few examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #3490
Lot# 2308: USA $1 DOCUMENTARY STAMP ON DOCUMENT Large 11" X 17" document Warranty deed dated 1901. Too large to show in one scan........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #301
Lot# 2309: LADY LIBERTY POSTAL CARDS Selection of 8 used cards with various 1875 CDS cancels. Est $80........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2310: GOLD RUSH COVER From San Francisco to Victoria BC, dated 1877. Badly torn at top.........Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #2626
Lot# 2311: US 10 CENT WASHINGTON tied by fancy cancel. Mailed to Victoria, circa 1860s........Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #2618
Lot# 2312: 18 USA REVENUE STAMPS Plus 20 reprints of US locals........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2313: USA INDENTURE Dated 1864, franked with 2 copies of R69. Very large size 11" X 18". Two parts top and bottom scanned as too big to fit in scanner.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4064
Lot# 2314: 1930'S/1940'S BUSINESS COVERS Group of 5 different pre-printed Company covers with illustrations/logos.. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2315: NATIONAL AIR MAIL WEEK-1938 Selection of 5 different cacheted covers produced for the 1938 National Air Mail Week with various location cancels. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 2316: FIRST FLIGHT COVERS Collection of 11 different FFC's from the years 1937 to 1939. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #4106
Lot# 2317: POST OFFICE HANDSTAMP COVERS Selection of 3 covers from 1929-1932 with various purpose Post Office handstamps in purple. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2318: NAVAL COVERS Pair of U.S. Navy commemorative covers. The first recognizes the first use of Missile Mail in 1959. The second is the 50th Anniversary of Naval Aviation. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4945
Lot# 2319: SAN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES, AND SALT LAKE CITY RAILROAD SCENE CARDS Orange shaped Salt Lake Route Passenger Souvenir Package in excellent condition. Contains 18 scenes. See scan for examples. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #3933
Lot# 2320: SAVANNAH SECENIC CARDS Mid-century Post Card Souvenir Pack with 16 fold out view cards and sent to Greenacres Washington. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2321: SOUTH POLE STATION POST CARD Card showing the "U.S. Welcomes You to the South Pole" Station sign with a South Pole CDS cancel. Est $10........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2322: SPECIAL EVENT COVERS Selection of 15 different illustrated special event covers. See scan for a few examples. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2324: WORLDWIDE COVERS Collection of 70 covers from around the world from the period 1939 to 2013. See scans for more details........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image..*..6th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2325: GREETING CARDS Group of 19 different Post Cards for a variety of occasions. Almost all are early 1900's. See scan for examples. Est $35........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #4269
Lot# 2326: WORLDWIDE POSTCARDS Collection of 29 postcards from Netherland, France, Italy and other countries, see scans for details........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2327: ROMANCE CARDS Group of 11 different Post Cards from the early to mid 20th Century. Appear they were mostly intended for the U.S. market. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image
...Opening Bid $6...High Bidder #3254
Lot# 2328: VARIOUS WORLD WIDE SCENES Selection of 13 different mint painted cards from the early 20th Century. Appears to possibly be from the same Publisher. See scan for examples. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #3467
Lot# 2329: UNITED STATES POSTCARDS Collection of 44 postcards with stamp and 17 no stamp covering the period from 1901 to 1969. Scott Specialized CV US$23.75. Cat Value $32........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image..*..4th Image..*..5th Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2330: CHRISTMAS POST CARDS Selection of 18 different cards from the early 20th Century. Almost all were for use in the U.S. See scan for examples. Est $40........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #4848
Lot# 2332: NINE ANTIQUE PLAYING CARDS Two may not be playing cards, see scans. Three have been stuck down and have paper adhesions.........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #185
Lot# 2334: NEWFOUNDLAND-CHURCHILL FALLS LABRADOR COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLION Heavy bronze medallion commemorating the Hydro Electric project with the original presentation box. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $18...High Bidder #2995
Lot# 2335: NOVA SCOTIA-1861 QV ONE CENT Fine example of the Crown and Wreath Penny coin. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $12...High Bidder #3828
Lot# 2336: UPPER CANADA-1854 HALF PENNY Very Fine Bank of Upper Canada Half Penny Bank Token. Est $15........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #3828
Lot# 2337: LOWER CANADA-1835-38 ONE SOU TOKEN Montreal one sou Agriculture and Commerce coin with wear and some scratches however very legible. Coin has 17 cherry leaves in design. Est $20........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $15...High Bidder #3828
Lot# 2338: U.S.A.-MINT OHIO QUARTER SET Presentation card with the 2002 Ohio quarters from the Philadelphia and Denver Mints along with the State Flag and Bird stamps. Est $10........Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2339: LAPIS LAZULI GEM STONES A group of 4 oval cabuchons with a total weight of 25.60 carats. All 4 are cut and polished and ready to mount. Est $40........Image
...Opening Bid $8...High Bidder #2857
Lot# 2340: DUCK STAMP PLATE Lovely hand painted display plate featuring the 1984 Wigeons U.S. Federal Duck Stamp and signed by the Artist. Est $25........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2342: THE EDWARD VII ISSUE OF CANADA By George Marler. 207 pages, hard cover, near new........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #817
Lot# 2343: CANADA 1897 DIAMOND JUBILEES An Exhibit prepared by Herb McNaught (August 2007). 180 pages........Image
...Opening Bid $5...High Bidder #817
Lot# 2344: CANADIAN MILITARY POSTAL HISTORY Volumes 1 and 2, Major E. R. Toop. Vol 1 has 469 pages, Vol 2 has 275 pages. As new........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $11...High Bidder #4941
Lot# 2345: CANADIAN MILITARY MAIL MARKINGS Volume 2 (WW2 Era 1936-1945) Compiled by C. D. Sayles, published 2011. 293 pages........Image
...Opening Bid $13...High Bidder #4941
Lot# 2346: CANADIAN INLAND AND STEAM VESSELS - 1809-1930 Three books see scan for write up.........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $1 (No Bids)
Lot# 2347: THE POST A universal link amongst men. Published in Lausanne Switzerland in 1974. Hard cover, 187 pages........Image
...Opening Bid $3...High Bidder #817
Lot# 2348: POSTAL HISTORY FROM THE SMALL QUEEN ERA Volumes 1, 94 pages and Volume 2, 128 pages, as new........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 2349: TWO CANADIAN REVENUE GROUP BOOKS 1: Catalogue of Tobacco and Tax Paid stamps and 2: Liquor bottle seals........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $1 ...High Bidder #185
Lot# 2350: SOME PHASES OF THE CANADA '59 ISSUE By Senator J. A. Calder F.R.P.S.L. 54 pages, Hard cover........Image
...Opening Bid $22...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 2351: THE STAMP SPECIALIST Published 1945. Various articles including by Gerald Wellburn. and other early Express services. Excellent for the BC postal historian. 128 pages, hard cover........Image..*..2nd Image
...Opening Bid $19...High Bidder #3374
Lot# 2352: STAMPS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND AND POSTAL HISTORY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Former by Gerald E. Wellburn. Published by Daniel Eaton in 1987. The ultimate Philatelic Coffee Table book. as new. 164 pages, Hard cover. Too large to fit in scanner........Image
...Opening Bid $32...High Bidder #4612
Lot# 2353: BOX OF VARIOUS SUPPLIES Assortment of supplies including thousands of mounts, hinges, plastic page protectors, glassines, blank Scott pages, plastic cover holders, and some pages. See scan for examples. Est $50........Image..*..2nd Image..*..3rd Image
...Opening Bid $50...High Bidder #2938
Lot# 2354: THE CANADIAN MAP STAMP OF 1898 By Frederick Tomlinson (published 1960 by CPS of GB). 45 pages, size 5" X 9"........Image
...Opening Bid $9...High Bidder #4612
Lot# 2355: CANADA'S THREE CENT SMALL QUEEN By Ron Ribler, 187 pages, as new........Image
...Opening Bid $16...High Bidder #2723
Lot# 2356: YUKON AIRWAYS AND EXPLORATION COMPANY By William Topping (1996), as new. 74 pages, soft cover........Image
...Opening Bid $2...High Bidder #2517